RTC 2021/10/15-17 IA, Muscatine - Saulsbury Bridge Recreation Area

I'll shoot for around 2....You will see my bike off to the right when you pull into the main campground.....What time for you Al?
I read on the rules you and put 2 tents on a site, will check it out when I get there. Maybe I will get a river site. If you want to do a RTE go ahead I'm game but we just might have to visit Captain Kirks home town.1633754802893.png1633754851694.png:rofl1:
Bring your long johns. If Saturday is decent, I may join you hooligans for lunch if you have a destination in mind.

Sounds good Greg. Don’t know the area, but maybe someone else will chime in for a lunch stop place. Be nice to see ya if it works.
I'm going to try to stop by Friday night after work, and see what is needed as far as drinks and such. There are two reasonable places for lunch on Saturday--Boonies (http://booniesontheavenue.com) and the Mississippi brewing company (https://www.missipibrewingcom). Both have outside seating, the Brew is closer to the river. Depending on how many show up, we could park at my house and walk to either one, it's just a few blocks. There is also a brew pub nearby with a limited menu (https://contrarybrewing.com) but not sure we would want to try their many beers and then get back on the bike. I can bring some samples out.
I'm going to try to stop by Friday night after work, and see what is needed as far as drinks and such. There are two reasonable places for lunch on Saturday--Boonies (http://booniesontheavenue.com) and the Mississippi brewing company (https://www.missipibrewingcom). Both have outside seating, the Brew is closer to the river. Depending on how many show up, we could park at my house and walk to either one, it's just a few blocks. There is also a brew pub nearby with a limited menu (https://contrarybrewing.com) but not sure we would want to try their many beers and then get back on the bike. I can bring some samples out.
sounds great we will put Bill in charge for lunch now ... all in favor? I , I , I . The I's' have it.
Bring your long johns. If Saturday is decent, I may join you hooligans for lunch if you have a destination in mind.

Both of Bills ideas look great. It's going to be a bit cooler but still is good riding weather. Hope you make it. We will shoot for noon or earlier... Al
Just rode over to the Saulsbury park.
Looks like a nice quite place to camp.
There was a big grassy area that said tent camping with no site designation.
There was a camp host and a few people camping. looked like a ranger's house next to the camp ground.
As far as I know I won't be able to make it. Family stuff.
I'm going to try to stop by Friday night after work, and see what is needed as far as drinks and such. There are two reasonable places for lunch on Saturday--Boonies (http://booniesontheavenue.com) and the Mississippi brewing company (https://www.missipibrewingcom). Both have outside seating, the Brew is closer to the river. Depending on how many show up, we could park at my house and walk to either one, it's just a few blocks. There is also a brew pub nearby with a limited menu (https://contrarybrewing.com) but not sure we would want to try their many beers and then get back on the bike. I can bring some samples out.
Unless I hear otherwise tomorrow I will put in a RTE at Boonies for Sat 11:30. They seem to have a larger menu. Parking seems to be an issue
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Louisville son may need help watching a sick child. Life sure has a habit of getting in the way. I even hooked up my heated gear. We shall see.

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