Goodbye Spot!

Uncle Phil

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Feb 26, 2007
In The Holler West Of Nashville, Tennessee
4 ST1100(s)
2024 Miles
Well, after getting another 'we're going to raise your price' notice, I called Spot Messenger and told them to cancel my service at the end of term.
They were willing to 'lower' the price once again to keep me, but I just am tired of their business 'model'.
As it has been over the last few years, I know I would just have call them again next year.
Since that's the way they want to conduct their business, I decided enough is enough.
What are some other similar options that folks here have used for a period of time (besides cell phone stuff)?
Well, I use the cell phone stuff... SWConnect on my iPhone. Works perfectly, I just have to remember to enable tracking on it when I go on trips!
I got tired of SPOT's business model a couple years ago Phil.

Rather than some other proprietary device, I elected to go to a phone/cell based service. While you're not searching for that Phil, I'll add comment anyway: a couple functional apps I've used are Life360 and Glympse. They each have their benefits and detractions, but you're not married to them via high fees and a proprietary GPS/comm device.
I hear you Phil. I forgot to cancle my SPOT when they forced me to put tracking back on and up the price $50.00 a year. I will be canceling it when my current plan runs out in the spring.

The problem with cell phones is they don't always have service. There are a lot of areas here in the west without any coverage. The idea of this type of system is to be able to have communication when you need help. Not just tracking.

I just retired from the National Park Service. At the park I was at, we switched over from SPOT to InReach by Garmin. We needed to send Text. messages back and fourth to our researchers out in the field. The system worked great. Some of our Search and Rescue folks are also switching over to them. They can have a GPS and tracker all in one. No need for two things to keep track of and put batteries in.

They have units as basic as the SPOT units or you can get fancy with them added into a GPS. I like it as they have plans that you can pay for only during the riding season. You are not locked into year round plans unless you want it. Here is the link.
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Also looking for something Uncle. Not cell based, not enough towers and the right network to cover the world. I drop SPOT, six months later they offer another year at a fair price.
I too use an inReach. Got tired of the "spotty" pings of the Spot. Not much use having an ELB if it is not consistent.

Pros of inReach:
- 2 way texting via satellite (no cell service required)
- can suspend subscription when you don't need it and then reactivate
- better "pinging" than Spot (at least in my hands)
- uses the Iridium satellite system (same as sat phones) which, I am told, has better coverage in higher latitudes.

- can be more expensive than Spot (depends on plan and how much you use it).
Same here with Life 360 and cell, not sure what Phil is looking for: choice is Spot or cell phone or ......... pop a' smoke, tin whistle, kite string, bread crumbs? :rofl1:.

Now that's an idea - but what kind of oil do you put on the bread crumbs? And which moly for the tin whistle and kit string?:biggrin:
Now that's an idea - but what kind of oil do you put on the bread crumbs? And which moly for the tin whistle and kit string?:biggrin:

Learn something every day, I didn't know about the Garmin device and service; if I weren't satisfied with my cell service I would go that way. Smoke works better than crumbs .... Medevac inbound or Fire for effect.

For veteran's day; and early Happy B-Day Devil Dog:

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There are personal tracking beacons available they just don't offer the recovery services that you can get with spot. Thanks for sharing that Tom
The 'cheap' plan with INReach is not too bad ($11.95 a month - $144 annual) - other than the cost of the Mini. But if you want the 'pings' without spending a fortune, looks like you would go with the first step up ($24.95 a month - $300 a year :eek:). That's assuming you don't chose the 'suspend' option which ups your monthly but allows you to 'cut it off'. Since I would use the device all the time, I'm choking a bit on the $300 a year though I think the service and options are a lot better than Spot. ;)
The 'cheap' plan with INReach is not too bad ($11.95 a month - $144 annual) - other than the cost of the Mini. But if you want the 'pings' without spending a fortune, looks like you would go with the first step up ($24.95 a month - $300 a year :eek:). That's assuming you don't chose the 'suspend' option which ups your monthly but allows you to 'cut it off'. Since I would use the device all the time, I'm choking a bit on the $300 a year though I think the service and options are a lot better than Spot. ;)

82 cents per day. How much is peace of mind to you and yours worth? I would be willing to bet that you could adjust your daily spending a bit and come up with the 82 cents.
82 cents per day. How much is peace of mind to you and yours worth? I would be willing to bet that you could adjust your daily spending a bit and come up with the 82 cents.
I already have peace of mind, so that's not a big issue - or maybe I have no mind at all and that gives me peace. :biggrin:
That sounds good in theory, but everything works in theory. It's when you put it into practice that causes the issues. ;)
I could justify and afford a true satellite phone if I wanted to, but I'm trying to see if there are less expensive options that work.
That's why I use a cheap Chinese GPS instead of a Garmin Zumo - significantly reduced costs for a very effective GPS device that is waterproof and glove friendly. And my cellphone 'plan' is a $100 a year and I can roll the minutes forward. I'm looking to the retirement years where income is not so abundant as it is now.
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Thanks - That's the sort of stuff I'm looking for! I still have a 'dumb' phone so the connection to a phone is of no value to me which pushes me toward the mini.
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I'm another inReach fan. All I had ever heard about was SPOT, till I started doing some research. The inReach SE was a bit more expensive than the SPOT, but every review said it was better. A fair number of complaints are out there of SPOT messages sent...but never received. And with the communication being only one-way, you never knew. In the long run, while the hardware is cheaper with SPOT, the subscription rate makes it more costly.

At first glance, you figure you can do just fine with a cell phone tracking your route. In Washington state, there's lots of areas where there's no cell phone coverage. The passes are one obvious place. Only I-90 has cell coverage all the way to Spokane. The others don't. But even locally, there's areas where no one lives...and there's no cell coverage.

And no, it isn't for being able to send messages that I have an inReach. My wife can track my progress and have some peace of mind when I'm on a cross-country trip. And if like when I was crossing some real lonely places in California and Nevada this summer, if I broke down, I'd have a way to get help.

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