
Three engineering students were gathered together discussing the possible designers of the human body.

One said, 'It was a mechanical engineer. Just look at all the joints.'

Another said, 'No, it was an electrical engineer. The nervous system has many thousands of electrical connections.'

The last one said,

'No, actually it had to have been a civil engineer.

Who else would run a toxic waste pipeline through a recreational area?’
I sent this to docw1 and he suggested that I post it in the thread.

Your post on the forum reminded me of an actual incident.

In the first Gulf War, we had KC-135 tankers deployed to refuel the fighters. The tankers would be up in a line and the fighters would come up to take their turn getting refueled. One F-15 pilot got his drink, then dropped off and went forward and under the tanker. When his buddies all were topped off and departing, he decided to put on a show. With no warning, he went vertical.

His position ended up bringing the F-15 up in front of the tanker's left wing. He was so close, his right wing tip sliced the tanker's fuselage, resulting in an immediate cabin depressurization.

Both planes declared an IFE (In Flight Emergency). Both landed with no further incident.

I suspect the KC-135 crew received a medal for their handling of the situation. I suspect the F-15 pilot may have enjoyed his last flight.

Bet they got a talking to when they landed!
A man goes into a pub and orders three pints all at once. He slowly drinks all three, then leaves.

He does this every Friday for a month or so, when finally the barman says "Wouldn't it be better if I pour you a pint at a time, so each will be fresh when you come to drink it?"

"That's sensible" says the man, half way through the first pint "except I have two brothers, one in Australia and one in Canada and I like to imagine the three of us sitting here having a drink all together"

"I see" says the barman, and nothing more is said.

Just after Christmas the man comes in and orders just two pints. He looks miserable, and so the barman assumes something has happened to one of the brothers. "I'm so sorry for you loss" he says.

"Oh, my brothers are fine" the man says, "It's me…I'm doing dry January".
Nearly lost a rat terrier to a bard owl a few years ago. 4am yard visit and noticed something sitting on one of the garden bean frames. The terrier was running around the base of the frame while the owl was trying to decide on the meal value to effort level. Thankfully, the owl heard me walking up and took off.
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