I’m worried about younger generation

I was in Wally World one day and a 'little' one was laying in the floor kicking and screaming to get it's way.
Before I could stop myself I looked at it's mother and told her -
"You know, my momma had a cure for that!"
and walked away from her astonishment. ;)
I'd observed followers of the "anti-authoritarian upbringing"-cult by doing just that: rolling on the floor, screaming... aside their already hysterical kid... :oops:

Besides that we've to observe a lot of shouting, running, riding bicycles or scoots (of course with the foreseeable accidents and damages to (formerly) shelved goods, throwing of fruits and vegetables, etc...
But dare to urge calm & order, uhh, suddenly those "parents" go very authoritarian... err... ballistic... on you... :rolleyes:
IMO just another form of egoism (Karen-ism...?)... my brat can do everything it wants... yours not though...
Like using a parked motorcycle as a coin-ride and jungle-gym for their seed... I got a bit loud there... and no the kid is not at fault... :mad:
I'd observed followers of the "anti-authoritarian upbringing"-cult by doing just that: rolling on the floor, screaming... aside their already hysterical kid... :oops:

Besides that we've to observe a lot of shouting, running, riding bicycles or scoots (of course with the foreseeable accidents and damages to (formerly) shelved goods, throwing of fruits and vegetables, etc...
But dare to urge calm & order, uhh, suddenly those "parents" go very authoritarian... err... ballistic... on you... :rolleyes:
IMO just another form of egoism (Karen-ism...?)... my brat can do everything it wants... yours not though...
Like using a parked motorcycle as a coin-ride and jungle-gym for their seed... I got a bit loud there... and no the kid is not at fault... :mad:
I did not think Austrian / German children acted that way. I guess I have just been gone too long.
the growing number of people who start to believe that the earth is really flat, or that we never went on the moon.
Not so sure it is growing. It is just that they are making themselves more obvious since the invention of social media. And......probably more older generations than younger.
The problem for the young generation is that there are no consequences for their actions. No smacking or corporal punishment in schools or at home. If I had behaved like some of these, I don't think I would have lived to tell the tale!
My theory: the human is a primate that only learns by pain... just watch the Discovery Chanel or other nature documentaries...
A very lively human example: our mom's told like 50 times to not touch the stove, it is hot... did this work? No!
But that "pfft!" followed by severe pain in our paws did sink in... Q.E.D. ... ;)
The problem for the young generation is that there are no consequences for their actions. No smacking or corporal punishment in schools or at home. If I had behaved like some of these, I don't think I would have lived to tell the tale!
Yep I ALWAYS knew there were gonna be consequences for my actions when I got home - judgment day would come sooner rather than later! :biggrin:
Me... my big deception... is the growing number of people who start to believe that the earth is really flat, or that we never went on the moon.

And then they insist.... they have done their research...

My only hope is that the law of natural selection will take care of them.

There's a difference between "believing" a patent falsehood and seeking attention by being contradictory. I think most flat-earthers fall into the second category.

On the other hand... there are thousands of religious belief systems in the world and none of them have inconvertible scientific proof so we humans are already pre-conditioned to believe that beliefs are personal and we are free to choose our own "truths" evidence notwithstanding.

I was talking to someone who believed we never went to the moon. I didn't bring it up, he did. I asked him which mission. He asked me "there was more than one?". It was at that moment that I knew I was talking to an irredeemable idiot. I didn't bother to continue the conversation.

Natural selection doesn't deselect for stupidity, but lets keep hoping.
We had to know what "hot" was.
Pretty much the same with "watch your step!", "look where you're running!", "hold on when climbing!" or "eyes forward!" while learning to ride a bicycle... kids just won't listen...
But the ground is always there, patiently waiting for you to fall...
We then received the "what did I tell you?!!" reward for skinned knees, got yelled at/slapped for ruining our clothes while falling out a tree... these days however the owner of the tree gets sued...

Worse with basics though...
"stand aside, other people want to go by!", "watch the road before crossing!" or "beware of the truck/coach/farm vehicle, he can't see you!!"... all forgotten today...
Offer your train/sub/bus seat for the elderly lady with a cane... pah! no way!... :rolleyes:
First time my momma applied 'judgement' to the 'seat of learning' you knew what 'hot' was! ;)

I get the basic message here but my experience is different. We decided no corporal punishment for our kids. When we said no we meant it and made it stick. Pick and choose your battles. They did well in school, had lots of friends, went to university, graduated, got jobs, moved out (and stayed moved out) got married and now we have grandchildren.

I knew lots of kids whose parents spanked them and frankly, for a few, those "spankings" were actually beatings. IMO the strictest parents had kids who were often very messed up. You can beat people into submission and compliance, but this creates other problems.

In general, I think kids today have an incredibly difficult environment to live in day to day. Much social media is completely toxic (except this site of course.....) and you don't want to be singled out for abuse. Makes parenting, already a difficult and challenging job, much harder than is was 30 - 40 years ago.
One thing you learn about children - all are different.
I compare their behavior to be like some puppy dogs I've had over the years.
Some dogs never want to chase cars, don't chew up anything, don't dig up the flower beds - they only want to please you.
A stern look or word and that's all it takes.
A pup from the same litter can be a car chaser, a chewer, a digger and always into mischief.
One you don't need to keep 'tied up' on a runner, the other you do or else it'll get killed on the road.
All discipline - physical or otherwise - is not necessarily abuse but can be.
A wise parent figures out what discipline is needed with each child and does accordingly.
As I've told my sister many times "I wasn't a better kid than you, I was just a smarter kid - I saw what you got and did a better job of avoiding it."
And I told my daughter before she had kids - 'You draw the line wherever it suits you - but do your kids a favor and don't move it on them.'
I reckon I seemed to have turned out alright cause I learned very quickly there were consequences for all actions.
That lesson served me well in my 'vacation' in the USMC - especially during that 11 week resort they run down at a place called Parris Island.
I learned there that some kids figure it out quickly and some don't ever figure it out. ;)
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I'd observed followers of the "anti-authoritarian upbringing"-cult by doing just that: rolling on the floor, screaming... aside their already hysterical kid... :oops:

Besides that we've to observe a lot of shouting, running, riding bicycles or scoots (of course with the foreseeable accidents and damages to (formerly) shelved goods, throwing of fruits and vegetables, etc...
But dare to urge calm & order, uhh, suddenly those "parents" go very authoritarian... err... ballistic... on you... :rolleyes:
IMO just another form of egoism (Karen-ism...?)... my brat can do everything it wants... yours not though...
Like using a parked motorcycle as a coin-ride and jungle-gym for their seed... I got a bit loud there... and no the kid is not at fault... :mad:

At a kids birthday party a decade plus back, my daughter, then about 1.5-2yrs old was toddling around being a kid. There was a 6yr old boy running around and causing all kinds of trouble, like really out of control. The mother/parent of said 6yr old came up to me and said "I just want to let you know my 6yr old boy likes to bite other kids" Really. So I responded with "Well, you better keep an eye on your son. Cause if he bites my daughter, I'm gonna punch you in the mouth" She gave me the shocked look. I told her again, and said go tell your husband as well, because if you can't control your child at 6yrs old and he harms my daughter I'm gonna light both of you up. Parents like that is how we got where we are.
When my kids were very little. When they did something wrong my wife would click their cheek and use the sign language motion for "no".
When they got older and were misbehaving, I would get their attention, put my hand up and pinch my thumb and forefinger twice and they would immediately stop.
No yelling required. It was magic...
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