Curse you, Dark Side!


"I'm not sure, Bones, but I think we've just been insulted."

"I'm sure!"
Let me rephrase that in vulcan...
'It seems the the air pressure on the exterior of the tire is far greater than that of the interior air pressure, causing the tire to appear to have a complete lack of inflation.
If we were to place the vehicle in a vacuum chamber, the tire would appear to be fully inflated Captain...'
Would you like me to translate that to Klingon?
What??? I change air when replacing tires. PSA, check your air compressor every so often…..I’ve had three fail on me in the last 15 years. Luckily, I was riding with friends who had working compressors.
Probably cheap air from a foreign country. Always use air from U,S., we must maintain our own air. No more importing cheap air knock-offs. It damages our air compressors by not conforming to our standards.
I never understood the angled stems

I found that the straight stems on my ST made it very difficult to get the nozzle from my el cheapo ($15) plug-in portable compressor properly seated and locked onto the stem- there just wasn't enough clearance above the top of the stem. Angled stems solved that problem.
Nah, I have nothing but time.
Oodles and idle of spare hours, living the life of Reilly (not Bill O'), lazily waiting to turn the next page in my calendar.
I'm always looking for a hobby or something to help me occupy my days.
Just ask anyone who knows me.
Try mine. I'll send you a starter pack of Guppies...20230426_122114[1].jpg20230505_160616[1].jpg
Times up, this is like the @GGelly muffler thread

@Sadlsor has all kinds of cliff hanger threads other than this tire one.... the new GS, the stove that won't fit, the carpet, the turn signals... and until recently he also had the Bushtech saga, the transmission, the trunk, the sink saga, the garage / kitchen table & chairs saga, the new lawnmower saga... then he has the other series of "Where's Waldo" with his restaurant repair jobs. I'm sure I missed at least one or two.
@Sadlsor has all kinds of cliff hanger threads other than this tire one....
I'm sure I missed at least one or two.
I'm not at all sure that you did miss any. In point of fact, you listed a couple that I had forgotten!
You must take very good notes, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if you were a top student in school
my 1960's Lambretta TV 175 carried a spare tire that mounted under the luggage rack!
I'm not at all sure that you did miss any. In point of fact, you listed a couple that I had forgotten!
You must take very good notes, and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if you were a top student in school
Nope you both missed the axle alignment continuation thread where we're still hanging high.

"Follow us next episode, where we talk about rear wheel alignment, to end this series..."


Just pulling your chain. No harm intended, go ALABAMA man! (close relative to the infamous lately Florida man slams.)
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