GA: Tag

Moved my own tag per rule 8. Old was the Seminole County Courthouse. New is the oldest theatre in Georgia in Cairo.

New location: 30°52'42.9"N 84°12'29.2"W


Moved my own tag per rule 8. Old was the Seminole County Courthouse. New is the oldest theatre in Georgia in Cairo.

New location: 30°52'42.9"N 84°12'29.2"W


Pretty bike in white.
Hmmm.... I'm trying to figure out this game.
So if I were to ride all the way to Tifton, GA from my area an hour north of Atlanta,
and if I get a photo of my bike by that same train on the RR track in Tifton,
then I can choose to get another pic on the way home, at any point of interest or local landmark or unusual structure, anywhere else in GA that I go, and THAT new pic of mine becomes the new challenge, the new "tag" that others must seek?

If I get the old tag and then take my own new tag photo at some location in the Atlanta area,
that means it might generate more interest and participation in this game, since I assume there are more Honda ST riders
within 50 miles of Atlanta than there are in all the rest of the state combined!
But if my new tag challenge goes unmet for only 30 days (reduced from six months), then anybody on this website can post up a new photo (a recently-taken photo) and thereby "reset" the game by challenging everybody to be the first to go to this new location and get a pic at this new place, which could be anywhere in the state.

Have I got that right?
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Hmmm.... I'm trying to figure out this game.
So if I were to ride all the way to Tifton, GA from my area an hour north of Atlanta,
and if I get a photo of my bike by that same train on the RR track in Tifton,
then I can choose to get another pic on the way home, at any point of interest or local landmark or unusual structure, anywhere else in GA that I go, and THAT new pic of mine becomes the new challenge, the new "tag" that others must seek?

If I get the old tag and then take my own new tag photo at some location in the Atlanta area,
that means it might generate more interest and participation in this game, since I assume there are more Honda ST riders
within 50 miles of Atlanta than there are in all the rest of the state combined!
But if my new tag challenge goes unmet for only 30 days (reduced from six months), then anybody on this website can post up a new photo (a recently-taken photo) and thereby "reset" the game by challenging everybody to be the first to go to this new location and get a pic at this new place, which could be anywhere in the state.

Have I got that right?
Hmmm.... I'm trying to figure out this game.
So if I were to ride all the way to Tifton, GA from my area an hour north of Atlanta,
and if I get a photo of my bike by that same train on the RR track in Tifton,
then I can choose to get another pic on the way home, at any point of interest or local landmark or unusual structure, anywhere else in GA that I go, and THAT new pic of mine becomes the new challenge, the new "tag" that others must seek?

If I get the old tag and then take my own new tag photo at some location in the Atlanta area,
that means it might generate more interest and participation in this game, since I assume there are more Honda ST riders
within 50 miles of Atlanta than there are in all the rest of the state combined!
But if my new tag challenge goes unmet for only 30 days (reduced from six months), then anybody on this website can post up a new photo (a recently-taken photo) and thereby "reset" the game by challenging everybody to be the first to go to this new location and get a pic at this new place, which could be anywhere in the state.

Have I got that right?
You only missed one point. Since the old tag is over 30 days old you actually don't even have to ride to get it. I usually try to ride to the old tag just for grins and a ride but you could just post up a new tag after the old tag is 30 days old. I have to giggle often when I get a negative post from a tag I dropped "too far away" yet 30 days later the tag is "dead" and open for play for anyone.

If you want try to tempt others to join in the fun just be sure to keep them easy to find (or just post the location as I usually do). Very few will search for a tag more than 30 seconds on the home PC.

And, nobody likes to fight big city traffic for a tag picture.
If you want try to tempt others to join in the fun just be sure to keep them easy to find (or just post the location as I usually do). Very few will search for a tag more than 30 seconds on the home PC.
Agree completely. I never got the logic behind intentionally hard to find tags or not telling people where obscure ones are located. I have read several posts from people who have stated that they don't play because they can't be bothered trying to figure out where a tag is. The idea is to be a riding game intended to get people riding. I never had the impression that it was supposed to be a research project.
Yeah, I would try to choose a locally known landmark-- something that's been written up in news articles in newspapers, mentioned on various travel websites, etc.

