I've traded email with MAC_JD via his Blackberry, and they are stopped in northern Italy with no internet connections, so I volunteered to post a quick update.
His Spot places them here at the end of the day: [ame="http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=46.41586,10.35264&ll=46.41586,10.35264&ie=UTF8&z=12&om=1"]46.41586,10.35264 - Google Maps
Some quotes from him:
"Nice place. Just had a shower and a beer. Life is good. We made our nine pass goal today!! No internet here unfortunately : )"
"Stelvio was a blast today. We went via Umbrailpass, the dirt road one!! It was COLD!!!!" :bow1:
When I asked about rain, he replied "It was beautiful today! Mostly in the 60's today. 42 on Stelvio. 77 in one of the valleys."
"I shot video until the battery when out. I have to get it hard wired!"
Note: I agree, the HD HeroPro really needs to be able to run off the bike! But that's a topic for another forum.