Coffee's here! Saturday day fun! (March 30)

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Good Morning All!
I've got the pot hot and brewing.
C'mon over and tell us what yer planning today.

For me, some digging and implantation of drain hose for a gutter system.
Ugh, trying to control water run off on the plantation.
Likely lots more fun after that!

Happy almost Easter.
Mrs is making some advance food (famous potato salad) and prepping for Easter dinner.
Ah, looking forward to taste testing!

Y'all have a wondahfill day!

It looks pretty clear here in the Piedmont!


Good morning everyone

Thanks for the enthusiastic start, Nick, and for the coffee too. It's sorely needed and greatly welcome, after another four hour sleep interruption episode last night.

It's 38°F and sunny in Rockville today, and will get to about 59 under sunny skies.

I've got an appointment scheduled today to meet someone interested in possibly buying my spare touring bicycle, but we're both a bit uncertain about whether it'll fit him (I'm 5'10" and he's 6' 3" or so) so I'm not counting the bike as sold just yet, or even "probably sold".

Other than that there's groceries that need buying and the fuel tank on my CR-V is nearly empty, which needs to change very soon. Groceries first, though, to maximize the odds of my reaching the number of fuel rewards points needed to get another $0.10/gallon shaved off the default pump price.

After all of that I'll need to go for a ride, since it's now only three weeks before I depart for a tour and I've done diddly-squat by way of training and getting physically ready.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee, Nick.

It's partly cloudy and 36, going to 52, later. It'll be windy and gusty, as well.

I did my gym thing, and housework, yesterday.
When Brenda arrived home, we walked across the street for an early dinner.
Her company released everyone aroud 1:00 pm for Good Friday.

Today, we'll putter around the house a bit.
I'll try for a windy walk, and Brenda will cook our donation to tomorrow's Easter dinner.
The VFR's also been calling...

Enjoy the day,
Thanks for the coffee Nick!!
"Sluuuuuu cough rrrrp" Darn it, a gust of wind almost took the cup outta my hand.
34F here, heading to 45F with fairly sunny skies and gusty winds all day.
Last weekend saw 19 inches of snow, today there are still a few of them left. Hopefully the next several days will remove the rest, although Wednesday and Thursday are threatening to bring more.
Nothing really planned for today, maybe some cooking for the coming week.

Be safe, be careful, and if you have to "pffffftttttt", do so with the wind.
thanks for the wake up Nick.
gonna rain today. Workin' on the van. Am welding the mounting
brackets for the rotisserie but will run out gf gas before I'm done
and AirGas is closed on Saturday.


y'all have a great day


Good morning all!
Thank you for the pot-o-hot Nick!
I’m suffering from last night, my younger brother and I got a wee bit carried away…
It’s cool out there, 31F, warming to 45 with a 6 -14 MPH SE breeze.
I believe I’ll coast on the sofa for a while, see if I feel better later.
Have a Saturday!
Morning all! 5C here, sunny with cloudy periods and 12C to come.

Easter dinner this evening with assorted relatives. Which means a bit of a house clean and prep work. Hopefully, will get a chance to take the dogs for a walk and maybe a visit to the gym. Also a nap, critical component of daily functioning, especially given they may need to disappear when I head back to work. The horror.........

Hope everyone has a great day!
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Nick. 54F on the dog walk with a lot of clouds to see. yesterday the roofers made repairs to the roof that should of been done in 2019 with the new roof. Oh well they made good on it as warranty work. all I have to do is paint the new wood. its not a lot of painting but rain is in the forecast for Sunday. so I would like to get it done today. with the high of 79F the painting should go well. enjoy the day

stay safe
Thx Mr Nick!
All time high temp over here, 11˚c/52f !
Should be out riding, but endless chores….running an all-inclusive guesthouse is rewarding but demanding.
But my time will come.
It must.

Yesterday a nice coastal walk.
Picking up Peter and his parents on the airport late tonight.
No play, only work for Jack.

Have a good one!

From yesterdays walkIMG_3153.jpeg


already 1425hrs over here...
18°C, sunny but quite windy...

So while most of you were snoring peacefully, we were quite busy:
- trip to the local recycling center, disposing buckets with old paint & tar, hardened bags of tile cement, etc...
- then to the hardware store, getting 3 bags of river gravel (round pebbles)
- headed back and moved the lawn
- while I reactivated and tested the irrigation pump & system, ze GF applied the gravel around the legs of the entrance canopy masking the concrete foundations

anyway, have a splendid Saturday!
Awright, Alright,!
Way to start the day! Especially since Roz woke me from a splendid sleep- late morning, with "Did you feed the cats?" Hell no, can't you see I'm sleeping?! I normally feed them at 7 before I go to work, but I'm not going on to work today, darn it!

Whatever happened to reciprocity? I let her sleep in on weekdays, couldn't she return the favor on weekends? She fed them and went back to bed, but now that I'm awake, I guess I'm up.

56 now, clear and bright blue skies, nary a cloud and heading near 80. Gorgeous morning! Easter weekend, the plants and trees are all showing their resurrection colorfully and new life is everywhere.

The possibilities are nearly endless, including the possibility of taking the day off. But there is also the possibility of finishing the weed eating (with a machine, as our weeds are not particularly salad-worthy except for the wild onions), cutting up more of my brushpiles, or even replacing a small sheet rock section in the kitchen.

But with Nick's coffee (my thanks) and what I made, there is no reason to get hasty in my decision-making.

And out of nowhere, seemingly, is this quote by Alice Cooper (yes, THAT Alice Cooper):

"Mistakes are part of the game. It's how well you recover from them, that's the mark of a great player."

(So, what game are YOU playing today?)
Good morning, peeps! Thanks for the coffee and enthusiasm, Nick!

It's partly cloudy, cold and very windy this morning, but there are promising blue patches in the sky and it should be sunny and much warmer by this afternoon. it's 0°C/32°F with a feels-like of -6°C/21°F right now, but the high will be a much more pleasant 7°C/45°F (albeit with a windchill of 3°C/37°F).

The unpacking is still a slog, and will be for a bit yet, but progress is being made. Thank goodness there's a shopping cart in the basement I can use to take loads of flattened boxes down to the recycling room in the basement; otherwise, I don't think my back would survive the ordeal! My new neighbour, who is a close friend of the guy who owns the condo I'm renting, has also been incredibly kind and helpful (schlepping stuff, taking things apart, putting things together, heavy lifting, moving things around, etc., etc.). He'll be getting a nice gift of some kind from me when this is all over.

Right, enough dilly-dallying. My box cutter awaits. Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

I vote for Dorvallian......

Morning all......
Thanks Nick for the start up.

Sunny and bright here today. Garden rototiller will be me and my shovel and 15 bags of steer manure. Then smooth with rake and let sit to mellow.
Next is resurrection of the lawn mower and March. That is a first for me.

Skiing was good yesterday. But will probably be the last time this year. Sigh.........

Hey, go have a Saturday.
Afternoon all and thanks for the coffee Nick.

I did 4hours in the cage to go take my car to be inspected, as it runs out tomorrow night at midnight. It passed, needing only a couple of optional filters. I bought the OEM filters from the dealer and will install them myself. Who wants to pay $150/hr for someone to put filters in. The funniest part is they take them out to inspect them and then put them back in for free, however if you buy them then they charge you for the free inspection labour. :nuts:

The trip varied from rain to heavy blowing snow with low visibility back to rain. I even made it back in time to go for afternoon brunch with family from out of town.

Temps are currently sitting about freezing, with light winds and overcast skies.

Hope everyone is have an excellent Saturday!
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