What did you do with your ST1100/ST1300 today?

:eek:Joe, you what? Oh well, welcome to the world of computers! :(

After Bill and I spent three days worth of work on the 2004#2, I rode it in today to give a good shake out ride! It did great. Still a whiff of coolant, but it's not on the ground, so...

I'll probably ride it in tomorrow also, and then once Bill gets his permit from Nevada, I'll turn it over to him. :thumb:
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Ordered the ARES tool! Oh, and rode the Alaska Way ViaDuct for the last time...it closed tonight at 2145hrs for demolition due to the Tunnel being opened in three weeks!
Sorry about the photo, did have the third hand so I was juggling throttle and I Phone in slow moving traffic...:eek:
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ATA said:
Gotta get those blasted marker bulbs changed out to LEDs next.
I haven't found really yellow (not amber) LED replacements for the position bulbs. I put in some yellowish incandescents to bring out the blue in the headlights. LOL

ST1300  Evitek G6  2.jpg
Position lights are yellower than they appear

A couple of points – squeezing the rubber socket too hard when trying to remove or reinstall it may squirt the bulb into the headlight assembly.

Seating the bulb too deeply into the rubber socket will cause it not to illuminate. You'll have to pull it out slightly for the contacts to line up. Check this after putting the LEDs in the socketsbut before putting the sockets back into the fairing.
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Found I have a coolant leak so simple maintenance day is turning into extended stay:(. Picked up a HF loft off CL last night so I am fully enjoying not laying on the floor.


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Found I have a coolant leak so simple maintenance day is turning into extended stay:(. Picked up a HF loft off CL last night so I am fully enjoying not laying on the floor.
Congrats on your HF lift. How did you ever live without it? :)
Went to my kids highschool parking lot after hours and practiced u-turning. Getting better at it, but not as good as the pros yet.

Also testing new Sena Prism Tube WiFi helmet cam.
AV8R, me o'd buddy.
I think you could squeeze something else in there, you're just not trying.
With regards to your twistie turnie practice, BE CAREFUL. Just saying.
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