Don't care what you call it, its coffee day to me...


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
"Remember your ABC...
Always Brew Coffee..."

G'Day sleepyheads...

1°/5°C today, gray overcast, doomsday sky in the morning, slight drizzle... the shamans can't agree if they'd issue a snow or a rain alarm, so they put out a precipitation warning...

GF pulled the usual morning procedure, of me having to wake/admonish her like 3 times, only to prompt with "...ooch... I don't wanna go to school, they're all stupid there..."
Yeah, she's back... ;) Already pretty lively last night, I diagnosed her fully fit, so off to work with her again...

Office, not much going on... one crew adding an indoor unit in the entrance area, hence some working noise besides the whir of the smart car sized laser copy/print/scanner out in the hallway...
One off them burned his Wurst Semmel to a smoldering black crisp in the break room, the stench is creeping through the whole place... :cautious:
Normally the boss's GF/secretary is the one living out her undisputed talented of creating burn victims... frequently... I mean like on daily bases...
I'm really amped to hide a smoke alarm as her personal "food timer" there... :ninja:

What's on the news-feed?
Well, the ASFINAG (that state owned/operated shell/onion corp running the Austrian motorways...) is intending to surprise travelers with a "journey through time"...

Back to medieval times that is, as they're intending to retrofit all rest areas with squat toilets... yep: a hole in ze floor...
They argue that with vandalism resistance and lower cleaning costs... and that the early Homo Erectus had a more natural, healthier pose while doing his business anyway...
Methinks they're talking :poop: and especially the female clientele will object... heavily... I mean what to wipe with now, leaves?
(don't push it, we already have a :poop:-police claiming the production of toilet paper is the factor in climate change... methinks they're all talking out their arse...)

Thank goodness are we motorcycle riders rarely using motorways to begin with...

Anyhow... hope your morning bowel movements where smooth and rich...

In that sense, enjoy your day! :cool:
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Hellow mw fwiends, welcome two duh cwub.

<sips coffee>

There, awake now.

Hello my friends, welcome to the club. French Roast is in the pot. It's a wonder folks can function to even get the coffee made, without having their coffee to get them going, isn't it? Perhaps that's the secret to drive thru coffee places and Keurig/Nescafe pods and that dreaded ready mixed coffee in a bottle or can.

It's cold here, but going to warm up, and then snow. -23/-30 headed to -3 and 5-10cm.


Here's hoping you all have a super day! If you want to, you can even wear a cape.

Good morning. I don’t care who brewed it, give me a cup and nobody get hurt. Too demanding? How bout can I get a cup, NOW. Maybe, if I just say, “Please?”

I’ve been struggling with sleep all night and decided to throw in the towel and have some coffee to see if that helps. My hip isn’t hurting, but both knees are burning and aching. I’ll get them checked at the appointment today, when I get the stitches taken out.

Anyhow, it’s 63 and cloudy. Should see 67, with heavy rain this afternoon.

I just noticed that I tossed and turned so much, Teddy went to sleep on the couch. Man’s best friend has deserted me in time of pain and suffering. Bad dog, no biscuit.

Thx Martin!

24˚c/75f, sunny, a breeze.

Yesterday Mrs Stu joined a session at the resort to have her chakras balanced….?
I don’t know what that is, but it might have been something similar to a throttle body sync.
Mabe she’ll run a bit smoother now.

Have a good one!

Newly balanced

@ST1100Y Wow, your post got about 800% longer. Guess next time I'll remember my ABC's. Hee hee.

BTW, the lights were on and I was making the coffee, walking towards the servery door with it, and here you come in saying "where's the coffee?"

It's a good thing I'm Canadian. :canflag1: :rofl1:
good morning all and thank you Martin for the coffee. 51F on the dog walk with a clear sky and lots of stars. I'm up and out the door at 3am with dog #1 and I still missed the moon. that's ok I will catch it next go a round. took the ST out for a short spin yesterday just to get things moving around for her. with the high temp of 81F for today. looks like a trip to the Gem Show is in order. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Hellow mw fwiends, welcome two duh cwub.

<sips coffee>

There, awake now.

Hello my friends, welcome to the club. French Roast is in the pot. It's a wonder folks can function to even get the coffee made, without having their coffee to get them going, isn't it? Perhaps that's the secret to drive thru coffee places and Keurig/Nescafe pods and that dreaded ready mixed coffee in a bottle or can.

It's cold here, but going to warm up, and then snow. -23/-30 headed to -3 and 5-10cm.


Here's hoping you all have a super day! If you want to, you can even wear a cape.

Well aren't we all up early, chirpy and full of beans. Ta me ducks.
Just back from Alnwick upon the Aln where cupboard filling was achieved and that will be followed by lunch and Er'Indoors motor will then be delivered to Michael for its test at 1400 sharp. Ish.
The day will then be done and hopefully I will have a new MOT certificate....or not....pffffffftttttt.
It's 27 to 44 here, blue sky day with little wind.
Av a gud un and remember, keep an eye on ya sausage.
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee and commentary, Martin, and for the refill, Obo!

It's cold this morning; -15°C/5°F with a feels-like of -22°C/8°F. Partly sunny right now, but the clouds are moving in fast. It's warming again, so temps will rise steadily throughout the day, but alas...with that, comes snow. Should start falling at around 10 this morning, and doesn't look like it'll stop until very early tomorrow morning. The snow ploughs and salt trucks will be out again, methinks.

Right, must go burn something. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely. Ooh, more coffee! Yes, please.

Ever pee in an outhouse at -30? There's a reason it's called a tinkle.

The faith of north-pole dancers...

Good morning all!
Thanks Martin, that was quite the start!

We’re on the road again today.
64/85F with a SSE breeze to cool us a wee bit.
I’m not sure what we missed at the park while we were away, but it must have been fairly minor as no one communicated any distress!
Enjoy your day!
Actually, although I can't recall exactly if I did, I possibly did in Northern Finland, the gauge was reading -32c's.
When you've gotta go. Although I might have just pee'd in my suit for warmth.
I worked at the Mont Wright mine in NE Quebec in early 2012, it hoovered around -40F to -48F for about a week! That’s the coldest I’ve been unlucky enough to be in.
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