Tire wear ,Front ,T31. ST11 ABS


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Nov 22, 2020
2000 ST 1100 ABS II
Bridgestone T31 , 3500 km /2000 miles ,one year old : Looking over my front tire , I thought there was a lot of wear, and a pattern more normal for a rear tire : a 35mm /1 1/4" flat band around the center of the tire. Is this a normal wear pattern? I seem to remember the ones I took of, Roadsmart III ,had more wear on the side "banks" . I've been running 36 psi but have bumped it up to 40 psi now. . Lazy riding style , always single. I use the the rear brake . Don't know the last time fork oil was changed , but thats coming up.
Any Thoughts ?
Forgot to mention : There are not any strait roads here (no highway riding) , and the PO - road smart III- also rode a Ducati.
For a T31 I would say it is. My fronts would square off on the 31' and 32's, whereas the 023's would just cup badly.
I've never got more than 6000 miles out of a front on an eleven and sometimes they've been scrap at 4000.
I don't think running at 40 will make a huge difference to feel but it could assist in reducing the flatting.
I just think your roads are probably as aggressive or more so than UK roads.
Hope it helps.
Aggressive pavement . Hadn't thought about that one related to MC tire wear . But that makes sense. The asfalt here takes a beating . Half the year almost everyone outside the citys run on studded tires . Plow trucks with chains scrape more than snow. And the least used roads ,where we like to ride, get the least maintenance.
Yesterdays ride was great and proves the point- pick the line with the least road wear !
As UP already pointed out, the combination of brake pressure (curve entrance) and abrasive tarmac... and a T31...
You might consider the T32...
(My GF has them on the NT700VA is highly pleased under all, also odd conditions, and they last >9000km on that rig...)
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