February 2nd coffee

A blurry Sunday, woken up by dog bladders, and attempts to return to my slumber were thwarted by my overactive brain telling me EVERYTHING I need to get done. *ugh* So, I got up. Yay me.

A surprising 24/-4 outside this morning, and come to find out I erred in remembering the forecast. The warm-up is tomorrow and Tuesday. Yay me again. Where's that coffee?!? Thank you Obo!

Will probably waste time in my office today fixing up old video game consoles. I have too many and need to thin the herd. Nothing exciting. Take care y'all!
Well hello campers, it's Sunday. Fancy a cup or two? Good then, you're in the right place. French roast is in the pot.

There's just something about burnt beans and boiled water right? Unless you're cleaning a pot with burnt baked beans in it. That's no fun at all.

I didn't splurge on breakfast as I threw my back out yesterday, which is why I've been up for a couple of hours; but if you need I can rustle up some toast or a bowl of cereal, as long as no bending is required.

Outside it's dark but clear, and I can see the stars like Mr.Ed often does. I'm just not up to dog walking today.

It's a cold -19/-25 headed to a mostly sunny -9/-11.


At least it's not January right?

Hope everyone has a great day and remembers to give it the beans!

Greetings programs from the mid temperate forests of Virginia. Red Mule remains in winter storage we thought we might get a 50° day yesterday but no such luck. Today will raise money for a friend caught in the house fire with music and celebration and tried to look into 2025 with optimism. Hadn't heard about the red squirrel issue but I'll be sure that my Aussie looks out for those pesky gray ones and keeps them at bay.

All y'all stay warm and keep on ridin'!!
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee, Obo, hits the spot! Here are some more good thoughts to banish that back bain - hope you feel better soon!

Halleluiah, the Diclofenac is working! Man, that stuff is amazing. Within two hours of taking it yesterday, I was able to make a full fist with both hands (couldn't even close my fingers before that) with the exception of my left index finger, which still won't bend all the way - still too much inflammation in it. It now bends aaalmost all the way, though, the swelling is coming down and though it's still uncomfortable, it isn't excruciating and I can use it without yelping. I've just taken today's dose, so I should feel even better by tomorrow. I will never forget to renew that prescription again. Next time a flare-up even thinks about happening, I shall head it off at the pass.

It's pretty damned cold out there this morning: -17°C/1°F with a feels-like of -23°C/-9°F. We're in a bit of a warm-up for the next day or two, though, so temps will rise steadily from here until we actually get to a degree or so above freezing sometime tomorrow (and no, these big temperature swings do not mix well with rheumatoid arthritis :(). It'll be overcast all day and we'll get some snow tonight. More snow tomorrow, looks like it'll be pretty heavy in the afternoon.

Looks like the groundhogs are in disagreement this year; U.S. prognosticator Punxsutawney Phil has predicted 6 more weeks of winter, as have Canadians Shubenacadie Sam (Nova Scotia) and Fred la marmotte (Québec), whereas Wiarton Willie (Ontario) says there will be an early spring. Sigh. What...evaaaaar. Lol.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely. And don't put that snow shovel away just yet.

Got mine out in October Patt'ster, and the snow shovel.
Haven't used it yet, or the snow shovel.
Nothing to see here, come on, move it along.
Morning Obo & All from a breezy Southern Utah!

Currently it is 49F, and heading for 63F. The wind has been blowing all morning from the SSW @ 11 to 22mph. And it will probably continue for the day.

I set up the 2006 so I could ride it over to the side of the garage and give it a good bath tomorrow. I'll pull out one of my pressure washers and give it a good going over. Then ride it back into the garage and finish pulling it apart.

I can't believe all the cut wires I'm finding on that bike. what a hack job! Another reason, not to try to restore it. I think the engine will be fine, it sounds good.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast & OJ. Pepsi(s) will come after we get home from church.

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Thanks for the wakening coffee!
9C indicated with promises of “drizzle” clearing at lunch.

So took Mrs G for a pillion on Sherbert with temps dropping almost immediately to 5C and the misty gray deluge set in. Heated seat wins my vote - and hers! Had lovely scheduled lunch at small but popular cafe I discovered on Google in Wellington Bridge, Co Wexford. Fabulous food and time to steam off the rain before heading back through the lanes to practice slalom between the new rash of potholes undermined by runoff.

In trouble - I joked Mrs G couldn’t use the heated seat because battery low. Ha ha. I thought I’d made it clear - a joke. Later cry thru intercom, “have you got your seat on?” (She saw it on the dash). “No”…incoming cuss and thump.

Be safe all,
Thx Obo, and Dave too!

23˚c/73f, sunny, a warm breeze….

Me and me gal took a 8 mile walk on the beach today.
Very nice, lots of people…probably like ten tousand, and I was the only one with a need to pee….

A swim in the pool, and then a beer before dinner.
Life is good.
These days.

Have a good one!

Africa to the left


Saw a bright red one run over near the bike shed yesterday... poor critter... :frown:
We've black, brown and red ones... but their numbers are declining... mono-culture forestry, less oak trees, less feeding grounds, too many free-running cats in sterile, cultivated suburban gardens...
Not listed as endangered species, but sightings (like at the GF's allotment garden settlement) getting are getting sparse...
In my childhood they where all over the city... not a tree in a park or courtyard without them...
When I started riding in '92 they where crossing the roads leading through woodlands every few hundred yards...

enjoy the Sunday!

squirrels did you say?
Good afternoon, dang snow has melted, no fun in the car, oh well 2 C snow forecast by phone maybe at 3 pm. Lunch was pancakes with made in Canada, Real Maple syrup, according to the bottle. Been playing with the Sony action camera which I haven't used for a long time,like five years, has been that long? Having problems getting it to link with my iPhone 12 worked okay with my iPhone 7 . Read though the manual three times just to figure out how to get the camera to stay on. Learning something new is definitely taking longer these days.
"Lantern" release from the overnight sandbar stop last night... the lanterns are paper envelopes with wire hoops at the bottom, to support a small oil burner. Probably not approved for release in SoCal at the moment but around here they're fun and mesmerizing to watch as they rise and drift into the darkness.



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