A blonde woman was sick and tired of all the dumb blonde jokes being told in her office at work. She thought and thought about it, and suddenly it hit her. She decided to go home and learn all the state capitals, and when they started to tell one of the jokes, she could demonstrate her knowledge, and shut them up.
It wasn’t easy, and she studied hard for several weeks, but finally she was confident she knew every state capital . She went to work armed with her newfound knowledge.
Sure enough, that day, someone told a dumb blonde joke, and she said, “ Blondes aren’t dumb and l can prove it. I can do something that none of you can do. I can name the capital of every state in the country!”
A coworker said, “ I don’t believe it”. The blonde said, “ Give me any three states and I’ll tell you their capitals ”. The man said, “ OK. Texas, California and Florida”. The blonde said, “ That’s easy! The capital of Texas is T, California is C and Florida is F. So now tell me how dumb blondes are?!”