Tuesday weather and coffee, 25 March


Still above the sod
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Jan 8, 2015
Rockville, MD, USA
Bikeless (9/29/2019)
Good morning everyone

There's a fresh pot of Peet's French roast waiting for you on the warmer. Help yourselves.

It's 47°F and supposedly partly cloudy in Rockville. Partly sunny with a high of 60 is what we're expecting, with W winds currently at 6 mph building to about double that by late morning then holding steady until they gradually taper off around sunset.

I had a very enjoyable uke practice session yesterday. The friend whose invitation sparked my initial interest came over and we practiced together for a couple hours. We plan to make joint practice sessions a regular weekly thing, which could be great fun. It certainly was, yesterday.

In the evening all of the neighbors gathered on the front porch, celebrating the completion of 87 trips around the sun for the eldest of us. She was delighted at all the fuss made over her, and grateful.

Today's primary agenda item will be goof, after uke practice.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them. Do it NOW, today, because tomorrow may be too late.
Thx Keith, nice hat by the way!

7˚c/45f, fog

Yesterdays meetup with my older sister was nice, sort of.
It was fifty years since I last was in that house, it had something,…darkish about it.
But I became friends with a sweet collie named Frida.
Got soaked cycling home, of coarse I did.

Today I’m unsupervised until late, and I’m gonna do the most out of it, or not at all actually.

Have a good one, and don’t overdo anything!

From the archives….old road to Skånevik….will it fall?

Thx Keith, nice hat by the way!

I've been wondering how long it would be before someone commented. (You're the second- someone else sent a private message yesterday- but the first to do so publicly.)

My regular golf buddies swear that if I take it out to the goof course they'll refuse to be seen with me.
Morning all, and thanks for the coffee Keith.

I'm just glad the spandex photo is gone....

-1 and cloudy, headed to +6 and cloudy. Drive to work was nasty as we got a lot of snow overnight, which then switched to freezing rain. Schools were delayed an hour due to the roads being a slippery mess.

Lots to do to make the dollar today, so best get my 2 cents in gear.


good morning all. thanks for the coffee Keith. 63F on the dog walk with a sky full of stars and not one cloud that I could see.
I have a home health care appointment at 11 am this morning. the insurance company has a nurse come and give you the once over to see how you are doing. I did one last year and was surprised at how good it was.
the weather people are calling for the afternoon high to be 92F. can you believe that. looks like we are going to go right into summer and skip spring. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Keith.

It's foggy and 34 in my neck of the woods this morning, becoming partly, then fully cloudy as the temperature rises to 51, later.

I made it to the barber, restaurant, and gym, yesterday, without incident. It looks like I didn't need all of the plumbing stuff I bought for the restaurant, so I'll bring it back at some point.
I've been joking that Brenda's goal is to not cook another meal, ever, but she made an excellent pork tenderloin, corn on the cob and sweet potato supper. She'll do that again, she says.

Today's plan is for the gym, and maybe a walk.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, all, and thanks for the wake-up serum, Keith!

It's going to be an unpleasantly sloppy day - typical for late March, I'm afraid. We have overcast skies and 2°C/36°F with a feels-like of -3°C/27°F at the moment, and we'll soon have wet snow coming down, which will morph into mixed rain/snow and, eventually, into rain. The high will be a measly 4°C/39°F with a windchill of 0°C/32°F. Ah well, such is early spring in Québec.

Gotta start getting my tax stuff together so I can get my return filed and out of my hair, and I have a few things to do on the job search front today, so I'd best re-caffeinate and hop to it.
Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

@Peppermint Glad the foot's up to hopping on. I was worried you'd lose some of your little piggys, but I know you'd be lack toes intolerant if that happened.

(That was just for @Weaselinsuit & @ibike2havefun )

Let's see where this goes from here...

Obo sings "sandals in the night, little piggies in the pale, dim moonlight...."

Everybody now......
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Keith. I thought you were auditioning for a remake of the Coneheads on SNL.

50/70 and mostly sunny for today. The lawn may see its first mow for the season.

Yesterday, I spent about 2 hours, driving my truck, and last night my new hip kept me awake with a dull ache. Normal activities don’t seem to bother me, but I guess I’m not up to longer drives, yet.

@STinner Your cartoon just reminded me that I need to trade my walker, for a treadmill. The walker they gave me after the surgery won’t hold but 2 pairs of pants.

Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Keith!
We’re on the road to Brooksville shortly, we’ve said good bye to our friends here in the park. We’ll leave there Friday morning for the trek north.
Just waiting for Judy to complete her last minute tidy up, then I can set off the foggers and turn off the water.
70/85F with a gentle NE breeze.
Here’s hoping your foot heals without further complications!
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