Autocom Super Pro AVI Question


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Sep 15, 2006
South Carolina
2007 ST1300A
I have been using the Autcom SPA unit for some years now. No real issues. However, I just changed out the GPS on my bike from a Garmin 665 to a Garmin 595. When I connected and tested the audio from the GPS (playing an MP3 file) I had to turn the GPS audio down to the lowest possible level to even get close to a comfortable volume level.

I checked my documents and looked at the pictures and I could not confirm the following.

I thought that each of the audio inputs on the Autocom unit had an input volume level control. There are four circuitboard mounted potentiometers (Pots) under the cover. I am sure they allow you to control the input audio level to the device. What I cannot confirm is which is for which input.

I thought, at one time I had a picture describing these and what they were for but could not find it.

So, two questions.

1. Does anyone have a document that shows which of these Pots controls which input.

2. Is my assumption correct about their use?


Oh the reason I want to control the input rather than change the output audio level is I also have my bike's audio connected to the Autocom unit and its volume level is set for 12 out or 24. I'd rather level it that way than change it to accommodate the new system.
The 6 pots control the VOX sensititvity and overall output to rider and passenger. Inside the unit, there is a aux-1 pre-set Audio output level control (bike to bike). and under the wires, you can see some more pots, near each of hte aux inputs... Maybe mark the current position and play around with it..

I have the same issue with my wired phone / carkit, way too loud, but I could not solve it.. Wish the factory radio would hvae this issue, since that one is not loud enough (when using plugs).

Not sure about how this unit works, or its connections, but usually an overly high volume means you've connected something that outputs a high signal (like a headset output), into something that accepts a low signal (like a line-in). Often the simplest solution is to ad an in-line attenuator to lower the signal.

Here'-s a cheap example:

Or you can even use a simple volume control and turn it down to an adequate level:

There are other, more expensive, version of these as well. You just gotta get the input level lower.
Thanks gentlemen for the feedback and information. What Superdirk posted is what I thought I had on file but could not find it. Now I have a copy, again.
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