Metzler Z8 feedback

Very similar in compound to the Z6, but much different tread pattern. After trying a Z8 front, I prefer the Z6. Did not try the rear, but they look good and I would give it a try if I didn't have a car tire.
I put on a Z8 rear tire about 30 miles ago. As soon as I get a few more miles on the tire I will provide some feedback. The tire that it replaced was a PR2. I still have a PR2 front tire on the bike.
I just ordered a pair of Z8's for my '06 ST1300, should have them mounted later in the week. I'll be sure to post back on my initial impressions. This will be interesting, as both the bike and the tires are new to me.
I have a long-standing habit of getting (a lot) more miles than most out of a given tire, but most of that's based on 150k miles of experience on my trusty ol' ST1100, FrankenSteed. We'll see how that translates to the 13, given the additional power available and my propensity to enjoy a quick launch :)
I put a few hundred miles on my Z8 rear tire this weekend (mostly highway) and the ride was much improved over a squared-off PR rear tire. Hope to try it out on some twisties this Saturday for a real test. Initial impressions are pretty good though.
I just ordered a pair of Z8's for my '06 ST1300, should have them mounted later in the week. I'll be sure to post back on my initial impressions. This will be interesting, as both the bike and the tires are new to me.
I have a long-standing habit of getting (a lot) more miles than most out of a given tire, but most of that's based on 150k miles of experience on my trusty ol' ST1100, FrankenSteed. We'll see how that translates to the 13, given the additional power available and my propensity to enjoy a quick launch :)

Ya needs to change your avatar...
Ya needs to change your avatar...


Well, after about 1200 miles with the Z8s, I just say I am liking the tires. I've ridden them in both wet and dry, and I'm quite satisfied with the "stick." Cornering is very neutral, and inspires confidence. Now we will see how they stack up as they age, and just how many miles I will get out of them :)
I had mine installed a couple of weeks ago (just the front tire) and they seem great. I had on a Michelin PR2 before which was another great tire.
I now have about 2,500 miles on a Z8 rear tire (PR2 front). Had the good fortune a few weeks back to ride a few good roads in Western NC and Eastern TN. The tire inspired confidence in the twisties and I was very happy with its performance in some spirited riding. The front tire (a PR2) is making a howling noise and I may replace it sometime soon with a Z8.

The only negative experience I had with the Z8 rear was a bit of a "wiggle" on a hot day riding over tar snakes chasing some ST's heading at a quick pace towards Robbinsville, NC. Not sure it was a reflection of the tire's performance, more of an issue with the road conditions and the need to repave that stretch of road (not just patch it up with tar).
I now have about 2,500 miles on a Z8 rear tire (PR2 front). Had the good fortune a few weeks back to ride a few good roads in Western NC and Eastern TN. The tire inspired confidence in the twisties and I was very happy with its performance in some spirited riding. The front tire (a PR2) is making a howling noise and I may replace it sometime soon with a Z8.

The only negative experience I had with the Z8 rear was a bit of a "wiggle" on a hot day riding over tar snakes chasing some ST's heading at a quick pace towards Robbinsville, NC. Not sure it was a reflection of the tire's performance, more of an issue with the road conditions and the need to repave that stretch of road (not just patch it up with tar).

I also had the tar snake wiggle with my new Z6's. My Conti Road Attacks never were bothered by the critters.
I'm curious to see what kind of mileage you'll get on your Z8's.
ride safe and let us know.
I now have about 2,500 miles on a Z8 rear tire (PR2 front). Had the good fortune a few weeks back to ride a few good roads in Western NC and Eastern TN. The tire inspired confidence in the twisties and I was very happy with its performance in some spirited riding. The front tire (a PR2) is making a howling noise and I may replace it sometime soon with a Z8.

The only negative experience I had with the Z8 rear was a bit of a "wiggle" on a hot day riding over tar snakes chasing some ST's heading at a quick pace towards Robbinsville, NC. Not sure it was a reflection of the tire's performance, more of an issue with the road conditions and the need to repave that stretch of road (not just patch it up with tar).

