A Very Sad Day In The Holler

Phil... I am so very sorry to hear the tragic news of NIikki's passing.

No doubt you and Miss Sharyn will be shedding many tears as you come to terms with what has happened.

May the Lord bring you His comfort and His peace that passes ALL understanding and may you find joy in the morning through Him.

Miss Mary and I will be bringing you before our Heavenly Father's throne in prayer in the coming days.

Prov 3 v5-6
Praying for you and your family. I have three daughters and a son. They are my everything.
I just lost my oldest brother two months ago.
It is hard when it is family, but we know that they will be there waiting for us when it is our turn.
Christ is risen. Peace.
So sorry to hear about your loss Phil. Everyone wishes they never get to lose a child before their own passing, so it must be extremely hard to you whatever the circumstances of her going to the Lord maybe. Wishing you all the strength to tide through these times and wishing her children and family a healthy and bright future in their endeavors.
For those that might be interested -

The memorial service for Marie Nicole (Nikki) Harden will be at 1 PM, Monday March 24th at

Harpeth Hills Memory Gardens & Funeral Home
9090 TN-100
Nashville, TN 37221

Visitation starts at 11 AM.
Please keep my wife Sharyn and me in your prayers especially during that time.
I can't begin to imagine the heartbreak. I am thinking of you, your wife, family, and friends as you grieve the loss of your precious daughter and learn how to move forward supporting each other together.
I’ve been light on the board the last few days Phil, I’ve been in Kansas. I’m very sorry to hear about your daughter. I can’t even imagine the grief.

God bless you all.
Sending you a big virtual hug Phil. Sorry to hear the news about your precious daughter. I can't imagine trying to go through something like this myself. Stay strong. My thoughts and prayers to you, Sharyn, and all of your family...
Wow, Phil... other than praying for the family, I'm at a complete loss for words. I can't imagine the level of grief.
One day we will know why the Lord called her home, and I'm willing to wager that the Lord loved her so much he fast tracked her arrival!
God Bless and sustain you and your family during your mourning.
Deb and I will be thinking of you and Sharyn tomorrow and always. We are sure that your faith will help you through this difficult time.

Sending you both giant hugs and prayers. It has been too long since we've had a chance to get a genuine UP hug.

At around 2:30 AM this morning our beloved only daughter Nikki at 47 years old left this world after an illness.
She leaves behind four children, two heartbroken parents, and a bunch of precious memories.
When she was child, I would put her on the back of my old 73 Triumph Trident and we would go riding for the day, searching out a new hamburger joint.
She had rather have a good hamburger than anything else for lunch or supper.
We would finally get back to the Holler and she would tell her mother - 'Momma, Daddy sure does like to take those curves fast!' ;)
She would often tell me those were some of her favorite memories of growing up.
Often when things were going sideways in her life as she got older she would tell me 'I need some Daddy time' and I would go pick her up.
We'd find a restaurant somewhere and she'd have a hamburger and we would talk about life and stuff.
For those parents of you who have had to bury an adult child, you can fully understand the profound sense of loss and grief that we feel at this time.
But God is gracious to us and He will sustain us and we will heal over time.

Nikki 08 Small..jpg
My deepest simpaties
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