My Next Ride, 2018 FJR1300

I just put money down on this Yamaha over at Moon Motorsports in Monticello, MN. Hope to pick it up Friday.
My standard buying-from-a-dealer request of "Now that we are best friends, how much money can you knock off the cost?" was meet with uproarious laughter. Still not a buyer's market, I guess.

Kent Larson in Minnesota
Moon Motors is a very friendly dealership. They have a very inviting open house, first weekend in April of each year. With that said, in my experience, they don't negotiate prices.
Sorry to hear about your mishap - and hopefully no hidden damages underneath. Silly question probably: why the truck rather than riding it home? The latter sounds like a lot more fun...
Silly question probably: why the truck rather than riding it home?
I didn't have anyone to bring me over to the shop (60 minutes away) and I needed to be in the area with my truck anyway. My first choice would have been to ride it home. Wish I did.
Sorry to hear about your mishap - and hopefully no hidden damages underneath.
Thanks. No damage underneath. Just need new plastic.
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