Prayers for my wife and family.

Wow, sorry to hear...I read there’s really no treatment but any potential benefit from the Mrs seeing a specialty neurologist that has patients with this issue in the past? Maybe a course of immune modulators? I’m not a neurologist but I wonder if there’s more treatments for these inflammatory conditions.

My best to you.
Wow, you have a bit of a load to deal thoughts go your way to all those who need it. Take care of yourself so you can be as helpful as possible.
Small steps, just keep swimming.
My thoughts and good vibes to you, sir. Sorry to hear of your family's challenges but glad you posted about them. Please keep us, (your virtual fam), in the loop.
Tom, we haven't met, but been on this forum long enough to feel like I know you.. Best wishes going forward.. Stan
Hey, Tom. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as well. One of our neighbors who is a close friend has been dealing with Parkinsons for a number of years. One tough disease, that's for sure. Glad you achieve some relief from our forum. It's one great, supportive community.
Awwww...Tom, I'm so sorry to hear all of this. These trials shouldn't happen to anybody.

Positive thoughts coming your way for a smooth passage through these stormy waters.

Tom, I hope 2020 sees your family through the troubles and into calmer, less-troubled waters. I can't imagine the load you're carrying.

Strength and peace to you.
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