What does your nickname stand for?


Old Herder of cats.
Feb 3, 2005
Brighton, CO USA
Been asked twice now... so thought I'd start since cl came up with the idea... thanks cl :)

She stands for Sherri (wife) Rob for Robert (me)... just easy to remember with all of the userids I have, the type of work I do... same has home email too.

Not dual personalities or a lifestyle I live... :D
Well, that's how I ride... nice and Mellow..... Oh, and I had a yellow Valkyrie and Yellow Wing so the whole Mellow Yellow thing came into play...
"nofinishline" has been my user name since the beginning of my computer life. It's also my philosophy...."In life, there is no finish line." I also used to work for nike, the sports and fitness company, and I will always feel like I'm a part of it. I also wanted a user name that was non gender specific. When I used to chat alot, someone shortened it to "nfl" and it stuck. I love my name!

I wanted mine to be a little nuts to represent me and since my bike at the time was a KZ650 I thought it was just a cool nickname. Not much to it but it kind of flows together.

"John-DownUnder"...... Should I bother?

Started using it on the "groups.msn.com/ST1300US" site and needed to differentiate from all you north American continentals that inhabit these boards (being the only known Australian using that site at the time).

My ex-Florida cousins (now living in N.Y.) don't refer to their relatives here that way, but it seems to work.
Mine came from when I worked as a counselor at a Boy Scout Camp. There was a guy who was nicked Robin Hood (Archery Director, go figure LOL). All summer I was quoting the "LittleJohn" character from the bugs bunny cartoon..."Dont you worry, never fear, Robin Hood will sonn be here!, He goes skipping tra la la through Sherwood forest helping the needy and oppressed..." It stuck....LMAO
I have no imagination whatsoever. I have always just used my initials every since I was trying to find out if Radio Shack was selling my info back in the 80's when they asked for all that stuff every time you bought a 0.25 cent part. Instead of my name I started giving my initials to just them and sure enough..... Then they told me they didn't sell their mailing list.

Christopher L. becomes clmixon which also keeps me from forgetting who I am.

Chris :04biker:
Thanks Robert for starting this thread... very interesting.. I wish I could have stayed with last nights chat session a bit longer. Good turnout?
In northern Wisconsin where I was born a jackpine savage is a somewhat demeaning term for someone who makes his living cutting jackpine pulpwood for a living. Jackpine is one of the trees that will grow like weeds in the almost pure sand left after the glacial retreat. Even though I have moved to a different economic status I still think of myself as a... you guessed it.

A series of signs at the entrance of my up north property:

"Proceed with extreme caution..."

"Jackpine Savage spotted in vicinity."

The important thing is, I think it's funny. :)
STeve1300 said:
Thanks Robert for starting this thread... very interesting.. I wish I could have stayed with last nights chat session a bit longer. Good turnout?

It was Chris' idea... :bow1: blame him... LOL! I guess it had a good turn out... I had to bow out to help the wife pack for trip up to TN. I'm going to have 5 days of peace and quite... don't know what I'm going to do :rolleyes:
I'm a Special Education teacher and we used to refer to the Special Ed kids as the "SpEd" kids. It was always with respect and love so to honor them I took the name SpEd.

While I still work with all kids now, I am an Assistant Principal here in Conroe.
Mine come from my 2 hobby/lifestyles

I am a Martial Arts student/instructor in the art of Kempo Karate.
I put it together with St-er and there ya go..Kempo-Ster
My niece Carly when she first started talking use to call me "Gung" (how she got that from Dennis???). This went on for quite sometime. We were together as family during one of the holidays and my Dad mentions how cute it was that Carly calls me "Gug". Everyone went nutz! Well it stuck. To solidify it my cousin from Italy brought me a family tree that goes back to the 1200's and in the wayback machine about 1400 sumethin it has a "Guglielmo" in that tree. Needless to say......
A long, long time ago (before WWW) when I got my first e-mail account and user name for a news reader there was a limit of 8 characters for usernames. (pre-1990 and all unix stuff if I remember...) I wanted to go with first initial and last ame but to do so I had to drop one letter from my last name and so I became seiseman. I have just stuck with it for screen names since. How's that for exciting.......

