@Mellow already referenced my Avoiding the pitfalls article. Theres a lot in there, worth looking at.
Particular mention goes to :-
Check one pad is on one side of the brake disk and one on the other.
Does the front wheel turn ok ?
The pad spring orientation is easy to get the wrong way round
Chrome retainer clips. Front pads and clip are different from rear pads and clip. The rear has a ridge on the clip, and a notch on the pad, forward end (opposite the end with the hole for the pad pin)
Fitment of pad into bracket. Easy to get the pad located too low. View from opposite side if wheel. Rear wheel you have to gain access by lowering the exhaust.
Ensure that the caliper is mated properly with the bracket - one pin slider on each goes into one boot on the other. Do not attempt to remove slider pins.
Check the caliper brocket stopper bolt is located through the bracket. You can see half of it from the right hand side looking through spokes. The other half is obscured by the brake disc.
Is the spacer on the axle between caliper bracket and wheel hub.
Post photos. Blackpool ? Thats an easy phone call to arrange if needed.
I'm not a fan of removing the wheels without removing pads and caliper. I've tried and failed. There's not enough room.