Stantion chrome

There MAY be better ways to skin cat (I am trying - but won't know answer til I have done a few thousand miles)
Where you likely have damage - the only need to think about rechroming , is to avoid have the crap torn out of new seals - so ? What I did was to sand / polish down the high spots . If I had had any furrows , my plan was to fill with araldite - than sand down again. (turned out not required) Then I have rebuilt the forks , new seals and dust covers - taken off the plastic ?? things at top , and fitted a pair of old school fork gaiters to keep all the crap out.
Time will tell - total cost approx £20.
I suppose the answer lies in the condition of the forks. I've only seen the chrome worn through on one bike - my 69 Triumph - and there was no other damage when the copper plating under the chrome started showing. If that is the case with yours, it becomes a decision based on cost. On this side of the pond, chrome plating has become expensive because of the dangerous chemicals used (think hexavalent chromium and the acids used in plating). That's why I suggested used parts. If there is visible wear such as scratching or pitting, you might try what @Cortina suggested, or explore used parts availability.
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