Victory's Out Of Here

Anyway you cut it, this is not good for the American motorcycle industry, a brand lost, jobs and livelihoods lost and a reduction in choice for any of us looking for a cruiser/bagger.

It's likely that there were several factors that contributed to the decision, Indian cannibalizing Victory sales, those reduced sales contributing to overall higher production costs, quirky love 'em or loathe 'em looks that alienated a lot of potential customers, high price of the bikes that also kept customers away when you couple that with the "look".

IMHO they competed too directly with Indian so I'm not surprised at this announcement, disappointed and saddened but not surprised. It might have been better to have positioned Victory as the "value" brand and de-radicalize some of the "look" but it's too late now. People i know that have had them, loved them.

I'll watch the prices as they start to get rid of inventory, who knows, there might be a deal i just can't refuse!!
catcher said:
Try it, you'll like it!

Thanks but I'm not a fan of the Adventure look. I'm one of the fewer who's happy with the ST. Not even close to perfect it still gives me more of what I what than any other bike. So for now I'm good.
I am sorry they are going away...for now?

My dirt bike is a gasgas ec 300. They were going under too but now they are coming back with new owner.

IF I ever went for a big cruiser is would be the Victory Cross Country Tour long before a HD Full dresser.
Either way another biker down.
Someday, those Victory Visions will be collectors items.

Might take 30 to 50 years. And by that time, a better investment might be antique boats (or non antique, depending on where you live).

How could Polaris have hit such a home run with the Indian brand, but not with the Victory? I have read glowing reviews of the Indian motorcycles, but very few similar raves of the Victory bikes.
Motorcycles were about 15% of Polaris revenues and generated even less profit. The only growth Polaris was seeing in the MC sector was from the Indian brand and the Slingshot (of all things). The Victory brand was a fiscal boat anchor.

And there's no where to go in that market. Victory bikes were reportedly better than other cruisers, but the Japanese competition was still pretty good, and cheaper. Otherwise, you buy a HD, -- because you can.

Killing the brand is a very understandable business decision IMO.

Buy some stock ...maybe yesterday ;-)
Was the one bike that had me intrigued at the Toronto show last week! Would love to try one ...maybe at OnSToc?

It could happen but don't hold your breath. However, its not hard to ride one. Honda dealers have this bike in their travelling "Come Ride With Us" program coming to a dealer near you.

Too bad about the crazy price of this bike.
Price is keeping many younger people out of riding. Also, I know older riders who have quit due to the epidemic of distracted drivers with phones and )

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Branding is everything.
To generalise look at the clothing we wear, the cars we drive, the garden equipment in our sheds and yes, the motorcycles we ride. The Victory brand has no heritage and us motorcyclists like heritage. If we didn't why would we pay twice as much for an HD than a Japanese cruiser. Look at our beloved Honda and the scepticism of motorcyclists when they were first introduced 60 years ago, that same scepticism still exists in many quarters; just look at the criticism that Chinese products are enduring.
Polaris will prosper with the Indian Brand and I don't think they will look back, if anything I believe they will grow in a market that likes clarity. Why would Honda produce motorcycles under different identities, it makes no sense.
Long live Indian, it deserves to grow and grow.
The Victory brand has no heritage and us motorcyclists like heritage. If we didn't why would we pay twice as much for an HD than a Japanese cruiser.

Umm.. only some so love this heritage. Some motorcyclist will pay twice as much.
I know that many do, but personally, I couldn't care less about motorcycle "heritage"... it's just a machine, not a person, no matter what the adverts say. Reputation (as in reliability, quality) yes, but not heritage. I'm very much a function over form guy... i just want comfort, usability, reliability and a little speed, at reasonable cost. ;)
T C, Paul,
Couldn't agree more about what all this means to myself, but when you see that average dude climb off his trusty HD steed he will be dripping in HD merchandise, from his helmet to his boots, likkewise your average Indian rider and the manufacturers make as much if not more from the extras as they do the bikes.
I love individuality, I like the geezer who rides the 25 year old bike because he wants too not because he has too; but there are far more who buy into the branding.
Why would the majority of riders buy a Victory if they can buy an Indian, especially when the difference on many occasions is the badge on the tank.
Just my view.
but there are far more who buy into the branding.

Agreed Upt' North. I realize I'm in the small minority here, as are most of us on this and similar forums. It's pretty amazing that when I tour around, 90% (literally 9/10... I've counted) of the bikes I see are cruisers and a very large majority of those are 'dripping' with some level of clothing/branding for that particular culture. I understand that it's a big deal to the manufacturers (and it should be... $$$), just not to me.
paulcb said:
I know that many do, but personally, I couldn't care less about motorcycle "heritage".

Same here. I care about a history of reliability as a starting point but any heritage is only
important to the bike I'm riding.

Heritage wasn't Victory's problem. No make or model of anything springs forth from the forehead of a designer with heritage. It has to be made. Whatever Victory's actual problems were it wasn't around long enough to build any.

I thought it was an interesting bike but cruisers aren't my slice o' pie. Still sorry to see it go though.
I'll take reliability over heritage any day too. I'd rather be riding one of my bikes (including my metric cruiser) than talking about riding while i fix it or drop it at the shop. Still think it's a shame they're out of here though. I have no quibble with Harley or Indian or Victory, they've sold between them millions of motorcycles, i liked them just fine when i rode them on demos but i don't want to pay those prices and get mediocre reliability. Same reason i have an issue with BMW, very high prices for very good machines that have had some areas of very poor reliability over the years. I guess that's why we ride ST's!!!:)

As for the clothing/branding aspects, sure there are a lot of wannabe bad asses that spend a small fortune and their children's college fund on an Indian leather jacket or Harley chaps, not me.
I'll buy 'em and wear 'em only as long as i'm not paying anywhere near full price. I went out last weekend wearing my Indian T-shirt underneath a Victory sweater that in turn was under my Harley leather bike jacket (13 years old). I don't and have never owned any of those makes but the gear was on sale at the store at the time i bought it and i wear it because it's functional and i just like it. The only thing i normally change if i switch from riding my cruiser to my ST or my Wing is my boots.
Good points well made.
You know you've opened up a can of worms over the bike kit/fashion sense issue.
We are going to see some horrendous piccies on here.
Enjoy your bikes.
Life is too short to worry about what other people want to wear or ride. If you like it buy it. The kids can earn their own damn college tuition. And they shouldn't count on any inheritance either. Unless they'll be happy with some motorcycle shirts and jackets. :)
Good points well made.
You know you've opened up a can of worms over the bike kit/fashion sense issue.
We are going to see some horrendous piccies on here.
Enjoy your bikes.

What's a piccie?
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