Have I told you how much I love Riding Colorado?


Team Colorado
Dec 10, 2004
Aurora, Colorado
2014 FJR 1300
Took a little 250 mile loop through the mountains west of The Front Range today. Needed to pick up the Colorado Tag and find a couple of new ones. This ride was the furthest west into the high country that I ventured this year. Wanted to check out the snow levels. Highest altitude that I got was about right at 10000 ft crossing Kenosha Pass on the way home from riding Terryall Rd (77) Only a few remnants of snow up at that altitude how ever they are taking about some more on Thursday. Beautiful Colorado day today but a bit breezy.
Do you really want to count the times you've said that? I don't have enough fingers and toes!!!
Well done Chuck, thanks for sharing those great pictures! Some of those remind me of my beloved Himalayas, but those nice paved roads are a rare sight over there. Love the color of the FJR, glad you are enjoying your new ride!
Great pictures Chuck! Looking forward to testing KBiK on those Colorado twisties at RockSTOC!
Chuck, those are nice pictures of Wichita Falls. That red FJR is so pretty!
Chuck- you need to put together a Colorado Riders Guide with particular emphasis on the good roads that are lesser known. The rest of us can figure the obvious ones out but you have the low down on ALL the good roads. You should have a section for off road riding as well as the highways.
Hey Chuck I am going to be in Montrose in august if that works maybe we can get together for a ride and a coffee .
Not riding out going to trailer for me it is a good 3 day ride and I am bringing my bride with me who does not like long distance riding .
I didn't realize 285 was that high, I've been down 77 as well and was surprised to see that small lake.
If I can't decide where to go from COS I usually find my way to Deckers on 67, then turn on 126 to stay on pavement. It runs into 285 as well and depending on the time I turn left for a longer ride to 24 or head towards Denver to take 25 south. I did 420 miles last Sunday, going to Gunnison via 115/50 to 285 S, 114 N, back to 50, S back to 285, N to 24 for home. My longest and furthest west I've done so far here. Might go to Leadville and Breakenridge this weekend.
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I did 330 miles today. I went from Colorado Springs via 24 and 9 to Breckenridge, Frisco, Vail, then Leadville.. Both 24 and 9 above 285 were really nice, my first time.
For 40 days and 40 nights the rains fell, and on the 41st day I stepped on to the deck and the sun was rising above the horizon…………………………………..O wait a minute, that is the wrong story.
It had been raining for about 48 hours and over cast and cloudy for the better part of three days. If I cannot get some vitamin D via the sunshine, I get a bit cranky, and if I cannot GO RIDE after a couple of days I get a bit irritable. It was time.
The sun was rising in the east and the clouds were dispersing over the mountains to the west. I needed a Ride. The question is Where to ride today? Kind of a silly question here on the front range of the Rocky Mountains. But the mountains were full of snow and the back roads in the High Country may or may not be passable.
Decided to take the Wee out and head over to Morrison and up Bear Creek Canyon and then over Kerr’s Gulch rd. to the Evergreen Mickie Dees for a cup of Senior Coffee and an Egg McMuffin. It is a great ride, starting at Morrison , up Bear Creek and on over. The McDonald was too crowded so I headed further west and higher into the mountains along route 6, that parallels I -70. One can get all the way up to Georgetown via this route before entering on to the Freeway with the exception of three miles to go through the Idaho Springs tunnel. At Idaho Spring I stopped at the McDonald for my 60 cent senior coffee and while drinking it, I watched everyone else stopping across the street at the Starbucks, buying their 5 buck FooFoo coffees. I don’t understand…….
Finished my coffee and breakfast sandwich and headed out the door contemplating my next move. Headed up the access road to Georgetown . A quaint little tourist town at the base of Guanella Pass. 11669 ft . I have been over this pass numerous times, and I can remember a few years ago when the road up and over was all dirt and gravel. Not anymore, as progress is bringing more and more pavement to our once wonderful dirt roads. Within the last three years, the north side ascent from Georgetown to the summit has been paved. Don’t get me wrong, the pavement is great, and one can blast up through the twists and turns, around the switch backs, and have a ball on a motorcycle. But in years past when the road was dirt, riding up to the summit on my old KLR was more of an adventure. Once the snow melts in the spring the construction crews are going to be busy, back hard at work, preparing the south side of the pass for pavement down to Grant, on Colorado Highway 285. That is going to bring a lot of cage traffic, as it will be a scenic connection between I-70 and Highway 285.
Anyway, I decided to ride up as far as the road conditions would allow me. As I climbed higher, the snow went from none, to being just a sugar sprinkle, to a deep undisturbed blanket of white. Only the wild life footprints disturbed the early spring snows. On to the 11000ft level and the road was blocked off and closed. Only 669 more ft. of elevation to the summit. O well had to turn around as the road is not maintained any higher in the off season. Head back down and doubled back the way I came. Back across town and home. Great four hour 150 mile ride. Here are some picture to go along with the ride.
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Chuck, looks like you had a great day, even though a short one. Nice pics too my good friend. Looks a little like the Alps but then we'll see them in person, hopefully next year?
Ditto Ken H's request for riding guide. FYI I'm headed towards Colorado from Florida for a pass-thru on the Rockies before heading over to Seattle. I know zipola about good routes and rides. Any quick suggestions appreciated as I'll be in Pueblo headed north in a few days.
You might want to wait a week as we are going to have 5 to 10 inches of snow tonight in Denver. With up to two feet in the high country.

However Highway 50 from Pueblo to Grand Junction is a great ride, if you don't have a lot of time to travel the byways of Colorado. Or take 50 from Pueblo past Gunnison then take 92 above Black Canyon of the Gunnison, north to Delta and pick up 50 again. Or if you have a bit of time drop south of Pueblo to Walsenburg and take 160 west to Durango and then 550 north to Montrose, pick up 50 into Grand Junction. Just be prepared for the weather. It can and does change in an instant in the High Country. Tonight 5 to 10 inches of snow in the City of Denver. Next week back to the 70s in the City. I got caught in a blizzard near the top of Wolf Creek Pass in the month of May a couple of years ago. Had to leave the bike and hitch hike down. Three hours later it was fine. Sunny and clear. Go figure. Be prepared.

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PS A great map Atlas that I carry with me on all my Colorado rides is "Colorado Road & Recreation Atlas". View attachment 164073 It tells you what is paved and what is not. Or just pick the squiggliest lines on the Colorado Map and head north west. Have a great ride and be safe.
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