Monday Hamsters and Taxes - April 15

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Good Morning All!
A fresh pot o' hot is a-cookin' and the mugs are clean.
Come n' git it and bring yer stories for ratchetjawing.

Yeah I know - kinda early BUT - as (I think) @Weaselinsuit once said, the hamsters are running on the wheels already.
I've got several outside thingys I'm working on and they keep my brain busy with; what to get and when.
And leave us not forget; "When will it rain again?"

I think I see some cornbread on the table. Is that a crumbcake? Man! Ya'll are in luck. Carbs are king.

What's that noise....? Ah! It's just money leaving my bank account.
Y'all have a wonduhfull (not taxing) day!

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Ay up, they don't tax you on sleepin you know. Pour me a mug and we'll discuss.
Rain you say...yes we've had plenty more to satisfy someone. I was already satisfied.
Today will be April showers, cool and a touch blowy at around 35 mph. It's very tiresome. I can't see the feel like will be much above freezin. Brrrrrrrr.
Let me check.
Feels like at the moment is 28 of your f's. Pffffffftttttt.
I don't have the pleasure of doing a tax return, no need apparently, although they still take plenty.
But if I wasn't giving it to HMRC I'd only be spending it on beer, wine, whisky and other essentials. I'm sure it is spent wisely. Meh.
I'm going to change the seasons, I thought I'd tell you lot of layabouts first. There is no point in the traditional 4 accepted seasons. Today should be spring like, it ain't.......but it's still spring. I hereby decree to all in the land that there will only be two seasons, Summer and Wooler. Today is Woolerumnal.
If you're doing some'at buy a tool, or employ one.
Av a gud un and remember, those shelves need to be strong.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the early coffee and baked goods, Nick. Sorry the mind hamsters are nagging you.

It's 63°F and cloudy in Rockville; there must've been just the slightest touch of rain overnight because the pavement's dampish in a few spots, but not generally and overall. None of that rain foolishness in expected today: mostly sunny and a high around 81°F is what "they" tell me.

It'll be another bicycling sort of day, as I continue my belated, pathetically inadequate, and probably pointless quest to "prepare" for blastoff on Saturday morning. Friday I'll take the train down to Charlotte NC, from where I'll proceed to set about riding in a generally homeward direction. If all goes to plan I'll be back here about eleven or twelve days later. Today's ride will be to run some garden variety errands (new sandals and a modern rain jacket are wanted, and I have a cardiologist appointment this afternoon), with some gratuitous filler miles in between, most probably

A couple more layers of clearcoat will see the sewing cabinet doors to completion, and that can happen today. That leaves only the top (working surface) left to finish, meaning I could be basically done (*) with the thing before I set off for my trip. That's a goal worth thinking about, isn't it?

*: Since Mrs. Fun has yet to select and obtain the machine that is the object of the exercise I can't really finish until she has it in hand. The lift can raise the machine to two heights: one height has the "deck" of the machine flush with the surface of the surrounding desktop, and requires a plate to bridge the gap between the machine and the desk. I need to know the dimensions of the plate, and because plates are specific to individual makes and models of sewing machine there's no generic standard.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Nick.

Waking up at home, after 5 days in Texas. 58 lovely degrees, and going to an over abundance of F’s, at 82, with plenty of sun. Look like the first day back home will involve mowing the lawn and washing the Texas dust off the truck.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick. I was worried about the thread title that we were having some sort of hamster venison with the coffee.

"Dr Seuss's green eggs and hamster? What? What do you mean we ate the Lorax by mistake?"


It's an overcast 6 headed to 11 with rain. Typical Spring around here.

And Ray, yes they do tax you for sleeping, especially at hotels, motels and b&b's.

Hopefully everyone has a wonderful Monday!

Ay up, they don't tax you on sleepin you know. Pour me a mug and we'll discuss.
But if I wasn't giving it to HMRC I'd only be spending it on beer, wine, whisky and other essentials. I'm sure it is spent wisely. Meh.
"Let me tell you how it will be
There's one for you, nineteen for me...

Should five per cent appear too small
Be thankful I don't take it all
-- Quoted from some unknown Englishman. ;)
If you can't afford good liquor with what they allow you to keep, then the Government tax policy is inhumane and should be changed. Same here in the US.
IMHO, drinking cheap liquor is the path to an early grave. :confused:
Thanks for the coffee Nick! A glorious day here in the Heart of Dixie, heading to low 80s and no rain (want to come for a visit, Ray? free coffee for you here.)

I only need to install a box inside my kitchen wall to secure the power to the now- removed intercom system. Two separate trips to the building store, and forgot it both times. So the wall board is not secured yet. Screw, glue, sand. I moved the rightmost boxes back on the studs, as we won't use 'em, and didn't want to cut out the holes for 'em.


