A Very Sad Day In The Holler

Uncle Phil

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Feb 26, 2007
In The Holler West Of Nashville, Tennessee
4 ST1100(s)
2025 Miles
At around 2:30 AM this morning our beloved only daughter Nikki at 47 years old left this world after an illness.
She leaves behind four children, two heartbroken parents, and a bunch of precious memories.
When she was child, I would put her on the back of my old 73 Triumph Trident and we would go riding for the day, searching out a new hamburger joint.
She had rather have a good hamburger than anything else for lunch or supper.
We would finally get back to the Holler and she would tell her mother - 'Momma, Daddy sure does like to take those curves fast!' ;)
She would often tell me those were some of her favorite memories of growing up.
Often when things were going sideways in her life as she got older she would tell me 'I need some Daddy time' and I would go pick her up.
We'd find a restaurant somewhere and she'd have a hamburger and we would talk about life and stuff.
For those parents of you who have had to bury an adult child, you can fully understand the profound sense of loss and grief that we feel at this time.
But God is gracious to us and He will sustain us and we will heal over time.

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Very sorry Phil... no words can help, way too young.
So sorry to hear of this UP. Sometimes the lord works in mysterious ways. My condolences to you and your family.
Very sorry and sad to hear about your loss, Uncle Phil. Thoughts and prayers here too. I can't imagine what you're feeling. I have a daughter with four kids as well, and the loss you're experiencing must be just devastating. Time for faith.
So sorry to hear of your loss, Phil. Losing someone we love is never easy, but please take comfort in knowing that you are surrounded by people who care about you and want to support you.
UP that is so hard to read. So sorry that life was taken from her at such a young age.

My sincerest condolences to you and your family
Ouch, that's hard and sad news Phil.
It's surely not supposed to happen this way.
May our Lord give you strength and peace, until you are reunited in eternity.
Prayers up for you and your family.
So sorry to hear of this sad news Phil. Condolences to you, Sharyn and the family. May your faith help fill the void in your life.
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