Sun April 21st 2024... City under siege...


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Dec 4, 2012
Vienna, AuSTria
ST1100Y, ST1100R
Way before 0700hrs my deep and dreamless sleep was harshly and sudden interrupted by the distinctive noise of "Choppa" blades ripping through the air at a very low flight level...

Whiskey... Tango... ?!!!

Dang... almost forgot about that annual VCM... what a nuisance... half the city is blocked off and locked down for the marathon, alternate routes (not shown) will be in gridlock until evening...


And beyond this will every imaginary group, be it minorities, political activists or lobbyists, abuse this, originally intended as pure sports event for their motives and propaganda...

We're pretty much locked-in, the "starting point" is less then a mile from my GF's place...

So, accompanied by that "Fallujah sound-stage" of choppers (LEOs, air surveillance, EMTs, news-teams) circling above like angry insects, I grimly gulped my first cuppa Joe, shaking my head in disbelieve...
The cleanup alone will take the city till way past midnight, plastic cups, empty water bottles (also plastic), disposed running gear, all kinds of fast-food & beverage containers carelessly dropped, especially by the spectators, banners and pamphlets circulated by mentioned various groups and protesters exercising their "democratic rights"...

30 min later, also violently robbed of her sleep my GF joined...
More coffee, soft boiled eggs, toasted baguette, etc...

Vienna, chilly 2°C, barely a cloud in sight (except the dark ones around my forehead...)

GF viewing live drone and air footage of the running masses... whilst I wonder how much methane each participant produces per mile...

anyway, cancelled the plans of riding to the bike shed for replacing the Sony stereo... next weekend then...

And you all have a better one!
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Well thank you fella, I'll have a cup with ya. I've awoken to sound of twittering birds, nowt else going on.
The Woolerumnal spring continues at 39 to 51, light winds and rain in the pm.
It's just French Roast at the moment as the brioche blueberry pudding will be about 10 minutes yet, grade A light to pour. I saw a programme on the production of maple syrup on the gogglebox the other day, it seemed a proper faff. But I'm glad someone does it. The programme showed the old and modern ways of extracting the sap. I think it was actually in the NE of the States.
Today will be a steady start, before it steadies out towards a steady evening. Steady then.
Av a gud un and remember, it's about time.
No chopper blades, but I do have a noisy ceiling fan overhead. Thanks for the start, but why aren’t you running in the marathon? :biggrin:

50 with slight rain this morning. High of 60 and sun for the afternoon. Frost predicted for tonight. Pffftt.

Teddy and I are embarking on a journey this morning. To him, it’s a grand expedition to the unknown. To me….we’re picking up groceries. As always, he’ll want to drive.


Good Morning All!
Thank you for the early morning caffination @ST1100Y!
I'm sure if you're a runner, you're thrilled. Me - nah! Don't care for that sortathing.
My son's GF is big into it and wants to run in every US state - yea for her.

Today's forecast is....rain! If that comes true. I will have to restart the ark project.
Meantime, the work on the patio languishes again. ho hum...
It's looking kinda ominous out there. I hope some of us on bicycles have dry clothes!

Meantime, just sitting and enjoying the caffatation jolts planning the next assault on the patio with Mr Tractor.

Y'all have a winderfull day!

Good morning everyone

Thanks for the wake up juice @ST1100Y even if it comes at the expense of your sleep.

It's 57°F in Albemarle NC and drizzling. The wet will be with me all day, and the temperature will drop slowly with the rain. Lovely weather for bicycle touring, no?

No chopper blades, but I do have a noisy ceiling fan overhead.

Been watching the opening scene of Apocalypse Now? "Saigon. Sh*t. I'm still in Saigon."

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, @ST1100Y.
Yeah we just had the Boston Marathon, here, but I don't recall any demonstrations. My wife's boss lives somewhere along the route, and his taking the day off was the better choice, rather than trying to thread his way around the route.

It's sunny in MA this morning... all day, actually.
37, going to 53 for the temperature, and the wind will be 10-20mph.

Yesterday was spent generally cleaning up around the house.
Brenda did the annual coffee maker take-down, while I cleaned up my cellar work shop. Today's coffee has lost that mossy taste...
We didn't get to go to our Favorite local BBQ place on Friday, but did yesterday. All of the choices are delicious, and I "settled" on the smoked turkey with potato salad and beans, while Brenda had the Ham Chops. She brought leftovers home, while I joined the Clean Plate Club.

I asked Brenda about her plans for today, and she mentioned shopping. We'll see what actually plays out.
The garden tractor belt issue keeps kicking my a$$, so maybe it's time to see if the push mower is ready to go.
We'll head out to our favorite Chinese restaurant for Linner.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning, all, and thanks for the coffee, Martin. Any pudding left, Ray?

As for marathons and things, thank goodness these events are only once a year, eh? Your (understandable) mini-rant sounds very much like what comes out of people here who live within earshot of Île-Sainte-Hélène, the island where Montreal's Canadian Grand Prix F1 race takes place every June. Especially those residents closest to the hairpin turn - they get the brunt of the pop-pop-pop of the cars as they downshift/decelerate, and then the "horde of increasingly angry hornets" as they accelerate out of the turn. Me? I love F1, but then again, I don't live anywhere near the track!

