Compare Battery Tender JR and BatteryMINDer

Great info guys

one mention of using the tender when servicing the bike

careful not to start the bike with the unit attached... it will fry it

don't ask how I know!
"Has anyone compared the Jr. to the BatteryMINDer unit? The claim is that it pulses to clean the sulfation off of the batteries plates. The price is about the same, $29 for either one plus shipping."

Interesting concept, it generally takes 16 volts plus or minus a few tenths at very low current to clean the suflate from lead plates. I would not want to subject my electronics to that level voltage. It would be nice if they had specifics. What I like about the battery tender jr is its lower float voltage. Mine seems to be around 13.07 volts.

Is sulfation an issue with an AGM battery? If so, I wonder how effective the desulfation feature of a charger such as the BatteryMINDER is on AGM batteries? :confused:
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