The Paulcb Memorial Coldest Ride, Winter 2023-2024


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Oct 26, 2020
Makefield Highlands PA
2016 ST1300P
2024 Miles
In continuation of the Paulcb coldest ride game this year, I clipped his earlier posts and put them here. I will do my best to be timely updating the leaders. I'm a fan of pictures, however not required. Rules below

  1. centralMN -14°
  2. mudduc -5°
  3. the Ferret
  4. rjs987 11°
  5. Daboo 16°
  6. sirbike 16°
  7. WØQNX 19°
  8. ST-venture 21°
  9. dbst1300 22°
  10. cjames431 28°
  11. rogo 28°

"" Post the lowest temp you've ridden in for more than a few miles for the this* winter. Extra details would be nice, but not required, i.e. gear worn, where you went, etc. I'll post the names and temps of the top 10 in this first post, as they are generated. Also... no windchill, no handicap and no participation trophies! Don't hesitate to correct me if I miss someone or make a mistake. "

All temps in Fahrenheit

From Paul " I'll start... I rode 27 miles to work yesterday morning and it was 46°F when I started. Didn't pull out my electric gear yet, just wore my Tourmaster Transition 4 jacket and Caliber pants, with liners. "

" Ride safe and stay warm out there. ""

* edit for accuracy
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They are calling for 4" of white stuff here tomorrow.... but it could anywhere between snow and rain if you ask me.
Riding to our club Sunday breakfast ride a few weeks ago, I saw a low of 26*F. I was wearing my full electric gear (old Gerbing jacket liner, Warm and Safe pants liner and socks) but didn't need them a few hours later.
What dates will be effective for this time? So we know to post about only cold rides within that time frame rather than historical rides.
What dates will be effective for this time? So we know to post about only cold rides within that time frame rather than historical rides.

In the past it started effective the 1st day of the post. In this case, if we do that again, that would make it October 29th, 2023.
Let's get this game going! In the spirit of Halloween day I rode to the creepiest thing around. St. Michael's Cemetery is just about in downtown Pensacola. I've always wondered who's idea it was to make this old cemetery a state park but it is a state park. The gates were locked to keep the ghouls in tonight I guess.

The news this morning was saying it's first cold day of the season here with the temps clear down in the 50's around the area. I bundled up in my mesh pants my mesh jacket with the liner inserted and even added a fruit of loom fleece jacket to battle against the cold chill in the air. Thermastat lined gloves by Acme and boots by Skechers (tennis shoes).

It was 54 when I left the house and most of the 12.6 mile one way ride had the bike temp display at 54 and 55. As I was almost home temps sank way down to 52 as shown in the bike dash pic.

Total miles were 27 as I rode around a bit looking for a time and temp sign somewhere. I guess they aren't around much anymore as none were seen. Ignore the time on the clock it's 12 hours off.

I think it's fair to say the ride temp was 55 degrees. Florida for the win!


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I was going to get this going, but WOQNX beat me to it. A Floridian no less lol..congrats!

Woke up to a hard frost this morning. So geared up and headed out for a 52 mile ride on a route I call "the Ridge" as it follows a ridge with great views of Ohio, the Ohio River with Kentucky on the other side. It was a little colder when I woke up, but 29 by the time I got down to the bank for the pic. Supposed to be a few degrees colder tomorrow morning, and possible snow flurries tonight for Halloween.


Had my warm-n-safe heated jacket liner on about 50 % and my heated grips inside the Kemimoto muffs on 30%. Cortech textile jacket with liner, thin deerskin gloves, Tourmaster textile pants with liner, balaclava, Alpinestar boots, and HJC modular helmet. When it gets cold, I'll add the Freeze Out under gear for a base layer.
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Today's commute was 25 miles at 28⁰F.

Perfectly comfortable on the 2016 FJR1300 in stage 1 winter gear.
Stage 1 = jeans over thermal undies, t-shirt, Klim jacket, heavy gloves. Nothing heated.

FJR's temperature display said "Lo". Apparently the FJR doesn't expect a sub-freezing temperature.
OK since I seemed to jump the gun with my first post, I will make a new entry. I rode to Estes Park Saturday Nov 4th for breakfast with a local Goldwing group. The morning ride stated out at a balmy 39*F but slowly increased to the mid 50's by noon. Only had a light inner layer under my 'stich R3 light.
There should be a slightly better chance for those in the southern states to participate a while longer on this list. The long range weather forecasts from most of the weather prophet organizations call for a relatively mild winter in the north central states and much colder, but maybe wetter, in the southern states than normal. But as always... it is only a long range forecast that can change drastically in a day. but they've been saying this for several weeks or months now based on the strength of the El Nino in the Pacific that affects our weather in some specific ways.