EXAMPLE: the "Big Chicken" -- a KFC restaurant in Marietta, Georgia just 10 miles north of Atlanta up US hwy 41. Well known. Easy to find on online maps. Easy & safe parking while you snap a photo (or go inside to eat). And this building is lit up 24/7, so even if you got there after dark you could still get a great photo.
Question: Does the "next" tag photo that I post have to be taken after I satisfied the prior one (or after I declare that it has expired)?
Am I allowed to just flip through my collection of photos and use a picture of my bike at some local point of interest in Georgia, or do I have to ride to one and take that photo fresh to issue the next challenge ?
Question: Does the "next" tag photo that I post have to be taken after I satisfied the prior one (or after I declare that it has expired)?
Am I allowed to just flip through my collection of photos and use a picture of my bike at some local point of interest in Georgia, or do I have to ride to one and take that photo fresh to issue the next challenge ?
Question: Does the "next" tag photo that I post have to be taken after I satisfied the prior one (or after I declare that it has expired)?
Am I allowed to just flip through my collection of photos and use a picture of my bike at some local point of interest in Georgia, or do I have to ride to one and take that photo fresh to issue the next challenge ?
2 - Ride to the current tag and take a pic of your motorcycle at that location.

3 - Ride to a new tag location and take a pic of your motorcycle at that location.

4 - Post both the old -tagged - and new picture to complete the process.
7 - Old photos taken before the current tag should not be used, this is not easily enforceable so please respect all the participants and only post pictures you've taken after the current tag.. This is a riding contest after all, not a photo contest.

As you see in the rules there is a sequence of progression and some basic rules. I don't think that it is of much consequence if the new tag photo is taken on the way to get the old one and therefore before it- Sometimes the ride just works out better that way. Using an old photo off of my computer is something that I choose not to do. The goal of the game is to get me out and riding so I go ride to get the photos. I have even ridden to go and take the exact same photo that I already have taken previously and still have on my computer. I won't use that old photo however. If I did no one would know but I figure that I am only cheating myself out of more riding time. The idea is to get me out to ride my motorcycle, not to ride my computer.

This question has come up before so maybe a slight clarification added to rule # 7 might alleviate any doubts about time frames.
There is already a 30 day limit after which any tag is up for grabs regardless of whether or not the old tag photo is taken. Maybe this should also be the suggested maximum photo age.

7 - Old photos taken before the current tag should not be used.
- Photos of the old tag should not have been taken more than 30 days prior to posting the new tag photo.
- This 30 day limit does not apply if rule # 8 is being invoked.

This is not easily enforceable so please respect all of the participants and only post pictures that you have taken within the above limits. This is a riding contest after all, not a photo contest.
I'm invoking rule #8 to relocate the tag without me having to go to Tifton to see that locomotive.

Now the tag is The Big Chicken in
Marietta, GA.
At the corner of US Highway 41 (called Cobb Parkway) and
State Route 120 (called Roswell Rd.)


Above photo taken on December 15 by the way. It was a cool rainy night.
I rode a total of 80 miles in this drizzle today.
It's been more than a month. I am moving the tag per rule number eight.
instead of the Big Chicken in Marietta, the tagged location will be the "his & hers" Pink Panthers in the parking lot of a business off of Georgia 400, in Dawson County, north of Cumming and on the south edge of Dawsonville.

Both photos taken today, BTW.
Old: Dawsonville (historic jail)




Atlanta Motorsports Park, a racetrack located just a few miles west of Dawsonville.

PS I did not go inside the facility during this visit. You have to have a legitimate reason to get through the guard gate, but during the weekdays when it's not busy they will let you in if you say you want to go to the manager's office and get some brochures and learn about the place.
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