
There was this rude customer at a bar who came in late in the evening, already drunk, sat down at the bar and shouted at the barman: hey, where's my beer? The bartender put his beer in front of him, which he drank without a word and then paid. 2.60, please, says the bartender, the guy rummages awkwardly in his pockets and finally pulls out a number of small change coins, none larger than 10 cents, when he hands them over they fall out of his hand, almost everything ends up on the floor behind the counter. The bartender is pissed. The next night, exactly the same procedure again, even the night after that. The bartender swore to himself, that if he had the nerve to throw the change behind the counter again, he would hit the guy right in the mouth. In fact, he comes on the fourth evening and drinks his beer. The bartender has already clenched his fists when it comes to paying when, to his surprise, the guy puts a 5 euro note on the counter. The bartender rejoices internally because now he would take revenge. He goes to the cash register and takes a whole handful of small coins as change, stands in front of the drunkard and throws all the coins at him with vigor: "Here, your change!" The coins fly past the completely expressionless face of the drunkard and clatter to the ground somewhere. You could clearly see the bartender's satisfaction with his revenge. The drunk reaches into his vest pocket, pulls out two 10 cent coins, drops them on the counter and says: "I'll drink another one!”
A group of stockbrokers from New York City decided to move west and try their hand at cattle ranching. Six months later, they were back and flat busted. A friend asked what happened.

“We couldn’t agree on a name for the ranch. So we called it the Lucky Rocker Lazy Susan Double Yellow Seven Hills Ranch.”

“So what happened then?”

“None of the cattle survived the branding.”
I was in sales. Always pissed me off when d**k-headed sales managers did that to get new business!!!
Yeah, but keep screwing the old, loyal customers!!!

My brother-in-law switches cell phone companies about once a year for just that reason and he refuses to pay re-connection fees and always keeps his own phone number.

It is a stupid and self-defeating business "strategy".
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