Mid-O-Week Cafe - May 1

Dec 26, 2019
Bahama, North Carolina USA
2003 ST1300
Yes, yes it's May again - seems like only a year ago it was...
Coffee's on. It's hot and awaiting your imbibation.
Grab a mug, fill it from the jug, and shove it in yer mug!

All good here on the ranch.
I'm recovering from a sore back (ouch) - lifting large hydraulic cylinders isn't recommended.
Too bad they don't make M&M Ibuprofen, I'm eating them like candy.
Hmmm, maybe gummies?

The weather's gittin' hot again here on the Piedmont.
I'd better get those shrubs planted soon...
“Bring me a shrubbery,” demands the giant Knight, adding, “One that looks nice... And not too expensive.”

Y'all have a winderfill day!

Well I never, another month and it's the month of May. Mug me up fella. Ethel do want a coffee........I got the look that sank a thousand ships. Pffffffftttttt. I wished I never asked.
It's foggy, how foggy.......looks up......I can't see my feet. We might see 54 and we may see rain. Who knows?
Who cares? Besides Sadlsor........obviously!
What will today bring to my fingers, I need to make some Basil Pesto, have you seen the crap they put in the shop bought stuff. So after that, I might sort the Crit'Air registration out for The B in France later this year, might not and The B.....what's next on the agenda......change brake fluid. That'll be satisfyingly grubby and my hands need exfoliating. Pesto first though.
So what will May bring....prosperity, health, warm sun upon our bodies, riding days, I spose we'll just have to wait and wait and wait and see? But there's only 31 days of it so I spose I should get started.
Av a gud un and remember, “Without labour, nothing prospers." Pffffffftttttt.
Good morning everyone

Thanks for getting us going Nick! Hope your back feels better soon.

It's 61°F in Rockville, says the weather gadget on my computer, but 66 according to the thermostat control thingy in the wall. Which to believe...? I'll go with "low-to-mid 60s" for the win. It's also cloudy but supposed to turn to mostly sunny by 0800 hours or so.

Had a nice front porch session yesterday despite the absence of several regulars who are already or soon will be away.

the look that sank a thousand ships

1 milliHelen = the amount of beauty required to launch a single ship.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
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Morning all and thanks for the coffee Nick.

4C for the ride into work today, but it's sunny. Highs should reach 13C. Not a heat wave at all, but better than snow.

Going to be one of those days today and I'm already 4 tasks behind.

Hope everyone has an excellent day!
Thx Nick!
Got the OBO-disease ( not the new bike buying thing…the other one), need lots of coffee.
No sleep last night.

It’s Mrs Stus’ birthday today.
Hope my snot won’t drip into the soup.
The guests are the usual suspects.

Extremely hot here today, 22˚c/72f, windy and sunny.

Have a better one!

From the summer archives…..Vikafjellet
Good morning, all. Thanks for the start, Nick

55/84 with plenty of sun. Maybe oil change day. Maybe mowing. Maybe sit on the deck with the dog.

Saw my first Cicada evidence yesterday. They’re coming’.


Good morning, folks, and thanks for the coffee, Nick!

Well, it's May Day. No holiday here, though, we do that sort of thing in September. And there will be no dancing naked around poles, either...it's still a mite chilly and we'll have rain on and off all day. And getting the image of soggy, naked people of all shapes and sizes suffering varying degrees of 'sag' and 'shrinkage' will require something stronger than ibuprofen, methinks. Maybe gummies?

7°C/45°F to 14°C/57°F are the magic numbers for today. We might see the sun for an hour or two, but I won't hold my breath. Tonight should be good - I'm meeting up with my entire former Communications team, all of whom have now left the organization. The last one had been on maternity leave and came back just as I was about to leave. She lasted all of two weeks before running screaming into the night! Anyhoo, we're all getting together for pizza in Montreal's Little Italy neighbourhood, should be fun. I'll have to leave room for some tiramisu.

Everyone have a great day, stay safe and go safely. And don't forget the second shrubbery...but then, when you have found the shrubbery, place it here beside this shrubbery, only slightly higher so you get the two-level effect with a little path running down the middle.

Ni!! (Shh! Shh!)
Morning all, time for my first cup, thank you Nick.

I rode to a burger house last night to fix a computer the new guy / fired guy (stay tuned) couldn't fix for the last 4 weeks, I just found out yesterday. Nice hour-long ride, temps started in the mid-70s and had dropped to low 60s by 1030 when I finished.

Yeah, Joseph (new guy / fired guy) just hasn't been able to tote the load. He's called me for help which is not so bad, but doesn't seem to grasp basic PC concepts, or troubleshooting.

