Modern engines, much better quality than it was years back.

The reality is it takes X amount of energy to move Y of mass. Period. It really doesn't matter what the "fuel" is.
But it still takes a lot more energy to move a 4000 lb ICE car 100 miles compared to a 4000 lb EV car. Why? Because the ICE technology isn't very efficient - it wastes a large amount of energy due to the heat it generates. A typical EV battery holds the same amount of energy as 2 gallons of gasoline. It's a lot easier to store energy in gasoline format, but much harder to turn into something useful compared to electricity
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Most of that electricity generated for EV still requires burning gas, coal, etc. somewhere else. Clean electricity through wind & solar is still minor contribution.

Comes down to cost-per-mile and that varies greatly by region. For me, ICE wins hands-down due to high cost of electricity. Not even as bad as other major meteopolitan areas.

I’m gonna dump my Tesla and get Prius.
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Valid points. But on the whole...there's some things that still won't work.

The first thing is ...did he really pay $82K for the solar system to charge his Tesla? On top of the cost of the Tesla? :eek: That's more than the cost of some Tesla models or other EVs! I guess if you can afford it, go for it...but why do we give people with that much money rebates, when the cost of that rebate is paid for by people who make a quarter of what he does and can't afford what they are being told to support? If he has that much money, he should be paying for the full cost himself. But that's another subject for a later time.

And therein lies the rub. He's got a great setup...within a one charge radius of his home. And when he gets out past that one charge radius...he's on that infrastructure that's falling apart. His system will work great if he lives in a15-Minute City. But today, the reality is our electrical system in large parts of the country is barely handling the load now...or breaking down and causing loss of lives from fires. Putting more demand on the infrastructure without having the infrastructure already in place, is gross stupidity.

Lastly, even at half the cost, $41K is a lot of money just so I can charge my car.


The Tesla was $52K I think? Model3? The rest was the panels, etc. $82 or $84K was the total, car+solar system. Yes, he absolutely took advantage of the rebates. I would too. I don't necessarily agree with them, but it wouldn't stop me from taking advantage of it. And yes, that is a subject for another thread.

A Model3 has roughly a 300 mile range. That is a pretty big range. Not many people drive 100+ miles one way, every day. A 300 mile range would cover ANY major metro area, not just a 15minute city. It easily covers 95% of the driving needs.

The way to fix the infrastructure to de-centralize it. Put solar on every house with an EV. Every commercial building. Every covered parking garage. There was a statistic floating around that if 90% of residences had 500sq/ft it would supply 70% of the needs of the country. We don't have enough capacity, so instead of building more base load capacity, SHED the load to local supply. I can tell you that the "energy" companies don't want that. They lose control of their monopoly of the system.

I come from a tiny Caribbean country. My homeland burns diesel fuel in gas turbines to make electricity. You think your power is expensive? Everyone that can is converting to solar. My cousin just spent $35K on a whole house system with batteries, and he is still tied to the grid. It can run his entire house, with AC in bedrooms, no problem. The Govt can't afford to increase capacity or burn more fuel. They have embraced it and it appears to be working. They are decentralizing electric power generation. Solar systems also appear to be about 60-70% cheaper there for the same equipment. I was just there visiting and saw it myself. You can thank the US suppliers for not using lube on that point.
Don’t believe the marketing. Real range on Model 3 is closer to 200 miles. This raises operating cost-per-mile significantly in my area where Superchargers are $0.50/kwh and 3rd-tier home-charging is $0.34/kwh.

Tesla and their owners may be outlyers in EV market. In my personal experience, I’ve found them to be wealthier and more image-conscious than logical or eco-friendly. They flash their wealth around with extravagent set-ups. They typically drive huge SUV or dually truck and take Tesla when they’re going to social events to be seen. From my experience in SF Bay Area, Los Angeles and Phoenix at least. My sister-in-law with Model S and original Roadster is prime example, shallow and plastic. Turns me off, I prefer more pragmatic Prius crowd. And cost-per-mile is 1/3rd to 1/4th of my Model X.

Given high cost of power from grid, I’m looking at solar for house as well. Good balance of cost to output is 65% current usage with rest from grid. Stay just below tier-1 pricing where rates are low. Eventually I’ll add capacity to be 100% off-grid when battery-tech improves and costs goes down (sodium batts?).
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Talk about weird math! My Ford Focus and my F250 4x4 truck, both go 400 miles on a tank of regular. I can’t believe they’re getting the same mileage.

hahhahaah!!! My ST1300 and Ninja 250 both get 300-340 miles per tank too! :)
I tried to get solar for my house...and was told no. They didn't even come out to the house to tell me I couldn't have it. They looked on Google Maps and saw all the trees.

I should cut the trees down.

Check regulations in your area. I’m going to do solar install myself and hire licensed electrician to do final connection to electrical box (required my law here).

I’m also installing 15kw diesel generator as well.

Darn! Can you trim trees?

I’m lucky with completely unobscured roof and lots of sunlight year round.
I tried to get solar for my house...and was told no. They didn't even come out to the house to tell me I couldn't have it. They looked on Google Maps and saw all the trees.

I should cut the trees down.


Yep, same situation. I'd have to take a chainsaw to 40-50 of my neighbors trees for it to work. I'd move but there aren't any houses for sale, at least ones that fit my needs.
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