No Tool Kits?


Bye Bye Blackbird!
Mar 26, 2007
Palm City....Fl.
Is my local shop messin with me? My new St came with one allen wrench in the tool bag last week, they say that's it.:confused: Anyone else have this happen to them or just me?:tools1:

No WONDER FOAM???????????

You got gipped!

Yep, don't need no stinkin' tools since '06 cuz honda now has the super stealthy self-regenerating parts (shhhh, it's a secret).
Actually, it's a highly compressed tool kit that happens to look like a 6mm allen wrench. If your ST needs emergency service, according to page 462 of the Combined Owners Manual, immersion of the "tool" in the indicated solution and will restore the tool kit to the pre-2005 OEM kit. They warn that this transformation is a one-way event and that proper precautions should be taken.

Most of us seem to be missing that page so we cobble together the excellent tool kit suggestions here (adding significantly to the weight and compelxity of the older generation took kits).

And calling it a "tool kit" is an exaggeration.
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