2014 Honda CTX1300

I don't want to be a part of a heated debate but I just thought I would let you know that I appreciated the review.

And I appreciate the feedback. ;)

Sorry for flying off the handle a bit, it's really no different here than any other online forum -- most people are open and receptive to other ideas and can even articulate a differing opinion civilly and constructively. But there's always a handful that are of the mind that if it's different or if they don't like it, it must suck. Gets on me nerves now and again. :eek::
And I appreciate the feedback. ;)

Sorry for flying off the handle a bit, it's really no different here than any other online forum -- most people are open and receptive to other ideas and can even articulate a differing opinion civilly and constructively. But there's always a handful that are of the mind that if it's different or if they don't like it, it must suck. Gets on me nerves now and again. :eek::

Hey, I just popped in here with MY thoughts on a new machine. With 66 pages in this thread, I wasn't going to go back to the start to wade through them all, so I never even saw your review and my comment wasn't directed as a slight towards you or anyone else who might choose to buy this thing. I was expressing MY thoughts about the bike, as I had just laid eyes on one.

There are some bikes I would never consider owning because, IMO, they are just butt ugly. The Victory Vision swiftly comes to mind. The CTX isn't as unappealing as that, but I still don't like it and if I, or anyone else, chooses to say so publicly, then you need to get thicker skin, because there will be a lot of people with varying opinions on the machine and they won't all be in agreement with you.
because there will be a lot of people with varying opinions on the machine and they won't all be in agreement with you.

That's not news to anybody or expected. It's just a shame when someone can't be civil. We're all grown-ups here alleged and otherwise. Even so I will say that for the most part this is a nicer forum than many I've been to. Whether it's the Honda thing or the forum moderation the end result is superior.
Even so I will say that for the most part this is a nicer forum than many I've been to. Whether it's the Honda thing or the forum moderation the end result is superior.

I'd like to say the moderation helps, but the truth is we don't have to wield that stick very often these days. :d1:

That's not news to anybody or expected. It's just a shame when someone can't be civil. We're all grown-ups here alleged and otherwise. Even so I will say that for the most part this is a nicer forum than many I've been to. Whether it's the Honda thing or the forum moderation the end result is superior.

This is definitely one of the more civil boards I've seen. I probably should have just shut up and let it go. But I belong to many forums (bikes, cars, smart phones), and I even moderate on a couple, and see this "I don't like it so it sucks" mentality pop up every so often and it just rubs me the wrong way. There's a lot of stuff out there I don't like and/or would never buy for myself, including about 99% of bikes on the road; unless something is an absolute, unequivocal p.o.s., I try to find the most polite way possible to say it's not for me -- or I just won't say anything.

Anyway, everybody's entitled to their own opinion, right?

Oh, and in case I haven't mentioned it yet, I love this bike. :D
As has been said many times, this bike is NOT an ST. Anyone trying to ride it same as they ride their ST will obviously be disappointed (duh!) since it will not respond the same as an ST at the same rpm. You cannot ride this bike and realize it's strengths by running the same rpm levels as on the ST. I would think this is glaringly obvious.

If you ride it like even a Wing or a cruiser keeping the rpm 1000 to 1500 UNDER in each gear what you would do on an ST then it will perform at peak for you. Sweet spot is really not at 62 mph (that must have been in 4th gear). At that speed, or any speed over 45-50 mph, this bike needs to be in 5th gear to find the real sweet spot (I am guessing closer to 70+ mph). Since the torque curve is flatter than the ST at lower rpm levels it will be strong up past 65 mph and way beyond, since 5th gear will take you all the way over 100 mph to the max speed (again, obviously not as fast as the ST). On this bike you should really never need to be at 4500 rpm unless in 5th gear.

If a rider cannot adjust to the riding style of a different bike than what they are used to then it is not for them, obviously. If testing it out just to know what it is, then ride it like it is intended. You wouldn't try driving a crossover SUV same as a 2014 Corvette and expect the same results? Same issue here.

