Florentine weather and coffee, 17 October


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

It's 60°F and cloudy in Florence, but not actively raining at the moment. There's Italian roast coffee in the breakfast area, and cappuccino upon request, along with the usual Continental breakfast offerings. A word of caution, though: the bacon is good but quite salty.

We're off to Rome in ten minutes or so, so I'll stop writing and get on with traveling.

Tether your dragon here.

Tomb of Galileo


Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Thx Keith!
If you ever should feel lonely on your trip, we’re all with you.

Had a fun, but busy time with Peter yesterday.
He’s way too fast for me.
Ok, ok! I’m too slow, I get it.

Today will be nothing if the heavy rain continues.
12˚c/54f, 30mph wind.

Have a good one!

This might be the sun setting, or it might be a glimpse of the freshly washed and waxed B of signore Raymondo


A cool kid

Well thank you kind sir. Any chance of an omelette? Where's he gone, oh yes, he's on his way to the infernal city. I like Rome, a pleasant place to amble around.
Watch out for Brutus.
The rain stopped and has been replaced by 64 and sunny. Quite a breeze but who gives a crap. 64!
I'm told the cupboards are bare, children are going hungry, there's nothing to drink.
We're out of wine! I'll get me coat.
Av a gud un and remember, wine is the drink of gods....and Upt'North.

Say one to Bacchus for me.
Good Morning All!
Thanks Keith for a lovely cuppa. I'll dilute it a bit prior to removing any rust.
oooooo Thatsa-nice-a

@STooRay I'd guess Peter would be too fast and have too much stamina for any of us.
Where'd all our stamina go that now is replaced by coffee? (sorta)

Big, bright moon out this morning - looking closely I can see the old Apollo stuff.
The astronaut car is up on blocks however and 2 wheels are missing - hmmm.
The trees prevent any view other than straight up around here so no comets or other philomena to see.
47 Heits on the Heit scale and a potentially sunny day here in Paradise.

Lotsa wildlife poking around the ranch this morning.
My motion lights are on and off like a hotel vacancy sign in a horror movie.
So it goes...

My son's coming up for dinner and a visit tonight.
Maybe he'll bring dessert...

Y'all have a winderfill day!

Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Keith. Nice pictures, too.

We have another frost this morning, at 34 of the Fahrenheit’s. Looks like sunshine and a high of 59. Got the mowing finished yesterday, and the new mower fever has passed. I brought in all the potted plants and now the house looks like the set of a Tarzan movie. I’ll probably need to spray the plants again, as I noticed a large Katydid on the ceiling. Good thing I got it back outside before it started singing last night.

Morning all, and thanks for the coffee, Keith.

Florence eh? Well if you see her with the machine you'll know the dog days are over. (hint hint @Sadlsor )

It certainly felt like they were over for this morning's first-light ride to work at -1C. Yup, officially below freezing. Guess I know what I'm doing after work - draining the outdoor hoses and shutting off exterior taps. Have to remember to winterize the new pressure washer too or it will likely be cracked and no good come Spring. As they are calling for sun and 12C for the high today it won't be a totally unpleasant task.

Hope everyone has a super day and avoids that which needs avoiding.

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good morning all. thanks Keith for the coffee and pic's of your travels
66F on the dog walk with that bright moon following us around the block. more clouds this morning then yesterday but still a nice view of the morning sky to enjoy.
doc appointment this morning at 9:45. maybe after the appointment I can talk the wife into lunch somewhere in Tucson. we will see how that goes. our high should reach 88F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, all, and grazie mille per il caffè, Keith! Mmmm... è buono.

First below-freezing windchill of the season here as well. It is currently 1°C/34°F but feels like -1°C/30°F; the high will be 12°C/54°F with a windchill of 10°C/50°F. The sun will shine all day, though, so there's that.

That incredible hunter's moon was still big and bright when I got up this morning. It reminded me of one of my favourite movies of all time: "Guarda la bella luna!!" The film also has one of the best lines ever, delivered by Rose Castorini (the incomparable Olympia Dukakis): "Old man, if you give those dogs another piece of my food, I'm gonna kick you 'til you're dead!"

Right, gotta get moving - I have a post-op follow-up with the tooth torturer this morning. I'm pretty much back to normal and completely out of pain, which is amazing, considering what was done. Hey, no complaints here.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning and thanks for the coffee and photos, Keith.
Enjoy Rome.

