Who else was at Daytona Bike week today Wednesday March 5th 2025

Oct 29, 2024
Cocoa FL
2013 ST1300PA
So, I went to Daytona today for Bike Week on my 13 PA (Black and White). As I was getting to the entrance to the speedway, there was a Blue 1300 pulling a trailer with a dog on board. He turned in behind me and when I went to park I lost track of him. Although I did see him riding around later.

And while I was walking around the grounds, there was a Black 1300 who appeared to be riding in a group with 3 other motorcycles and one of them was a red/maroon 1300.

This is the most ST1300s I have seen in one place since I bought mine. (actually the ONLY other ST1300s I've seen since I bought mine) Just curious who was there with me and if anyone else is planning to attend this week and when.
Nope not me. I left the house at 3 am driving aunties around who don't drive in the dark anymore. Finally home and about ready for bed.
Being a Daytona Beach native and local, I've been out every day for the last week, except for tues. The wife and I have been on the MT-10 and not the ST. So far we spotted 2 other MT-10s both on the road and 1 ST that was parked on Main st. This is the largest turn out for the event in many many years, reminiscent of the late 90s and early 2000s. If you watch youtube videos it looks like it isn't super busy, this is misleading. The way law enforcement is limiting traffic on main only one side of the street gets backed up. Due to some issues from years past, slingshots are no longer permitted on Main st.
Bikes, trikes, spiders, rykers and the occasional bicyle is what you will see rolling down main st. Sidewalks are PACKED with foot traffic (everyone seems to be recording) and vendors every few feet. If you've experienced it before, you know what I mean. Dealerships appear to be struggling, not very busy at all, everyone is either bar hopping, vendor hunting or just cruising around. I don't drink and ride or like to buy overpriced trinkets so we are just riding around, stopping occasionally for fuel, refreshments and conversations about bikes.
Headed up to Destination Daytona today once the kids are off to school. I will keep a lookout for more STs, hope to see some of you here. We will be on the bike pictured in my profile, wearing the same Alpine Stars jacket. Wife on the back with a white helmet.
I'm guessing @Sadlsor with his doggo,
Nope, not me either.
Rode to Bike Week once with our sportbike club, on my '97 Blackbird at the time.
Now I've BTDT, checked it off the list, no need to go back. If I'm gonna get loud and get rowdy, I'll do it with a small group of friends, not with tens of thousands of folks I don't even know.
I was there on my silver 07 on Tuesday. It was my birthday so I took the day off work to go test ride a few bikes.
There was a white Police version ST13 parked right behind the Honda tent. When I was leaving a guy who was directing traffic in the motorcycle parking area at the track came up to me and started chatting. He has an 08 in silver. He saw a maroon ST13 there earlier and had also seen the Police version.
I went up Main Street later that night and didn't see any STs.
Me and the wife were at the speedway Saturday most of the day and I went back Wednesday to the veterans appreciation event Harley had at the speedway. In the rain.

I'm riding the 2013 PA, although I've converted it to 2 up and added a trunk with a backrest to keep the wife happy..

While we don't live in Daytona, we're just about an hour away in Cocoa. We're planning to go back again this Saturday to the dealership and spend the day. I thought about going today but it just got too cold for my old bones.

I gave up going to Main Street, too much traffic. Last year we got T-boned by an old man on a goldwing (not that I'm young). Literally, he drove straight into the right side of my bike. Luckily we were stopped in traffic and he was just taking off so no damage and I had my feet down already so I didn't drop it. I did say a few choice words though.

If anyone else is coming, hope to see you there. I'll be on the lookout.
I went to the Speedway today (Thursday) on my V85 Moto Guzzi. Took a test ride on a V100 Moto Guzzi. Nice bike but I was not overly impressed. Went by the Honda display area. Not a thing of interest there. :( Too many loud pipes (yeah, I know, it's bike week) and too much loud music for me. After about 4 hours I was in sensory overload and left. Best part of the day was BBQ sandwich and a Twistee Treat cup with half vanilla half pineapple ice cream with pineapple chunks mixed into the cup.
Amen on the noise overload!!!! Happened to us on Saturday. Wednesday I wore my ear plugs, although it wasn't near as many people so less noise. I was still thankful for them.
Stopped by on Saturday on the way up from Miami. Walked the main street. Regrettably didn't have time to get in the racetrack.
Were bikes offered to test-ride?
The vast majority (well over 90%) of the bikes were Harleys, few BMW's and then some Japs.
I'm entertaining the idea of moving to Port St Lucie or Vero Beach, but man... there're no good places to ride in FL...
Our best hills and curves are out on the interstate!

Yes, test rides were at the Speedway. Many brands represented. I did a Guzzi test ride, about 5 models to choose from. BMW had a bunch there. I stop by the Honda tent. Nothing there interested me.
Our best hills and curves are out on the interstate!

Yes, test rides were at the Speedway. Many brands represented. I did a Guzzi test ride, about 5 models to choose from. BMW had a bunch there. I stop by the Honda tent. Nothing there interested me.
No Ron, they are not. The best hills and curves in Florida are found scattered about on many rural roads found by getting out and riding them. It's not mountains or canyons to be found but it's not all interstate or tourist attractions either.

I didn't make Daytona BW this year and can't say I missed it. On a sport touring bike I always felt like a fish out of water but the ability to see tens of thousands of motorcycles in one place at one time plus so many vendors and demo rides in one place made it worth doing.
I took a ride up on Saturday to meet some friends for lunch. Didn't hang around too long. It's always fun to see how big the front wheels and speakers are year to year.
So we still have three mistery guests on STs at Bike Week? Hmmmm

As for anyone looking for some rides, I found this website a while back. https://greatmotorcycleroads.com/florida-motorcycle-roads/
While it's not all inclusive, anyone can submit rides they know about. He covers nationwide so if your planning a trip somewhere you can see if there's something close to where your going.
Rode to Jacksonville for the Iron Butt get together . Went down to Daytona Friday soon I had enough of the loud pipes and booming stereos . Stopped in St Augustine at Woodpeckers backyard bbq for late lunch then headed back to hotel in Jacksonville.
No Ron, they are not. The best hills and curves in Florida are found scattered about on many rural roads found by getting out and riding them. It's not mountains or canyons to be found but it's not all interstate or tourist attractions either.

I didn't make Daytona BW this year and can't say I missed it. On a sport touring bike I always felt like a fish out of water but the ability to see tens of thousands of motorcycles in one place at one time plus so many vendors and demo rides in one place made it worth doing.
Yes, I know, I was joking.. I've ridden some nice roads in central Florida and in Lower Alabama (pan handle). You can get a 5 minute charge ridding some of the interchange ramps
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