I totally understand the opinions that this bike is not for many here in the ST or s-t world, but I also agree that there is a whole larger universe of riders that do not like s-t riding. I do like my ST1100, but only because there was nothing previously available that was like a GW but smaller, lighter, more nimble. The ST1100 came closer than other bikes. My opinion of the CTX1300 is that this is that bike (smaller, lighter, more nimble than the GW but just as comfortable for LD riding and touring and plenty fast enough for that kind of riding).

I tested the ST1300 and it was just too short in wheel base for me. That made it too "twitchy" to me (meaning too willing to lean into a turn, even when I wasn't looking to do that). That does make it more nimble, but for me it was too nimble. Like a kid with ADHD who has a hard time running in a straight line. Good for twisties. I do like curves, but I prefer touring. I've always felt my ST1100 was better (for me) than the ST1300.

Oh, and as far as engine heat... I've always felt my ST and especially the ST1300 heat was worse because the engine was enclosed so much in plastic. That would tend to hold more heat in and make both feel hotter on the legs. With an open engine there should be a lot less heat to the point where it may not even be noticeable. (remembering my year with a Vulcan v-twin - open engine= no problem with heat, especially when moving).
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Rant over? Somebody must've taken a dump in your Wheaties..........:D.............when I test rode it I rode it like a motorcycle....and gave my impressions....and yes I was in 5th at 62 mph.....it's where it felt happy....obviously your MMV..........enjoy YOUR ride.......................ff......
Hi Bob (rjs)

Please don't take offence, and this note is a suggestion to all on the board, but, it is so much easier to read a long and interesting post, such as yours Bob, when it is broken up with a few paragraphs. I *think* the majority of the ST owners here are near 50 and over and our eyes need a break! Thanks.
Hi Bob (rjs)

Please don't take offence, and this note is a suggestion to all on the board, but, it is so much easier to read a long and interesting post, such as yours Bob, when it is broken up with a few paragraphs. I *think* the majority of the ST owners here are near 50 and over and our eyes need a break! Thanks.

No offence taken.

Is that better (edited previous post)?
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First time I ever heard the ST1300 being called, "too nimble" :D My only experience with the CTX was last week when the salesman in the showroom pointed out the brake and clutch reservoirs fall directly in line of sight to the rear view mirrors. Not what I'm used to from Honda's engineering/design folks. Considering the ST1300 has what I consider the best rear vision on any bike I've ridden and it makes you go hmmmm...
First time I ever heard the ST1300 being called, "too nimble" :D My only experience with the CTX was last week when the salesman in the showroom pointed out the brake and clutch reservoirs fall directly in line of sight to the rear view mirrors. Not what I'm used to from Honda's engineering/design folks. Considering the ST1300 has what I consider the best rear vision on any bike I've ridden and it makes you go hmmmm...

I thought it was the worst--I always had the perfect view of my knuckles and wife's knees. Not that her knees aren't attractive. The picture in the mirror was large, but too obstructed.
I thought it was the worst--I always had the perfect view of my knuckles and wife's knees. Not that her knees aren't attractive. The picture in the mirror was large, but too obstructed.

+1 to that! The rear view isn't too bad if I cock my head to the side to see around the bike but it's definitely the worse rear view I've ever had.

It's all in how the handle bars and mirrors are adjusted... like everything else that is able to be adjusted on any bike.
My ST1100 has my hands on the grips partly blocking the view of the bottom of my mirrors and I can see my finger tips in the top of the mirror view.
I didn't really pay that close attention to the ST1300 when I tested it other than the impression I had that it was the same.
The CTX does have the mirrors a bit more blocked by the reservoirs but my first test ride it was bad, my second test ride I had told the dealer about that and they adjusted the bars lower (Honda seems to have a spec setting the bars too high) and the view was much better, almost like my ST (and would have been the same with narrower bars which would negatively affect handling). The view behind is about the same as on my ST.
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It only took me one test ride to buy my 1300........hop off that wallet and git er done will ya. Those poor salesman work on commission!
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