The manager (who I'd never met, it's a new store) told me Joseph spends a lot of time flirting with the girls working there. Inappropriate comments, making some very uncomfortable, and while I was working found out he was actually on a date with a 20yr old girl he met there.

Had to call the VP when I learned all this. Sexual harassment means big lawsuits. HUGE. It could put the company I work for out of business, worst case, or at least have them lose the national contract with this burger chain.

Yeah, Joseph is history.

The VP is in CA (not Canada), and I've never met her, but she's always been very good to me with my present limited availability, generous with payment for long distance stores, and we have the same values for customer service. She was horrified, obviously, but has 6 more folks she's considering for hire.

Wow, look what time it is!

So that's the news from the Magic City, where the women are strong, the men are good looking, and all the kids are above average.**

One last cup, for now, and I'll leave all my friends here to carry on.

**With apologies to Prairie Home Companion. The description may apply to Lake Woebegone in Minnesota, but I don't see how it applies to Alabama.
Good morning, and thanks for the coffee start, Nick.

It's foggy and 43 in MA this morning, becoming cloudy and rising to 63.
We might see a passing shower, as well.

Yesterday, I went over to my friend's restaurant and cut up all of the pallets that he needed removed from the back of his place.
I noticed a bunch of dead leaves behind the pallets, so went back with the leaf blower and cleaned everything up, as well as the cigarette butts in front.
Gym came after lunch, and I FINALLY got the proper belt onto the mower deck.

Today, I'll go back to the gym and back to my friend's place to throw the pallet residue into his (hopefully) now-empty dumpster.
I haven't been to the Outback trail area for a while, so I might try that.

Have a great day,
good morning all. thanks for the coffee Nick. 59F on the dog walk with bright moon, stars and a clear sky. dog found a flat rattlesnake by the side of the road. he almost made it across the road but something heavy got him. that was the 3rd rattler I seen in 4 weeks. 2 flat ones and a live one in my back yard that F.D. came and got him as he was close to a 22cal ending his day. got gym today and think I'll take the truck to get some run time on it. or maybe the ST not sure. high should be 89F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks for the best start this month Nick!

All this chat about gummy’s!
I’m not too impressed with the gummy thing!

Another beauty day here in Woodstock!
Currently 55F rising to 70 with a SSW breeze and a passing shower later on.

Ray, it looks like there is only one connector bolt assembly, there should be one on each side = end of issue.
Anything to remove weight!
Just my $0.02 worth!
Enjoy your first day of May!
Morning all! 6C and clear with a high of 14C to come.

The new knee is coming along great. So of course the other one has decided to go. A feller just can't catch a break. Got a referral lined up back to the surgeon. This getting old stuff ain't for the faint of heart. I may need a gummie or two myself. Though all this talk of gummies has stuck that dang Gummie
bear song in my head.....you're welcome :D.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Something about a parrot on my tv.....

Thanks sir Nick.
Morning all, sunny and bright here. Going to low 60s today.

First off it is a hump day... secondary it is the first of May. Hurray, hurray for the first of May, for it is national outdoor ________ day..!!

No plans for me today. I need one more corner post to finish the last section of fence. Really don't want to drive 150 miles roundtrip for one post.
Oh darn, project delayed till next trip to town. Better get the bike out.

Hope everyone has a wonderful wednesaturday.
Good morning all!
Thanks for the best start this month Nick!

All this chat about gummy’s!
I’m not too impressed with the gummy thing!

Another beauty day here in Woodstock!
Currently 55F rising to 70 with a SSW breeze and a passing shower later on.

Ray, it looks like there is only one connector bolt assembly, there should be one on each side = end of issue.
Anything to remove weight!
Just my $0.02 worth!
Enjoy your first day of May!
Yes, I see what you mean now, and it may have helped and there is room. With the rubber washer and O'rings it should be actually a little more cushioned, time will tell. They're promising a riding day in June, they didn't say which year!
The original O'rings were incorrectly sized oil O'rings from what I could tell. Worse than useless.
Morning Nick & All from mixed Sun & clouds in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 55F, heading for 64F (and it's supposed to freeze tonight! :censored: , which means I'll have to remove the hoses from the faucets outside.) The winds are already blowing from the N @ 10mph, and later 12 to 22 mph.

With Chris's wish to put one of the trees where my gravel pile is, I started moving. Of course, where I decided to put it, I had my big rocks sitting, so I had to move them first! I'll continue on moving the gravel today. If I finish that, I'll be moving dirt, from the "dirt pile" to the front to bring up the area where I put the landscaping block. I checked with they folks I'll be getting the top soil from, so I need to bring up the fill dirt up, about 8 inches.

And I still have the 2004 in pieces, so I have plenty to keep me busy!

Lazyman's breakfast. Pepsi to come later.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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