Comets and Cicadas - April 20

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Good Morning All!
Welcome to the Saturday pot.
This morning is Black Rifle Just Black so sit back please, just enjoy! Bring donuts if ya got 'em.

My neighbor pulled in from work this morning and the headlights revealed the massive amount of pollen in the air.
Yes, it's that time again! It rains pollen and oak tassels here on the Piedmont.
Oak tassels look like tumbleweed and pollen abounds like yellow snow.

My lovely wife's been dogsitting at our friend's house these last 2 days so I went over to visit yesterday.
The old dog doesn't like the new dog and the new dog is 4 months old and full of himself!
What a wild duet! (name the TV show where that comes from - win a prize).

Mr Tractor's gonna git his parts today according to postal rumors - oh he'll be so happy!
@SupraSabre the machinery of today in large commercial applications is mind-blowing isn't it!?

Y'all have a winderfilled day!

Speaking of weather, here's a couple of videos from the hyperbole channel to enjoy.

Wow, that's a wild coffee ride. Nowt wrong with that though. Talking of riding, our intrepid two wheeled cycling correspondent will be along soon. All lycra and horse liniment.
TV shows, cicadas and the devil. Pffffffftttttt.
Woolerumnal continues, we might see 50, should stay dry and breezy. You can't go anywhere without someone saying out loud, as if to prompt a godly intervention, "this bloody weather"! At this point you all have to look to the heavens in expectation and, nowt changes.......bloody weather.
The B passed yesterday and was awarded a yearly ride it like you stole it I did.
It was 47 on the journey with a little light rain. Pffffffftttttt.
Fuel gauge six bars.
Temp gauge three bars.
Charging rate 14.3V.
That'll do.
Av a gud un and remember, stay away from lighter fuel.
Good morning everyone

I'm awake but only for the moment. Thanks for the BRJB Nick but I'll hold off for a couple hours, in hopes of more sleep.

It's 65°F and cloudy in Charlotte, expecting mostly cloudy with a high of 79. Good cycling weather.

I got to Union Station and Amtrak easily yesterday, then made the ten hour trip to Charlotte. It's only six and a half hours by car, but the train is a better option for a one way journey. Had a very engaging seat mate as far as Raleigh then a completely silent partner the rest of the way.

I'll treat the inlaws to breakfast then head off toward my first night's destination about 50 miles away. Hope to be on the road by 10:30.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Thx Mr Nick!
I’ve been in Oslo for a week.
Mrs Stu dragged me around to markets, concerts, churches, restaurants and whatnot.
Purchased a seven day travel pass, and we’ve seen the city from underneath.
My daughter booked us an extra night at a fancy hotel.
Nice, but I don’t think I fit in.

6˚c/43f, a nasty 40mph wind from the north pole.

In need of a new battery for the car, that’s it.

Have a good one!

Still winter in the mountains, no biking for me….

Mortensrud kirke

The hotel, and yes it snowed. April 19th…..

Good morning, all. Thanks for the BR coffee, Nick. Dang, I was sleeping soundly, when my left hip woke me up to tell me that it’s raining. More rain this morning, at 50 degrees. High of 63. What happened to the mid-80’s at the first of the week? Bloody weather. Pffffttt.

I'm back and ready for that cup of mud, Nick. Thanks!

A couple pics from yesterday.

Ready to roll.

The tunnel on the Capital Crescent Trail.

Smithsonian Castle, on the Mall.

Union Station in DC. End of the day's bike ride, start of the train ride.
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Mornin' all! Thanks for the BR, Nick!

The weather in San Antonio has been warm and humid all week and today is threatening to add rain to the mix. Temps for the day range from 65F to 75F.

It's looking like a good day to change the ST's SMC, add new brake pads, change the oil, and install new tires. I think I'll be able to get it all finished today... Maybe another cup of that BR!

Have a super Saturday! Enjoy the journey!
My hips didn't wake me up this morning, just my eyelids telling me "alright, we're ready again, that's enough sleeping." Like I say, we don't need alarm clocks. When we get enough sleep the body wake up all by itself, old prostates and left hips notwithstanding.

Good selection for the a.m. coffee Nick, there's more brewing over here now if you like it. But BRCC does need to come up with some new stickers, I have multiples of their existing ones.

No sunrise to see my way, only thick gray clouds threatening rain today, and they look more promising and reliable than our human fortune tellers. Looks to be a soggy day.

But I've used the leaf blower to remove all the oak tassels from our windshields and flat surfaces, so they won't be as messy when they get soaked. They like to wind themselves through the windshield wiper arms, and wriggle into every body panel seam on your car. I like our big oak tree, except for the tassles in the spring, the dripping sap in the summer, and the truckloads of leaves they deposit in the fall.

