Friday, April 12th coffee


Oct 22, 2019
East Coast Canada
'03 ST1300A
After yesterday's paint stripper I thought I'd give it ago. Can't do much worse.

A pot of French Roast is available for your review and consumption.

It's a wet 8C headed to 13C here today.

I'm thinking it'll be a half day at work as I'm owed some time, and I'd enjoy the early break.

Also have to reach out to my Honda sales guy as he left me a message yesterday about picking up the new Wing.

Hope everyone has a super day!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the coffee @Obo. I was just about to start a pot of Black Rifle Beyond Black but figured I'd check one final time before I hit the "Brew" button.

It's a mild and wet 61°F in Rockville, where the overnight rain has died to a fine misty drizzle. We may get light and scattered showers for another hour, after which the wind is supposed to rise dramatically while the temperature... doesn't. The high will be only around 64.

It'll be a golf morning, followed by continued application of stain and clear topcoat on the sewing center project. Before golf I have a fasting blood draw, so no decoration in the coffee today, and no breakfast until after I've visited the vampire.

Oh the heck with it- I'll hit the "Brew" button anyhow. I'm sure @nicksacco and/or @Sadlsor will help dispose of the excess.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Happy Coffee Friday All!
Thanks for getting the pot started @Obo & @ibike2havefun !
One can never have too much coffee - can they?

Lots of rain on the prairie yesterday! 'Came down in buckets.
Leaves are everywhere and it's still a-blowin'.
Shortly, I shall saunter down to the low end of the farm to see how much of my property is running down the creek.
But first - coffee.

In spite of all this rain and storminess, it's still lovely to see the greens again after the Winter.
Back to mowing, fungus prevention and planting. Ah!

So Friday on everyone! Y'all have a winderfill day!

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Obo.

It's raining and 59 in MA this morning, rising to 62, later. Weatherunderground says the rain will continue till 11:00am, and the wind will be 15 to 25 mph.

I did the gym thing, yesterday, after one of our potential contractors showed up for a meet-n-greet with Brenda. Except she wasn't here, because we thought it was happening NEXT Thursday. We'll try again next Thursday.
Aside from that, I tried again to install the new mower deck belt, with no success. I went to Tractor Supply to try to find a more appropriate fit, but none were as long as this belt had stretched to, and I was uncomfortable just buying another belt that wouldn't fit. I'll go to the Lowes site, and buy the "official" Craftsman belt, today.

One of our friend's from the track IM'd me about flagging for a BMW day up there, but the spots were taken by the time I replied. Instead, we'll go up there for a COM event the weekend of the 21'st. She also mentioned that Thompson Speedway, 10 minutes down the road, might be looking for corner marshals.

Today, I'll go back to the gym, and do a bit of housework, before Brenda returns from work.
We might get in some range time, before dinner.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee and fresh pot, Obo and Keith!

Today can be described as dark, cloudy, gloomy and wet. There are a couple of clear spots in the clouds and the rain has taken a short break, but not for long; the deluge will resume shortly, and continue through the weekend. However, it's the warmest day of spring so far here: 14°C/57°F now, 20°C/68°F for a high.

I shall continue my slog through the oceans of mandatory training, coupled with translation/revision assignments that are now coming in. No rest for the wicked here! I believe this is going to be a really good job, though, once everything settles. And the perks are amazing. As soon as I receive my card to prove it, I will now be able to get juicy discounts on just about everything, as I'm considered a member of the Canadian Armed Forces Community (Extended Defence and Security Team). Pretty nifty.

Right, time to don my "combat fingers" and get to it. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

I believe this is going to be a really good job, though, once everything settles. And the perks are amazing. As soon as I receive my card to prove it, I will now be able to get juicy discounts on just about everything, as I'm considered a member of the Canadian Armed Forces Community (Extended Defence and Security Team).

So glad to hear that, Patty. Swapping the iconic RCMP red jacket and Mountie hat for fatigues and a steel bucket helmet might be a step backward on the fashion scale but it's a small price to pay for a gig that doesn't build lethal amounts of stress in your life.
Ta me duck, it's post lunch, where did that come from? I'll have some wimpy coffee.
The weather, a bit cooler, still OK though at around 60. Winds may reach 35 mph but who cares anyway, unless you're a wind sock!
Lunch was honey and spelt toast, topped with toasted cream cheese and chestnut mushrooms. Followed by British strawberries. I know!
I noted that the strawberries came from rainy Lancashire, perhaps @Cogmeister is a strawberry farmer. Where is Coggy anyway. Probably building a boat or harvesting strawberries. Lancashire!
This afternoon may see a few things occurring, the outside bench is dry, so it may get put in the garage for oiling, The B may get positioned in prime garage spot, the grass may get cut, is that enough yet? Oh yes, I need to empty new bags of bird nuts, general seed, sunflower seeds, mealworm and nyjer seed into their relative tubs. Lucky birds. Pffffffftttttt.
Av a gud un and remember, works OK, but there are alternatives.
good morning all. thank you Keith and Obo for the coffee. 56F on the dog walk with clouds and some stars to view. yesterday was a good day as I got the A/C condenser coil cleaned and ready for summer. almost turned it on as the temp reached 90F. today will be 87F so some time in the afternoon I will place it in service. this morning I have gym and grocery shopping that takes us into the afternoon. after that we will have to see what the day has in store. enjoy the day

stay safe.
Did someone call my name?
Why, of course I'll help drink your BB coffee, Keith. As well as @Obo 's offering, FR is always a staple of my coffee diet. Yesterday's 6 cups of espresso kept me going for almost 75 minutes.
Meanwhile, the gusty winds have blown away all the clouds, leaving us a pristine medium-blue sky, warming to nearly 70. Great Ride to work day!
This weekend I'll pick up my dragging feet and finish my taxes, our business actually includes a tax and accounting division so we have our taxes done for free. Mine's unwieldy compared to my friends' there, due to my traveling job and mileage reductions and tax deductions.
So between my procrastination and my innate rebellious nature and my disgust with our government in general, and their spending of my money in particular, I always make tax prep harder on myself.
YEAH! That will show them, won't it!?!?
Don't do that, it never turns out well.
But hey, it's not Monday yet,...right?
Good morning all!
Thanks for the proper start Obo!

Another cool wet day here, I may venture out tomorrow to see if I can fit a few more things in the bin before it gets picked up Monday!

We heard from the insurance adjuster last evening, just over $7,000 Canuckian roubles is the primary body shop estimate!

For some reason, I thought of Ray when I saw this!

Enjoy your Friday!
Morning Obo & All from sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 65F, heading for 71F. The winds are already started coming from the SSW @ 6mph, and later we could see them up to 30mph.

Hey @Whisker Bill, I can relate to that picture! :rolleyes:

I spent some time out in the front laying block. I still have lots to go!


I'm thinking I may have to go three layers, but I'll worry about that later. The hard part is getting that first layer down!

Chris made some hot cereal, which I added some toast and we had OJ to wash it down. There will be a Pepsi, in my future!

Anyone :dr13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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Morning, just, all! It's overcast with the sun peeking out occasionally and 8C. More sun and 12C allegedly to come.

Met with the new contractor yesterday to do a walk through the house and hear their ideas after they had a chance to look at the house and the plans previously. I am kicking myself thoroughly for not going with this group this time last year when we started the reno odyssey. They were practical and to the point of bluntness, telling us what would and wouldn't work but with logical and clear reasons why. Their focus was on keeping costs down and they had some really good ideas. I am very relieved and optimistic, particularly after our last two go rounds.

Patty, that is an awesome perk, congrats!

Hope everyone has or is having a great day!
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