California Scientific windshield

What's the purpose of waiting a day or so?
So basically the instructions were to make this a two step process— install the top bolts and wait then finish with the bottom bolts?

What's the purpose of waiting a day or so?

Letting it sit (while warm and not cold out mind you) lets the windscreen mold to the mounting brackets. There is a 2-3 mm difference where the hole is on the windscreen and the bracket until you let it mold. Trust me, it works. :slv13:
Letting it sit (while warm and not cold out mind you) lets the windscreen mold to the mounting brackets. There is a 2-3 mm difference where the hole is on the windscreen and the bracket until you let it mold.

There is something really wrong here. All the shields on al lthe ST's and this one deflects it's to fit under no extra weight or external temperature increase?

How about increased side deflection on the adjuster mechanism since it is pulling things out of norm?
Just installed a Calsci Medium Touring windshield on my 2003, replacing the stock windshield. The windshield was delivered quickly and came with a nice microfibre cloth and cleaning solution, along with a California Scientific tire pressure gauge. I put the new shield on the same evening it arrived, and it fit perfectly! Today, I rode to work on the ring road that encircles the city, riding at speeds up to 135 - 140 kph, and because it's a ring road, I ride in 3 different directions at those speeds, so the west wind that is normal in this area is always a factor in rider comfort. I have to say, I am very impressed. MUCH better protection than stock, much quieter and more comfortable. I have it on the lowest setting (a non-electric windshield) and I can comfortably see over it, but when I look through it, the view is crystal-clear. From this first ride (about 25 km - at +3°C), I'm thinking that I'm really going to enjoy having this new windshield on my bike!
Just installed a Calsci Medium Touring windshield on my 2003, replacing the stock windshield. The windshield was delivered quickly and came with a nice microfibre cloth and cleaning solution, along with a California Scientific tire pressure gauge. I put the new shield on the same evening it arrived, and it fit perfectly! Today, I rode to work on the ring road that encircles the city, riding at speeds up to 135 - 140 kph, and because it's a ring road, I ride in 3 different directions at those speeds, so the west wind that is normal in this area is always a factor in rider comfort. I have to say, I am very impressed. MUCH better protection than stock, much quieter and more comfortable. I have it on the lowest setting (a non-electric windshield) and I can comfortably see over it, but when I look through it, the view is crystal-clear. From this first ride (about 25 km - at +3°C), I'm thinking that I'm really going to enjoy having this new windshield on my bike!
Glad it worked out for you!
I have a 2003, and ordered the same shield as you, the medium touring shield from Calsci...hmpfff, worst money spent ever.
Exremely noisy, lots of buffeting.
Threw it in the trash....
Strange how different we experience things...!
After spending 5 hours behind the California Scientific windshield on a breezy southern Alberta Saturday, I continue to be impressed at the quality, clarity and visibility. Very quiet "bubble" behind the windshield. MUCH more comfortable than the stock shield, and much better visibility. I like to look over the windshield, rather than through it and the height is perfect for that. I'd highly recommend this unit. The only thing I'm not sure of is how it will be in the rain. It comes with two open "vents" to relieve backpressure in the cockpit. They seem to be very effective, but I'm wondering if they will let rain come through.


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Running the xxl touring I had a little rain and a lot of drizzle for about 4 hours. It seem to let less rain in but I’ll wait for the torrent before I have a final verdict. I was very surprised a few years ago how much came in on the stock. I had come from a one piece fairing/shield.
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