Monday Café February 5th.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
A blummin monday, it'll take some French Roast to climb into monday. Let's give it a go.
The weather :rofl1: , yes, meh, pffffffftttttt.
That's better, the French Roast just went somewhere nice, the receptors enjoyed that.
What will I do, what will I do, dunno.
IF the wind lowers and it's not forecast to, then it may be garlic planting. It may not.
If anyone is getting enjoyable weather, please enjoy it.
Av a gud un and remember, if you're planting garlic you'll need bird sticks.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast Ray.

Those little yellow flowers are lovely and cheerful but on this side of the pond they're an invasive nuisance species that take over and crowd out the native species.

EDIT: perhaps not. The ones I was thinking of are "fig buttercups" or "lesser celadine":

I can't tell from your photo whether this is the same stuff as you're showing. If it isn't I take back all the nasty things I've said about the flowers in your picture.

What about you, do you feel Spring like?

Yes. I noticed, when I was outside yesterday, the first faint signs of a change in the air: it had the slightest perfume of thawing earth, one of the earliest harbingers of the onset of the new season of growth and renewal. I've also started my annual spring bud watch, using the weeping cherry tree next to the driveway as my guide. The buds are still small and tightly closed but they're unmistakably present and to my hopeful eye at least starting to grow. By the time I get back from the Caribbean I expect to see noticeable signs of growth.

It's currently 28°F in Rockville- rather still more winter-like than otherwise- and clear, expecting to get to 50 (more like early spring) with floods and rafts of sunshine to keep things bright and cheery.

I never made it to the woodworker's store yesterday so that's my mission for today.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Good Morning All!
Thanks Ray for a lovely batch of caffitation - I'd like another mug please.

Yesterday on the way back from the beach, there were indeed new wisps on the trees in that area.
Hmmm, that'll be working the way North now! Yay!
I expect our forthysia will announce itself in a week or two, too.
And so it begins! I better get going with the outdoor trimming, and cleanup to be prepared.

At 34 F's currently, it's hard to imagine but the hyperbole channel indicates a day in the 50's.
Ah, what shall I find myself into today? I think some shop time might be answer.

Y;all have a wonderfullist day!

Thx Ray(on)!
FR appreciated.
Mrs Stu has disabled the comment section on the weekend, so all I can say is

Snow just came back, pffffft!
Just around freezing, calm and, yes snow.
Supposed to be like this all week.

Have to walk for an hour to get some supplies.
Choir practice later, there will be hugs….

Have a good one!

From yesterdays walk at Viste
Morning campers, and thanks for the coffee Ray.

Not Spring here. -6 and freezing drizzle. At least we're not as bad as just a few hundred km from here. They've got about 5' (150cm) of fresh powder in the last 2 days.

I take back all the nasty things I've said about the flowers you in your picture.


Hope everyone has a great day, even if Spring's not in the air, the Flu is.

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Ray.

23 and sunny in MA this morning, going to 40, later.

We spent about 2hrs at Home Depot, yesterday where we went over our new kitchen. Replacing the back door and windows with a slider let's us lay out the kitchen differently.
We'll tweak the design a bit, and wait for the contractors to bid the job.

Today, Brenda's car gets new tires, and I get to bring it there and back.
Gym, as well.

Enjoy your day,
Good morning, all. Thanks for the starting fluid, otherwise know as French Roast.

It’s 43 and clear this morning, and only a slight breeze. Headed toward a sunny 60 degree afternoon. I’m tired of edging 100’ of driveway with a string trimmer, so today I’m going to look at a metal blade edger. Just what I need….another spark plug to look after. It’s almost time to hook the aerator to the ATV and give the lawn a go, along with a couple hundred pounds of seed. Then fertilizer….then weed preventer….then mowing. (I like mowing).

Then there’s oil changes in 3 mowers, blade sharpening, belt replacing. I’m thinking about going back to work, so I’ll have time to get it all done. I sure don’t have enough time during retirement.

Ray was first to the kitchen counter this morning, so sure -- I'll have some FR with the crew. The warm company will easily beat the current 48 here, flirting with 60 later so maybe some of the mud will begin to morph back into dirt.
Rained all day yesterday so I got a decent nap in. Just seemed the right thing to do.
Walked Kaiser in his ill-fitting raincoat yesterday, it's too short and doesn't cover his head, but I'm not sure he'd like that if it did. He tries to shake off the current one but can't. That's a lot of dog to dry off, before we go back into the house.
I'll look for one that fits better too walk in the rain, you know, because he's not litter box trained. It's just as well, I'm sure he would scratch it all out of the box anyway.
And we don't have room for a real sandbox, which is likely what it would t take for one his size.
Another Monday, and I'm not falling for your collective "hints of spring" nonsense. Not yet, at least. I know what spring is. And spring means warm weather, like what we had Saturday. That was a fluke. A welcome fluke, to be sure, but a fluke nonetheless.
So while I'd rather be retired like some of my heroes here, fact is I'm not. So meanwhile, I'm reminded...