Last year I only had ONE opportunity to get a ride in at a temp below zero F. Will see about this year.
Probably won't set any records but had an enjoyable 220 mile loop ride in sunny but windy Maine on Veterans Day. Left at 42 and saw a low of 37 on a route that took me up I-95 to Augusta and then then east to Camden before heading south on US 1 and home.

Electric heat was limited to the GL1833's seat and grips on full blast, with fleece-lined jeans and down jacket under the roadcrafter 1-piece.
Other than some air leakage at the neck, the trip was pretty comfortable...gave me lots of time to contemplate my father's experience in WWII and by extension, all the Veterans who have helped make this great country what it is today...Thank You !
I may as well get on the list @Willsmotorcycle . It is, after all, just before Thanksgiving.
Went on a short 20 mile ride to pick up some more groceries and another prescription. Temp started out below 41F, was 41.5F at the store and ended up 42F most of the way around. So I'll go with 42F for this ride.

Just realized that I haven't changed my wind shield to the upper position for colder weather riding. Will have to do that this weekend. Also I'll be putting my KemiMoto handlebar muffs on the bars in the next few weeks. Don't really need them until temps drop below 40 regularly due to the heated grips keeping my hands warm down there, but definitely for sure when temps drop to the freezing point.
Last warm weekend in Minnesota so RIDE! Planning a day or two ahead found that state parks in this state are closed for a special deer hunt which ruled out camping. Thinking about an overnight at a cheap motel (that's 65 bucks these days), I headed out at 28 F and found something like 50 by midafternoon. Took an R1100GS out to take advantage of as many gravel roads as possible and test heated socks and insulated riding clothes. The heated vest and grips played nicely too. It all worked out. Heading for dinner it got dark and I found the slab to Minneapolis and gluten free eats before following the slab home to make a leisurely 510 mile day (corrected from 5410 miles -thanks Russ!). My computer said it was 28 when I arrived home. Certainly was cool-ish the last few hours.

When it gets properly cold and El Nino has us snow free the fever will come and perhaps we'll see what a full fairing and maybe zero feels like on two wheels. t.b.d. Probably not for 500 miles, more like 50 or if it's going well a proper 100. Maybe I'll get the itch and do the morning commute by bicycle? I commend those of you in the southern areas for getting out in the solid heat of summer. Maybe we should have a second list for those who like to cook on two wheels. Personally, I prefer cold. Isn't that what saunas were designed for?
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The new-to-me GSA (aka The Mule) last night coming home from Huntsville, with Warm and Safe jacket and gloves.
Saw 42 at times, but did not stop for a picture... too hard for me to get going again when I do.
Just street pants, and my knees got cold. Feet, hands, the rest were fine.
And my scruffy beard tames the wind on my chin, coming under the helmet.

Weather man said it was going to be the coldest morning since last February. He wasn't wrong it was nippy. Added my Cycle Gear freeze out base layer and Thinsulate boots for this morning's 45 mile ride. My toes got cold, everything else was fine lol.

It was the coldest morning since February here too!
Decided to get out for a little ride this morning, though I didn't ride as far as @the Ferret .
I did get out about the same time as he did except I'm an hour behind his location so it was between 7 am and 8 am. I had a double pair of socks in my Alpine Stars Air boots and the insulation liner along with the wind liner in my TM Venture Air pants. Behind the superb weather protection shields of my AK 550 that was plenty to keep me warm. I wore the insulation/wind liners for my TM Pivot jacket with another insulation/wind liner set from my previous jacket as well as a fleece jacket up top. I also wore my Turtle fur neck gator and TM Mid-Tex gloves. The heated grips were set to low inside my KemiMoto bar muffs (same as on the NC750 in the post above).

The temp was 11F for much of the 24 mile ride. It would go up just a little once in a while and then dip back down to that again. Depended if the road was dropping into a slight valley over a stream of which we have many around here. I use an aquarium/terrarium thermometer that ranges from below -50F to over 120F and I put it in the pocket of the bar muffs with the probe hanging out in the wind so I can look at it as I ride. I was actually beginning to get very warm in the latter part of the ride. The palms of my hands especially were just starting to feel almost too hot even though the heated grips were set to low. I was tempted to turn off the grip heat for a little while.

During this ride I realized that I had forgotten to move the windshield to the upper position so I'll be doing that as soon as the garage warms up a bit. I don't have an electric shield adjustment but it's just 4 bolts on the shield and 4 bolts on the brackets that are easy to get to. I only make this adjustment in the late fall or spring so no big deal to me... same as I did when I had an electric shield adjuster so one less system to fail IMO.
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