It's 33, rising to 57 in MA this morning, with sunny skies and a few foggy areas.
I saw 31 in the truck's temperature readout, though, and found ice in the cleaning tubs, outside.

Yesterday's track day was full, although the wind made it feel colder than it really was.
We dined at the restaurant across the way, and made it back to the hotel, after tucking in our girl, Freya.

Brenda is back to work, today, and we'll pack up as much as we can, in anticipation of checking out of the hotel, tomorrow.
She says that her company has interviewed a few people, and they're awaiting a background check on a promising candidate.
Hopefully, she passes, is hired, and Brenda can get her up to speed, quickly.

Today, I'll hit the gym, and do some shopping.
Maybe a stop by the restaurant.

Enjoy the day,
Thanks for the coffee Keith! Glad you’re having a good vacay.

I’ll keep this short today because I didn’t charge my phone before I went to bed and I’m using this crappy iPhone that I haven’t bothered mastering. It’s just a spare I bought to control my newest drone and this keyboard sucks!

Received a package yesterday the size of a shoebox, it contained a tiny box of even tinier orings for the trailer. Forgot I had ordered them from Amazon before I found them locally so now I have to return them.

42 this morning might see 63, it’s ridiculous and my hands are cold.

It will be a long wait for summer and I’m not happy about it.

I could probably find some other important things to complain about… but it’s not important.

So don’t mind me, enjoy your day and I hope the cold weather y’all asked for is everything you wanted, and more. Pfffttt.
Good morning and thank you for the morning start.

55 going to 66 later in the day, and I will be here for that.

I made it home yesterday at noon after traveling the last 280 miles from Idaho.

Enjoy your day and be safe out there.

Here is a picture of the terrible roads that I had to endure, where and the heck is the interstate?

Good morning and thank you for the morning start.

55 going to 66 later in the day, and I will be here for that.

I made it home yesterday at noon after traveling the last 280 miles from Idaho.

Enjoy your day and be safe out there.

Here is a picture of the terrible roads that I had to endure, where and the heck is the interstate?


Check the road in the mirror….!
I thought the house felt cool when I got out of the shower. The thermostat was reading 60. So…..after a little probing around, I need the main relay for the heat pump. Pfffttt…..I’m off to find one locally. I don’t mind changing the relay, if I can find a helper to get me up, off the ground, when I’m finished.

Morning all! It was a chilly ride in here as well but not as chilly as Obo's. Mine was 6C, it's now climbed to 7C and will hit the dizzying heights of 12C. The sun is starting to break through the cloud cover and it is supposed to be sunny much of the day. Tomorrow it starts to get ugly with an "atmospheric river" inbound, 5 mm tomorrow but dropping 20mm on Saturday apparently. I expect I will be taking the car tomorrow.....

The Bernese decided to make himself at home on the bed last night around 3 am. He ignored my repeated hints and outright shoves to try to get him to shift. He had a great sleep, me not so much. IV caffeine stat nurse! He was lucky I was in a reasonably good mood otherwise the dog days would definitely have been over.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Thanks for the coffee, Keith.

I begrudgingly got out of bed this morning around 10 AM. The moon is killing me.

Looked outside. Decent weather. Cool in the morning. $40 million corporate jets flying in overhead. Someone made better career decisions than I did.

Database problems with my website. Sloooooow uploads. On chat with tech support. He/She ain't from around here. They helped me so much that now I have an internal server error and can't get on my website. I love tech support.
Good Morning, Did get to see the full Moon at 4am's bathroom run, and at 7:30 just before it went below the horizon. Finally found a drug combination to stop the back ache ,hopefully can get a few things off my to do list. Partly cloudy 46F ,going to 54F by 2 pm, clearing to Sunny in the afternoon. Got a Lab appointment for 12:50 good excuse to get out of the house .
Thanks Keith for pictures and caffeine. STinner thanks for the laugh , got to hand it to short people, loved that one.IMG_6160.jpg
Good morning and thank you for the morning start.

55 going to 66 later in the day, and I will be here for that.

I made it home yesterday at noon after traveling the last 280 miles from Idaho.

Enjoy your day and be safe out there.

Here is a picture of the terrible roads that I had to endure, where and the heck is the interstate?


Hudson Ranch Road?

Glad to see you made it home before the storms hit!
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