The cordless saw is the tool payoff for the project, but not entirely sure I'll keep it. Didn't come with a battery or charger, which together cost 3x the dang spinning blade machine. No time to wait for a sale, or order online.

We may just hire someone to fix the wallpaper, it's 20 years old and not in my wheelhouse. We still have a leftover roll of the original stuff, more than enough. Hope it doesn't call for a whole paper do-over.

And one last thing... I need to finish some government paperwork.

Can you believe some people actually procrastinate with this? I don't get it.
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Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and cornbread, Nick...I'll pass on the hamsters.

We have a mix of sun and clouds today, 7°C/45°F now, going to 14°C/57°F later, not much wind. I got the wipe-down/tidy-up done at the old apt. and I now hurt in places I had not only forgot, but never even knew I had. However, it is done, and that's a load off my mind. All that remains is to get the keys back to the landlord or his partner. I may just put them in an envelope in my mailbox and text him that they're there.

If you're doing some'at buy a tool, or employ one.

Just don't marry one.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely.

@Sadlsor NO NO NO....

Please don't tell me you did this.

The yellow circled wires, if 110v AC or more MUST be in a box. The box CAN'T be hidden in the wall.
The red circled AC outlet CAN'T be hidden in the wall.
The pink circled depends on what those wires are.....

It's a major fire hazard, as well as potentially causing untold grief to some electrician or future homeowner down the road.

It's almost 100% illegal according to the NEC. It certainly is up here in Canukistan.


Any live AC box MUST come through the drywall and have a blank cover plate on if not a switch or outlet.


Just looking out for you, Roz, Kaiser and the kitty(ies.)

FYI I already see the red circled plug is damaged on the bottom.

Kudos though on getting it cut out and the drywall fitting decent!
Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee Nick. We're without a kitchen here for another couple of weeks - and missing it. Got through my first oil change on the bike with only a minor panic. Crash bars installed too. Will be back out on the road this evening if the clear weather holds.

Have a great day all, and stay safe.
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Nick. 48F on the dog walk with a sky full of stars and no clouds to see. didn't make Lowes for the door hinge over the weekend that I need so I'll try today on my way home from the gym. high temp should only be 73F today. might wash the car or not we will see how the day unfolds. enjoy the day.

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Nick!
I must get started, the bin guy was here & picked up the full bin, now that that’s gone, I have a couple of trees to remove, then start loading up the old wood etc adorning the yard. The next bin will be dropped in front of the garage to load all the garage contents that we don’t want to keep!

We have approximately 100+ blow torches, (the old brass ones that plumber’s used to use back in the day.) We’re hoping to find someone who would like to collect them as they are about $100 a pop! (to buy)
Well I’d better get my sorry keister out & get at it!
Beautiful day here!
Have a great Monday!
I'll check this stuff before sealing it all... thanks for the lookout.
(Then again, this IS Alabama, and we've truly seen some electrical hijinks and redneck engineering. But 120v AC is not something I'm interested in R-E'ing; will keep you posted. My boss rewired his massive bathroom expansion that he did all himself... found a big loop of original power cables sitting under his old bathtub, going to some jury-rigged outlets in the wall. He fixed it all and routed properly.)
On the good news side, I measured sufficiently to get a first-try fit with the new piece of sheetrock; then used up all my time savings meticulously carving out the single AC receptacle opening.
Still not too old to learn new crap.
On the good news side, I measured sufficiently to get a first-try fit with the new piece of sheetrock; then used up all my time savings meticulously carving out the single AC receptacle opening.
Still not too old to learn new crap.

You can simply measure for the box OR if you put the new rough piece of drywall in place and lightly tap the front where the box is it will leave a mark on the back where you can cut it. This is best done though when there's no outlet installed, which wouldn't be ideal in this case.
Morning Nick & All from overcast and WET, Southern Utah!

Currently it is 37F and it's been snowing, but since it is too warm, it is not sticking! :hat3: We do have a breeze, it's coming from the SE @ 8mph, & later, from the NW @ 10 to 23mph.

@Nashcat, Glad to hear you made it back safe, John!

So, no outside working for me today, and probably tomorrow. Chris has those strawberries to take care of, which means, I'll be there with her! :rolleyes:

After that, I'll go out to the garage, so I can add a FARKLE (I have several, that I'll need to take the tupperware back off of, some I'm dragging my feet on installing those) or two to the 2004.

Lazyman's breakfast. Pepsi to come later! :hat3:

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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Holey cow, 12 hours of sleep. Making up for the last two nights.
Taxes paid, hamster is tired. I'm not though.

Mid 70s today and sunny. Will work on the new fence a bit and probably ride a bit too.

@Sadlsor , I am glad others have stopped you from burying those wires. That is a NO NO for sure.

Go have a monsaturday.
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