Where do you find a chain and sprocket set for $150?
Stock chain lists for $220.25 front sprocket $61.54 and rear sprocket $ $62.72 that adds up to $344.31 plus installation labor for me (since I'm not the mechanical type) of probably $125 so approx $469.31 total
The first chain on my CB (a 530) lasted 37,000 miles and I have over that on it's replacement
The first chain on my NC (a 520) lasted 23,000 miles and I have 18,400 on it's replacement, but I have a feeling it will be done before 23K.
Stock chain lists for $220.25 front sprocket, $61.54 and rear sprocket $ $62.72 that adds up to $344.31 plus installation labor for me of probably $125