It depends.But how effective is the reflective tape during the day? Bright lights can be seen and command attention during the day.
If you're looking for bright lights that can be're putting your faith and trust in the wrong place. Fire trucks and ambulances get run into all the time and they even have loud sirens on as well. If you think some little light on your motorcycle will do better???....
You can roll your eyes, but I just know this works for me. I use my brakes very little. I use compression braking 90% of the time. It's only the last 10-15 mph when coming to a stop that you might see my brake light come on. Oh My Gosh?!?!?! He should be dead by now!!! News Flash...I'm not dead.
Here's why. What is your reaction when you come across a car with no brake lights? Do you tail gate it? I doubt it. Instead, you back off. You might actually back off enough to let someone else pull in front of you. Let them be the one with their eyes glued to my brake lights. You can then relax a bit because you're back in the "normal" driving environment. Having to watch my back end for the possibility I might brake a strain after a minute or so. Let someone else deal with it.
Before retirement, I commuted on I-5 from one end of Seattle to the other twice a day. Mornings especially proved this technique out. The HOV lane was moving. Not fast, but better than the parked cars in the other four lanes. Everyone was trying to drink their coffee and wake up. All they wanted to do was to go to work on autopilot.
The first year, I tried to give the drivers behind me a bit of a warning. Even though I was using compression braking, I'd lightly touch the brake lights to give the driver behind me some advance warning. The "reward" I got was the driver tailgated me. I was taking care of him. Giving him some warning. He took advantage of that. I also used up my brake pads a lot quicker than I thought I should. If the brake light is activating, the brake pads are slightly engaged.
Then one day, I just used compression braking...and found the driver behind me backed off...a lot. Like six or more car lengths behind 45 mph. That's not by accident. That's someone who is afraid I'll stop and they won't see it till it is too late. I started paying attention and noticing it happened time after time. I quit trying to give the drivers some warning...and found they backed off...and my brake pads lasted three times as long.
You can call me crazy, but it works. I put most of my mileage on during the 4-5 months of the year when I do cross-country trips. But I ride year around. And I never worry about being hit from behind. I can count the times someone has tailgated me over the last 20 years...on one hand...and have lots of fingers left over.
So if you're looking for flashy blinkie lights to save your're out of luck and putting your trust in the wrong thing. Instead, think in terms of the other guy...and play on those instincts.
At night or in low visibility... the other drivers around you will probably have their headlights on. If'll light up like a Christmas tree.
And it requires no wiring, nothing to break and it works.
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