It's supposed to be mainly sunny this morning, but so far, I just see a very overcast sky. A mix of sun and clouds this afternoon, they say, and then showers again this evening. It's another cool day: 4°C/39°F with a feels-like of -1°C/30°F now, 9°C/48°F feeling a few degrees colder later.

@STimpa: I hope you've recovered and are feeling better, Tim. Thinking of you and hoping for the best outcome!

There are various and sundry things on my agenda today and I shall be very annoyed with myself if I don't get at least some of them checked off, so off I go. Everyone have a good one, stay safe and go safely.

Yeah we just had the Boston Marathon, here, but I don't recall any demonstrations.
Over here they ab/use any chance that offers, only the media has tuned down reporting... people are fed up with the crap...


organizers quickly redirected the masses on the oncoming lane though...


My wife's boss lives somewhere along the route, and his taking the day off was the better choice, rather than trying to thread his way around the route.
Personal freedom ends when it's impairing those of others...

Situation has actually worsened (Sunday afternoon many come back home from their weekend activities...)

City Marathon.jpg

So we sit confined at my GF's place, waiting for it to clear up...
As for marathons and things, thank goodness these events are only once a year, eh?
Well they'd spent a n o t i c e a b l e pile of our tax money to create the Danube Island (that long, narrow green stretch between the river Danube and the "New Danube", the flood protection running aside...)
A 21km long, green, recreational park where they could run, demonstrate, party, whatever for days, weeks and months if it pleases them, without blocking those who actually finance all those well-fare receiving imbeciles...

Any questions left:


Currently 150 city workers are busy to dispose the estimated 36 tons(!) of waste left behind...
But this of course does not make the headlines...
morning y'all! Went to the Double D this morning
and got a few dozen donuts so get 'em while they're fresh.
Here's an update on the van.
its so much easier than laying on the cold concrete.
y'all have a great day!


oh yeah I forgot


...And your favorite BBQ sauce for the rotisserie!
Morning all! 6C here. The Weather Network says it's raining but when I just let the dogs out the sky appeared clear to me. It has rained however so maybe they are just slow to change. Looks like rain on and off mixed with sun for the rest of the day and a high of 13C.

Not sure what's on tap for today. The In-laws arrive on Tuesday so it will likely involve getting the house in shape and groceries in. I'll sneak a dog walk in at some point as well.

Hope everyone has a great day!
good morning all. thanks @ST1100Y for the coffee. 56F on the dog walk with clouds, stars and a big orange moon to see and enjoy. not a lot going on today so maybe I can talk the wife into the air museum or desert museum for something to do. our high should see 93F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Morning Martin & All from sunny, Southern Utah!

Currently, SPRING has SPRUNG! It is 43F, heading for 77F, but that doesn't compare to the 95F, I'll see in Las Vegas, picking up my 2004, from my son this afternoon.

I have the whole story (and I'm sticking to it, unless I change it) here: Justin and I ride to Bryce Canyon & ZION

We had a really great ride. I didn't take that many pictures, since I was there just a few weeks ago, but Justin did: Justin's Facebook post

So today, after church, I'll come home, change and jump in the truck, with trailer, already attached, and drive down to Las Vegas to pick up the 2004.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast and OJ to start the morning with. Pepsi will be later, if not a couple of them, for the trip.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
Mmmmmm. Donuts and coffee.....

You guys rock.

Slight overcast this morning, going to sun and warm later.

No marathon here, just a chain link fence on a steep slope giving me the grief. Got another panel of fabric put up yesterday. Thought I could get away without using a stretcher......have in the past. But this last section is on a steep slope and shaped like a parallelogram. Couldn't get it as tight as I like, so tomorrow's trip to the big city for a few missing parts will include a stretcher bar. Last time I try to put up a fence on a slope that is for sure......

Hope everyone has a super Sunday
I made it back from Las Vegas. Due to how the hotel parking was set up, Justin found that by the entrance, there was a "blocked off" parking area, where they let me pull the truck and trailer into, long enough to load up the bike, and then I had to leave. So I wasn't able to spend any more time with him, there. Which was probably a good thing, I didn't get close to any one-arm bandits! :rofl1:

The truck and trailer are parked in front of the garage and I'll get the bike out tomorrow and put it on the lift. Now that I have to see where that coolant is coming from! :think1:

Good on you for pushing through, that sounds decidedly unpleasant.

Thanks Ted. It wasn't what I'd have chosen, or quite what I was prepared for. And it's a shame because the roads were top notch. On a nice day it would have been a really great ride.
Sorry wrong day!!!!

Thanks for the start Martin.
It’s a beautiful day here in Woodstock!
We’re off to pick up my new trailer shortly!
It may be a bit of overkill it has 2 - 7000 lb axles, so I think I need that to ferry tractors & equipment about the countryside! Mostly it’ll be hauling our side x side which isn’t all that heavy.
My next youngest brother, will be using it as well! He hasn’t asked yet but I know by the jest of the conversation.
I’m expecting he’ll borrow it to haul the material for his new building, to his cottage in Nova Scotia.

We had a lovely weekend at our cottage.
We hosted an evening of libations and merrymaking, the reviews are telling us there will be many more!

Keith, sorry to hear of your having a tough time on the road!

Enjoy your Monday!
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