EZ Pass, I Pass, etc. New Transponder & Motorcycles

I kept my EZ pass in my Aerostich Darien sleeve pocket, thinking it would register under the reader, but it did not. Perhaps velcro it to my sleeve next time?

The "not recommended for motor cycles" bit for RFID tags maybe a blanket recommendation because most bike don't have a windshield. Since the recommended location for a car or truck is the windshield I'd think putting on a motorcycle windshield should work just fine.

In CA we have a choice between transponder or "sticker". Since I really don't want anything stuck on my windshield I went with a transponder in a pannier. I have no way of knowing if it's being read or if my bike's plate is used.
I have EZPass transponders and I just put the one designated for my motorcycle in a little zip-lock bag and tuck it in my pocket. Been doing it that way for 15+ years. Most of the time it works fine. The only trouble I've had is here in Florida when I have to go really slow by the reader to get it to register. I got the new battery-less ones a few years ago and they work the same as the old ones.

If you can get more than one, just stick one on a little piece of plastic and put it in a zip-lock bag. If it works through your windshield it should work through your pocket.
The back of the EZPass transponder should face forward. I had some misreads when I put it in my 'Stitch's breast pocket with the back against my chest, but this was not consistent. Since I don't use it that often, now I simply tape it to the top inside of my windshield w/ masking or electrical tape when I know I'm going to ride on a toll road. Ugly, but it works great. Those two tapes do not leave residue on the plastic (I remove it at my destination or lunch stops).
When running around Brisbane, I used to have one of these on the bike behind the screen, and a second one in the car. Don't know how they worked or were powered, but used them for three years when there. Both unit serial numbers were set up to one account with the charge added as you passed under the toll cameras. At the time the bike was $1.20 and the car was £2.70 each time you used a toll road.

Adding in my experience with the new thin EZ-Pass RFID tag. I sandwiched it between two pieces of cardstock and put it in the left side pocket of my tank bag. It did not work on the Indiana Toll Road. I removed it from the 'sandwich' and slipped it on top on my map in the clear topside map pocket; worked fine. It's rare that I need it so didn't want to stick it permanently on my ST.
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Purchased the new EZ pass sticker and placed it on the outer side of my windshield. Works great. YMMV.
Currently have an I-Pass transponder that says it expired 2/24. The toll people have stated that an extension of 2 years has been granted as that is how long the Ni-Cad batteries actually last. Meanwhile, I ordered 2 new transponders for the cars as well as one for the bike (they now have a designation for a motorcycle as before you'd enter the request as "Other"). Got an email yesterday saying they were shipped and that I needed to activate them... Not sure why as they are all registered to my account. Perhaps they are sending the old style for the bike as someone has mentioned above that the RFID stickers aren't meant for bikes per the I-Pass people. Will update when I get the three next week.
My saga continues. Talked to an ipass rep who said they have one for bikes that attaches to the license plate. Skeptically, I ordered one and it’s made for a car size plate and would never attach to a bike’s plate. Had to pay $10 for it, but when canceled , got the $10 back. I’m now on a Can Am and the old one attaches perfectly to the inside of the frunk. Works!

I sandwiched it between two pieces of cardstock and put it in the left side pocket of my tank bag. It did not work on the Indiana Toll Road. I removed it from the 'sandwich' and slipped it on top on my map in the clear topside map pocket; worked fine.
It probably likes to be "flat" in relation to the reader unless it's higher up? I haven't used my E-Z pass in awhile. It's a plastic "bar". It seems to be RFID as no batteries are mentioned. I should check my account.
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