I also experienced this on a hot road this weekend. I don't blame the Z8 tire but perhaps the tire snake itself. I stood on one of these in a parking lot once and it will surprise you how much side to side movement there is on one.
I also experienced this on a hot road this weekend. I don't blame the Z8 tire but perhaps the tire snake itself. I stood on one of these in a parking lot once and it will surprise you how much side to side movement there is on one.

Tire Snake? We're talkin' about TAR Snakes! :D

I had a nice price for two pairs of Z8s for my ST. Put on my first pair end of april for my trip down south to Florida with a return through the Smokies, the Blue Ridge and back home near Montreal. Roughly 9500 kms. They were replacing Bridgestone Battlax 023. Please note that I'm a very soft rider more inclined into economy and mileage than pure performance.

I started the trip with temperatures in the upper 30's (F). The tires were completely new so I had to be careful. Rolled on them for about 2 hrs before the temperature started raising in New Hampshire. Right from the start I felt very confortable with the tires. They have a better grip and are smoother at high speed than the Battlax 023. And I perceived more "feel" with them than the 023. The 023s are more silent though.

The warm weather started in Virginia to become hot in the Carolinas. On both backroads and interstate, the grip and confort remained the same than on colder roads. I will say those tires are good for all conditions. In Florida, it was torrid with upper 90s on south 95 and the tires started squaring off a little. Although I check tire pressure every second day, I had the feeling the rear tire was loosing firmness. It was effectively loosing a little air pressure but I must also mention the Metzeler rear tire is rated at 42lbs max. I was heavy on luggage for the trip and I wonder if lower air capacity is a factor in the squaring off. Note that the Battax 023 had a first trip to the Blue Ridge under hot conditions too, and never squared off until the end of his life.

The Z8s performed admirably back through the Blue Ridge. I felt more confortable on them through the sweepers and sharp curves. Scraped the pedals a few times with absolute confidence. I had some heavy rain conditions on Alabama backroads for a couple of hours and they gripped very well but cannot attest of any other experience in wet conditions.

I'm at 13 000 kms on them, and some swithbacks in Vermont and Tracy Road NY finally got the rear tire to slide a little. Nothing to get nervous but a sign. Although there is some thread left on the top of the tire, at sight good for another 3-4000 kms, I'm thinking about changing the rear tire. The front one is still good and could handle a lot more mileage. In this sense, the front Z8 tire seems to be more durable than the Battlax 023.

Overall, with the exception of durability on the rear tire and noise level at high speed, I prefer the Z8 for the general feel of the road and gripping. Both the Battlax 023 and Z8 are stable reliable tires with superior longevity for a heavy bike like the ST 1300. A little edge to the longevity of the 023 rear tire and the Z8 front tire.

On the minus side, the 42 lbs limit on the rear tire doesn't give a lot of room if traveling heavy or with a passenger.
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What kind of longevity have people been seeing from the Z8's? Shorter or longer life than the Z6's?

The Z6 was my 'go-to' tire for awhile, but I struggled to get much more than 6000 miles out of a rear. I'm currently trying my first set of PR3's to see how they do. Biggest change for me is more 2-up riding, so no doubt that'll have a negative effect on the life span of my rear tire.
On the minus side, the 42 lbs limit on the rear tire doesn't give a lot of room if traveling heavy or with a passenger.

Most MC tires say 42 on the side wall...... I routinely ran 43-45 on my rear Z6's and have found they last about 2000 km more since the heat doesn't build up as much. I don't see a reason not to on a Z8.
Well I finished up my first and last Z8 last night. I don't have a picture of it but it really squared off in the middle very early and did not feel good on the pavement for the last 2000 kms or so. The sides were near the wear bars in some places and I could really feel the changes in pavement on the road which felt like riding on tar snakes at times. I had the Z8 inflated to the Honda recommended 36 lbs and I only got 8000 kms out of it. Every other tire I had has lasted at least 12,000 kms - 15,000 kms. I went back to my favourite tire so far (Michelin PR2) and the bike feels brand new again. Others may feel differently but I would never use this model again, however I did have good results with a Z6 rear tire one time.
Have any of you used the Metzeler 880s, and can compare them to the Z8s? I had 880's on my Suzuki GS850G, and loved them, but that waas now many years ago and tires change and improve, over the years. I am also a relatively soft rider, although the Bee seems to have trouble staying under 75 on highways...
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