Definitely Sunday Café.

Good morning, was up at 5:30 , usual have to answer Mother nature. Went to Shop to spray rubber paint on inside of my Corbin seat vinyl, getting porous, hopefully will last till I find someone to replace it,at a price I can afford. Had breakfast and a nap so back to the tablet and forum. Weather 30 F Sunny, high 40 F , light breeze from the north at 3 gusting to 8 mph. Stars and moon were Visible at 6 am, beauty. Thanks guys.G
Already being familiar with the weird way in which the garbage/recycling pick-up schedules change with every statutory holiday out there I have to ask- Why?
These are the bins at the dump. There are guard rails at the front of the bins as the top of the bins are almost level with the ground you back up on. I expect the rails have been hit once too many times.


The row of dark bins at the top of the pic is where I was dumping the stuff into the bins.
@Sadlsor, I think Ron White might be one of the group of Southern-based comedians that also includes Jeff Foxworthy and Larry the Cable Guy. They styled themselves the "Blue-Collar Comedians", with humor drawn from and aimed at everyday life rather than arty highbrow concoctions
Well that's disappointing, as i call myself a Southerner.
Nah, the name didn't bring any spark of recognition.
The late James Gregory would appear to fit that group.
Why do we have snow flurries? No, really, I mean it's threatening snow here on Sunday afternoon.
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