When I was very young my dad's boat was named "Texas Rebel". When the CB craze was in full swing, that was my cb handle. I have had 'rebel' in just about every email address I have ever had. And it kinda fits my character as I like to go against the flow, can be very rebelious... and my kids are very much the same way... talk about paybacks.
Mine is a reference to some old ST1100 history. Back in 1991, a fellow named Grant Norman (the infamous) started a quarterly, printed newsletter called "The ST1100 Newsletter." It had a lot of helpful tips and things for about 3 years. Then the ST1100 Email remailer (aka the LiST, now run by Don Feyma) came to life under Derek Catt and Charlie Woods (both RIP now). The net spread tips pretty quickly, so the quarterly printed format wasn't that helpful. Grant sent all his subscribers a letter saying if we would pony up some extra $, he would turn the newsletter into a full-blown magazine, starting every two months and going to monthly. He would change the name to "The ST1100 Magazine." Most of us jumped on the idea and sent in the money, about $100 each. For reasons that were not totally explained, Grant took the money and ran. Left Houston and moved to Kansas or somewhere. Disappeared. The thing is, he had a custom-painted yellow ST which was kinda hard to hide. He eventually had to get rid of it.

Anyway, back on the LiST, every 3 or 4 months some newby would ask "Whatever happened to the ST1100 Newsletter?" which initiated a long trail of flames about what a crook Grant Norman was. One day I was feeling like a comedian and launched a new, alternative publication called "The ST1100 NewsMag" which was a spoof of the whole situation. I never wrote any articles, but sent out via the LiST a set of article TITLES that were things we would really have liked to see, or parodies of them, and some jabs at folks on the LiST. It was hugely popular. My goal was to not make any promises that I couldn't keep like Grant Norman did, so I wrote the following advertisement...

Announcing, from Sheepdog Publishing Company:

!!!!!!!!!!!!! The ST1100 NewsMag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's right, folks! You want the latest data on ST tires (or tyres)? You want headshake debates? You want inside gossip from Honda? Brake pad scuttlebutt? Pointless arguements about political correctness on the net? Harley clothing reviews? BMW bashing? Radar detector comparos? Sound system reviews? Scientific, objective windscreen evaluations? Inside secrets about the ST1100 and HRCA internet mailing lists? Gossip about the list members? A real reason to put a GPS on your bike? Free aftermarket accessories for your ST? Reviews of the latest ST innovations? Free tickets to all WSB races? Centerfold photos of the ST1100 bikini babe of the month? The annual swimsuit edition? Do you want all of this and more?!?!?

Well, Do you?

So do I. It's good to want things. Builds character.

Here's the deal:

For exactly one half the cost of a subscription to the Norman Magazine, which purports to be a quarterly publication, the ST1100 NewsMag will deliver to your living room couch on a MONTHLY basis, complete with photographs in living color:


But wait! There's more!

For an additional $65 per year (that's less than 18 cents per day!) you can receive our personalized email service on a DAILY BASIS, so you can check your email each morning when you will receive from us:


And if there's ever a problem with your service, you can contact us 24 hours per day, 364 days per year (we take off on Christmas, thanks), via phone, fax, email or carrier pigeon. Rest assured that any comments, questions or complaints will be promptly, completely, effectively and:


And in reply you will receive for your trouble, as an added bonus:



Subscription to ST1100 NewsMag: $9 or $12 per year (depending on what the Normans told you) or just send $10, as it doesn't really matter...
US CURRENCY ONLY, please! No personal checks, rubles, guilders or francs.

Best of all, there's NO EXTRA CHARGE for international subscriptions. We're keeping our costs low to serve you better!

Act today and receive a special bonus of:


Steve Kelley, STOC #77, Editor in Chief
Warren Harhay, STOC #174, Contributing Editor
Shannon Kelley, Customer Service Manager

*** ST1100 NewsMag - We promise nothing, and that's what we deliver! ***

***** NOT a WG Norman Publication! *****

Shockingly, a few people actually sent me money! One guy even sent a check, which I still have. (I did return the cash). For you nostalgia fans, here was the inaugural issue:

ST1100 NewsMag December 96
Miracle Tyres from New Zealand - sticky, lifetime treadwear
Headshake Removed via Exorcism - Who Do That Voo Doo?
How to Summer-ize your ST - For friends down under
You Can Convert Watts to Lumens
Grant Norman - The DB Cooper of the ST World?
Why Brit-spec PANs Get Better Gas Mileage
Counter Steering - Better with Boxers or Briefs?
Field Tested: AeroProducts Least Direct Route Finder
Centerfold: Exposed! US-Spec ST Headlamp Assembly
Honda's 1998 ST1200 Spy Photos - Is That Fuel Injection?
Convert to Chain Drive in One Afternoon
STOC Member Profile - Dale Wilson: Rubber Pants - Iron Butt
12 Step Program to Break your Motorcyclene Habit
Corbin Refunds - Fact or Fiction?

The ST1100 NewsMag. It's Unique. It's Reliable. Subscribe Today!!!
c1996 Sheepdog Publishing
Last edited:
NewsMag.... Oh... I'm dying..... boy did I miss out on some fun times... LOL

Hey... maybe we should have a magazine here... LOL... of course, with inflation it would need to be $1,500 per member...

LOL... please don't send money...
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