Ohio Ride - Interest for Saturday, November 7th?

Sep 21, 2020
Central Ohio
2009 ST1300
Hi Ohio ST Friends,
Weather is looking good for Saturday - high of 68 degrees and sunny. I was thinking about a ride in Southern Ohio with a meet up in Chillicothe, then a ride on the roads south towards Shawnee State Forest (site of OH-STOC next June) ultimately ending in Portsmouth. Then folks can decide where to go from there - straight to RT23 to Columbus and parts north or south to your base.
Any interest? I ride a conservative The Pace on the twisty roads but thought it might be fun if anyone is interested.
Thanks, John
Gotta pass for the season, bikes are down....mbe spring. My style is hit twists pretty good, cruise the straights.

I see you are also a VFR guy..... I have had continuous VFRs for 20 yrs...
Thanks for the update. Pity about the bikes being up. I try to ride as long as possible.
My comments about The Pace was to imply riding within the limits of the group. In my prior MSTA experience, some of the riders would go 90-100 mph on the straights on public roads. I keep it reasonable, no sense is speeding like that endangering other and themselves. The best ride is the one we all get home safely from to ride another day!
In my prior MSTA experience, some of the riders would go 90-100 mph on the straights on public roads.
You wouldn't happen to be referring to this year's Kentucky Rally would you?
There was a pack of FJRs that our group reeled in...only to see them go warp speed when the roads straightened. They were fun to watch in the curves; like sidewinders in the desert.
Well, the direct route for me would take 6:40, not including any stopping. I could ride by the Canaan and Shawnee parks on the way, which would make the trip ten hours. Or, I could say that's way too far for lunch. :shrug1:
Proposed Route:
  1. Starting Point: Chillicothe - Crispie Creme Donu Shop 47 N. Bridge St, Chillicothe
  2. South on Route 772
  3. Straight on Tennyson Road to stay on 772
  4. 772 ends at Rarden - take 73 South
  5. 73 South to Otway - to 348
  6. 348 to Blue Creek Road - straight to stay on Blue Creek Road
  7. Blue Creek Road to 125 East
  8. 125 to Shawnee State Park - Photo Op for OH-STOC 2021!
  9. 125 to 52
  10. 52 to Portsmouth
  11. Lunch at Portsmouth Brewing Co: http://portsmouthohbrewing.com/ 224 Second St. Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
0900 will work for me. Got a route in mind or do you want to chase me around? I'm used to that!
Pat: Would you be willing to create a GPS file for this route for those that will use it? I don't have a nav system set up yet for the bike.
Starting at Crispie Creme! Oh man, you're killin' me!! Bestest donuts around!!

I'll work up the route. I'll also have a return route with some more fun, if interested.
Starting at Crispie Creme! Oh man, you're killin' me!! Bestest donuts around!!

I'll work up the route. I'll also have a return route with some more fun, if interested.
Thanks - I appreciate that. Depending on time some of the riders might need to head home but good to have options!
I did see the sign that it was voted BEST DONUT so it is obligatory that we try one before heading out!
OK, I've worked up John's route, starting from Crispie Creme to Portsmouth Brewing Company, with a return route back to Chillicothe, if desired.

Looking forward to it!


  • NovSTRideRev2.gpx
    345.9 KB · Views: 10
OK, I've worked up John's route, starting from Crispie Creme to Portsmouth Brewing Company, with a return route back to Chillicothe, if desired.

Looking forward to it!
Thanks Pat. Is there a way to share a Cue Sheet outside of the GPX file?
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