Whatever you are, try to be a good one.
-- William Makepeace Thackeray

No idea who that guy is with such an odd name, but it sounds like the one I'm more familiar with -- "If you can't be good, then be good at it."
Don't ask me what that means, either.
I need another coffee.
good morning all. thank you Ray for the FR. 43F on the dog walk with clear sky, lots of stars and a moon to enjoy viewing. clouds took the night off. I understand that the clouds are to be back around 11am today and stay around for a few days. the temps are to go down into the 50's for day time highs for this week. oh well better then other parts around the world. have gym time today so that will kill the morning. the high today will be 75 then we start seeing lower afternoon temps. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning, all you Sultans of Silly, and thank you kindly for the hot cuppa, Ray!

It's a bright, sunny day here for a change, and that is a wonderful thing indeed. -7°C/19°F now, going to 0°C/32°F later with only a slight windchill in both cases. BUT...

What about you, do you feel Spring like?

Nope. No, sir. Sure, it's getting light earlier and dark later, and OK, temperatures have been unusually mild around here of late, but that doesn't have us fooled for one minute. It's only February. Look at poor Nova Scotia: shovelling out of the worst snowstorm that's hit them in 20 years. It's only February. We're sure to get an Arctic blast or two and a few storms before Old Man Winter takes a powder. Spring? Pfffftttt. That's still eons away.

Right, away I go. Lots of things on the agenda today, including a visit to the 'tooth torturer.' Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

Good morning all
Thanks for the start Ray! Please sir, more coffee!

We just had more rain here again this morning, and, more to come!
60F - 99% chance of rain, high of 75 with a NW breeze - just because!

I’m headed over for more Java with the East St gang, you lot try to behave until I can get back!
perhaps a body umbrella?


I don't know what that thing is, but I'm pretty certain it's not a dog.

It's only February

True. We can get big snows (upwards of 18 inches in a single day) anytime until the end of March. Indeed, all of the biggest snows I remember in this area happened in that time frame, except the unusual Veteran's Day snow of 1987 when we got a foot to 15 inches.

Still, it's starting to look and feel and smell more springlike than wintry, so snowfall isn't an infallible marker for me.

Oh, and I've been seeing robins for over a week already. Either they didn't migrate or they came back really early.
Morning all.....

Thanks Ray......

Overcast and a bit foggy this morning....
Now for the weather report.... Same.
Amazing how much old folks can still party........dang neighbors.......

At least the ski areas are getting new snow. May need to test it on Wednesday.

Hope everyone has a magnificent monsaturday.
Morning all! Grey? Check. Overcast? Check. 4C? Check. Waiter bring me the check, I don’t like this menu…..

I’m with Patty, far too early to call spring. Though I’m slowly adapting to it arriving in late March here on the island as opposed to mid-May in Calgary (slight, but only slight, exaggeration). I’m certainly thankful I don’t live in Cape Breton, at least right now, as Obo mentioned, they got hammered with snow.

It is that time of year for online motorcycle gear shopping however. So far just browsing but I’m seriously considering a helmet and maybe an airbag vest. Let the negotiations with the family comptroller begin…..

Rehab is progressing. I don’t like doing the exercises but I sure like how the knee/leg feels after once the muscles are loosened up a bit. I’m also addicted to the mandatory cryotherapy session after said exercises. I think I’ve said this before but I imagine the endorphin hit when the cold water starts to flow as being on par with a drug hitting a junkie’s system.

Hope everyone has a great day and snows when to take a break!
Good morning all. it's sprinkling here in So cal. I got a big 1.7 inches of rain so far, yes the forcasters are talking 4 to 6 inches but that is up in the mountians. The dry channels are full of water but that is why they are there. If you want to know when spring starts look at this web site. About mid March the ice is a max and starts to melt. It also gives me a good perspective about our total climate. Polar ice data Will be driving the truck this week because of the liquid sunshine. Thanks for the coffee and be safe out there.
Good morning and thanks Ray. 62 and another rainy start to the day with sun a possibility this afternoon.

I have one more wall section to paint in the family room and then I won't be finished. There is trim to paint, a ceiling to put up and a floor to put down.

@ToddC I found a coffee mug for you:

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