But other than that, I it's a good tree.
Good morning all and thanks for the cup. Think Im gonna stick w a cup of hot water this morning. Had a prostate biopsy yesterday and my system needs to take it easy for a day or two. Reaults in 2 weeks.

Went to sleep early last night from all the excitement and my eyes popped open an hour and a half ago and my brain wont shut down, which is why Im on at this hour and rambling.

Hoping to heal up quick, as the weather is actually beginning to be useful for riding, golfing and gardening. Thanks for letting me drone on, yall have a good day, and dont eat anything too heavy
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Nick.
I'm sure that it won't be long until our vehicles are greenish-yellow from the pollen, but not just yet.

It's raining and 45 this morning in MA.
The rain is supposed to stop by noon, and the temperature should rise to 60.

Yesterday, I went to install the plastic light panels in my friend's restaurant kitchen, only to find I'd cut them 1/4" too long.
I brought them all back home, and cut them down with the multi-tool.
Back to the restaurant, and I had the last of them in process as the early bird chef showed up.
The place definately looks brighter.

I was able to get out for a walk, since the predicted rain held off.
We drove to our favorite local-ish BBQ place in Blackstone, only to find a lot of people waiting to get in. Back towards home, we stopped at our local Mexican place for dinner and drinks.

Today, we'll hang out, and maybe try again for some BBQ later.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning all!
Thanks for the “comets & Cicadas” start Nick!
Cool & wet here in Stokes Bay this morning!
We’re enjoying camping out in our cottage!
The work is coming along, soon we’ll have it finished & we’ll have things put back where “hopefully“ they can be found!
We will both be happy to finally have to not be working at every place we own!
But, I surmise that is only wishful thinking!
Friends dropping by shortly for a cuppa.
Enjoy your Saturday!
Good morning all, and thanks for the jolt, Nick!

It's still a little cool and windy here, but at least the sun is shining this morning. Showers this afternoon, though. 7°C/45°F to 11°C/52°F are the numbers for today.
The pollen is starting here too, but it's grass pollen for the time being, as there aren't any leaves on the trees yet. There will be, shortly. There is a wee patch on one side of the complex where the daffodils are blooming in a glorious riot of yellow and the crocuses and grape hyacinths are adding touches of purple and blue - a very pretty, welcome sight!

I'm off to return the keys to my old apartment this morning; I'll be very glad to be rid of the place, once and for all. Then, it's off to Best Buy to purchase a 22" monitor. I have one already set up, but it and my little laptop screen are just not cutting it - definitely need two bigger screens. There's a sale on right now, so I might take a surreptitious look at some other stuff while I'm at it. Then I'll be making a serious effort to unpack and dispose of the remaining boxes in my living space. It's enough with the boxes!! Sometime in there, I'll have to find time for usual weekendy things like cleaning and laundry.

Ray, glad you got out for a spin on the B - must have felt marvelous!
Nice pics, Stu and Keith! Stu, I love the Viking style of that hotel. Very cool. And Keith, I've never been to Union Station in DC, but have seen pics of it - it's quite a spectacular building!

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely. And remember, the devil's in the

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Morning all! 3C and the sun is just coming up. Won't see it for long apparently, the forecast is for rain later in day. Guess that means inside projects it is, unless I get extra motivated and get the outside stuff done this morning.......inside projects it is......

Great pics Stu & Keith. Keith good luck on the ride.

Hope everyone has a great day!
good morning all, thanks for the coffee Nick. it was 56F on the dog walk with clouds and stars to see. I saw the moon when getting ready for our walk but it was gone by the time I got outside. 90F for the high this afternoon so what ever we find to do I'm sure it will be inside. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning, all. Thanks, Nick. Folgers as usual at The CattHouse.

STerling has had the duty for the last week. STrayCatt helped get her out of the basement. A little reluctant to start with th ATF in the carbs but once cleared out, she runs a treat.

VW truck is being cantankerous. New Mass Air Flow sensor on order.

Ready for Terry Hammond Memorial dedication next Saturday. I’m contributing this photo for inside the store. Aeryn Catt pulling the 50/50 ticket at MLR 2010. Aeryn was 9 months. She’ll turn 15 end of June

44 now to 54 later. More cool weather in the coming days. Forget American Express, don’t leave without your heated gear. :D

As always, CAREFUL ON THE ROAD!!!!
I've never been to Union Station in DC, but have seen pics of it - it's quite a spectacular building!

It's definitely of its time, and the interior renovation are nice.

Union Station in Cincinnati is even better, though. Almost worth a trip on its own, but you don't want to miss the local brewpub scene there...

Dinner tonight at Pancho Villa's, just across from my hotel in Albemarle NC. That is the biggest margarita I have ever seen!!! It's good they aren't busy because I plan to nurse this monster for an hour or more.
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