Boots boots after an accident

May 14, 2011
Gatineau Qu?bec Canada
2k9 ST1300
Two weeks ago, we got hit (low speed) by a car during a turn. Both of us are fine but (read here minors bruses, but big ego pain), we were glad that we had on all our gear ven if it was warm.

Here a picture of my right boot after the accident.IMG-20120726-00008.jpg

Yes, if i had worn regular shoes that day, i'd probably have a hard time walking.
Yes it is a composite armourd working boot, My next pair will be the same thing
Now, were are waiting for the insurrance to repair the bike.

Ride safe
Call me crazy but I haven't bought into the whole "riding boot" idea yet. As I picture myself flying thru the air and sliding down the street from an accident I'd prefer to have a pair of super hard/stiff work boots on. I guess you slid a ways on your belly for your toe to get ground off like that?
Thanks for sharing, I love seeing where gear takes the most damage so I know what features to look for when buying replacements.
See if the insurance company will replace the boots. In auto accidents they replace safety items: air bags, seat belts.

Work boots may be fine for toe protection but no protection at all for ankles, tendons & shins. I'm still wearing mine from the getoff on Ortega some years ago. Without them, I would have a severely damaged foot.

Not preaching here, just saying. Wear what you want but I'll stay with the gear made for what I'm doing.....
Thanks for sharing the picture. Visual reminders go a long way to remind us just how quickly our fragile bodies and body parts can grind away if not properly protected.
Work boots may be fine for toe protection but no protection at all for ankles, tendons & shins. I'm still wearing mine from the getoff on Ortega some years ago. Without them, I would have a severely damaged foot.

Not preaching here, just saying. Wear what you want but I'll stay with the gear made for what I'm doing.....

This is true but not all MC boots have this protection either. For instance I have Aerostich Combat Lites made by Sidi. While I like them a lot, they really don't offer a lot of protection in the area of ankles, tendons and shins. Well there is thick leather but no additional armor or anything to limit range of motion other than the stiffness of the leather. This is why you don't want to go overboard with making the leather soft with this boot and some others. The stiffness of the leather will offer some protection. Like you said wear what you want. You have to make a personal decision in terms of comfort vs protection vs price. I have had combat boots that would offer the same level of protection as the Combat Lites for less money. I like the design of the Combat Lites so they are worth it in my mind over combat boots. A work boot that isn't really short could fall in the category of combat boots.
Call me crazy but I haven't bought into the whole "riding boot" idea yet.

When I hit Mr. Deer back in 2005 outside of Sioux Falls, SD while travelling ~75MPH the only injury I sustained was a bruised shin about 8 inches up from the bottom of my foot. I strongly suspect that if I didn't have my riding boots on (BMW Contour 2 boots) that I would have likely had a broken leg instead...
Well, if you buy boots like Jeff posted a picture of I'm in. If you buy the plain jane, soft soled, soft toed "riding" boots like I see quite often...nah I don't want'em.
My Tour Master Solution boots did a great job of protecting my feet in a rather long asphault slide. Even took a hit once from a piece of metal that punched a hole in a trailer tire before it hit my foot. Ended up once with a rather sore and swollen left shin when I broke the windshield off with hicking boots, sure wish I had worn my ridding boots that day.
Dinkie you need to modify your crash picture just a bit for reality. When you see yourself flying thru the air don't skip right to the sliding on asphalt part. You gotta hit the ground before you start the sliding...

In my case the expensive Diadora Italian waterproof motorcycle boot with special hard shell skid pads and extra support did nothing but hold the blood inside the boot. When I came down from flying I must have tired to hit the ground running because the force of my body coming down from 60 feet up onto my heel caused a compound fracture of the calcaneus bone (heel). Lucky all the small pieces of bone were held inside said boot and road cleanup was minimal.

Yes wear good boots but try to avoid airtime and tuck and roll rather than try to run it out.

I was wearing 9" Carhartt electrical hazard boots when I recently low-sided after hitting a dog at 50-65 mph. I prefer to have a high boot that laces up for more ankle support.

Those aren't gonna help you in a get-off either. Your ankle will still twist & if you hit anything, the ankle will likely break--not a lot of fun. I have three pair of Sidis: one roadrace pair & two very close to it but you can still walk around in them. I have worn those all day riding & walking--can't do that with the roadrace ones. I still wear the ones from the crash & they look about like the ones pictured. A little ding in the toe & scuffs on the ankle protector

Sidi makes short boots, favored by the stunter crowd; I'm with Dinkie on those--might as well just wear shoes for all the protection you will get there. Not to mention a bunch less expensive.

It doesn't matter how much you spend on good gear--it's a lot less expensive than the hospital visit. Got the scar to prove that one....
When I low sided on my bike a few years ago the insurance paid a prorated amount based on MSRP and years in service for ALL my gear (in addition to paying MSRP on all replaced parts and labor). I received a little less than replacement cost for most of the gear but actually received more than replacement cost for the helmet since that was less than a year old! Even my gloves were replaced with only very slight damage (you had to look real close to see it). My boots had similar damage on the toe, but the toe cup was split on mine. I had no injury from that accident other than a slight red mark on my knee, and I have weak ankles. (see my gallery for some photos). I used to wear work boots to ride but decided I wanted the added protection the mc related products provide. True, not all mc boots have good, or any, shin/ankle protection other than the leather. That's why I actually LOOK for that protection when buying. You don't have to buy a boot without unless you choose to. It's your choice, it's your body. Protect it when riding as you desire. Just leather alone is great for sliding, but does very little for impact. Only armor will lessen the damage on impacts.
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