Florentine weather and coffee, 17 October

Morning Keith & All from mixed clouds & Sun, from Southern Utah!

Currently, on the day before Winter hits for the first time, 64F, heading for 66F. So much for the 80Fs! The winds have already started up, coming form the S @ 9mph and will get stronger as the day goes by!

Our son from Farr West (northern Utah) came down yesterday with two of his boys and spent the night. He took off a few days from work and decided to come visit. They left about an hour ago.

Yesterday I set my form for my new pad only to find out there is more slope than I thought. So now I'll pull the form away, set some lines to see where and how much I need to build up. I will probably have to take some of my landscape block to help hold the build up of gravel and sand. Once I get that built up, I can put my form back down and get it ready for filling it with the concrete!

One of the members here sold his ST1300 model to me. I tired to get him to part it out since I already have one, but a couple of parts are missing. Since he wouldn't part it out, I just went ahead and bought the whole thing. I think I need to find some one that could 3d print the parts I need for the other one... ;)


Chris made pancakes and cooked up some bacon, I had OJ to wash it down with. Pepsi(s) to come later!

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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