Boots Redwing Boots?

Re: A question for the US members.

I tried Thorogoods about a two years ago, the arch support was gone after six months. My feet and back couldn't take it so I bought another pair of Redwings, they're 1.5 years old and holding up fine. I'm on my feet all day on concrete and the boots are usually wet or at least damp. In the past I got around two years out of a pair of these, I've probably had 8 pairs over the years and I thought I could save a few bucks getting something else. The Thorogoods I tried were not cheap either, about $200. If they quit making my old standby I might just retire.:think1: :run1:

Re: A question for the US members.

To add a bit of context:

I'm on my 3rd and 4th pair of RedWings, having purchased my first pair 36 years ago. I have worn out two pair of shoes, my low construction boots are nearing the end of their life as the leather is cracking pretty severely. I don't wear my Ropers very often, so they've got lots of life left in them. The two pair of shoes and the low-boot have all been my main footwear, getting 50% of usage for 5-10 years each. Both pair of shoes that expired did so due to cracking of the uppers.

If I could get another pair of my Made In USA low boots today, I would do so in a flash.
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