It's the Saturday Café.

Feb 25, 2016
Northumberland UK
VStrom 650
April 27th.
Just in case you were wonderin. Or is it incase? I need coffee, the French Roast is ready, help ya'selves and the croissants are baking and will be ready in a jiffy. There's a choice of blackcurrant jam or three fruit marmalade to accompany the Austrian pastry. Pffffffftttttt.
It's a frosty start at 26 to 50, should stay dry and bright after yesterdays further light snow showers. It could be another ice age?.......meh. The gritters have reapplied salt so the roads will be horrible for a while. Pffffffftttttt.
I have decreed that today will be steady. Don't blame me if it ain't.
Av a gud un and remember, the croissants are ready.
If you're wondering whether to write in case or incase, you're not alone. Many people mix up these two spellings. You should always write in case, with a space separating the two words, because it is the correct spelling. Incase isn't a real word, it's just a misspelling of the verb encase or the phrase in case.

Now we know.
Thx for coffee, food and grammar lesson Ray!
What a start!

Yesterday was a all day Peter day, as he had a bit of Obo-disease and thus was shut out of kindergarten.
He wasn’t picked up until 20:30.

Today will include a coastal walk, a drive to Skudenes, some bike work, marinating scampi, drinking beer ( testing out a swedish brewery,Norrlands guld….:eek:)

12˚c/54f, sunny, little wind, it’s spring….maybe.

Have a good one, and please excuse any miss spellings!

Another nice sunset last night….
Thx for coffee, food and grammar lesson Ray!
What a start!

Yesterday was a all day Peter day, as he had a bit of Obo-disease and thus was shut out of kindergarten.
He wasn’t picked up until 20:30.

Today will include a coastal walk, a drive to Skudenes, some bike work, marinating scampi, drinking beer ( testing out a swedish brewery,Norrlands guld….:eek:)

12˚c/54f, sunny, little wind, it’s spring….maybe.

Have a good one, and please excuse any miss spellings!

Another nice sunset last night….
Was drinking this last night. The alc volume is not a misprint.
Gud Mourning All!
Happy Saturday to youse!
Thanks for all the speling lessons and the coffee, Ray!
But exspecially for the wonderfil jam an pastrys.

Sorry to hear about the salty roads and such.
Nothin worser than that.

My son says he's coming up to work on his car taday.
I hope he gets it all dun. Usually it takes longer than he thinks.
But how many of us do that one eh?

Anyways, y'all have a winderfill day!

Good morning, and thanks for the coffee and goodies, Ray.

32 and sunny in Loudon, NH this morning, going to the mid-60s, later.

Yesterday's track event was interesting. We had a number of crashes in our turns (3-10), and got to deal with an EZ-up that floated onto the track into turn 10. (Just think of it as a sand trap)

Today, we'll be back for more, but this time we'll be racing, instead of practicing.
They've brought in a crew of corner marshals from another group, so we'll get to work with them, as well. I met some of them yesterday, and they look like a good crew.

Enjoy the day,
Good morning everyone

Thanks for the French roast and croissants Ray.

It's 52°F in Richmond VA, with a 70 percent chance of a light shower around the time I was planning to hit the road. I may rethink my departure time. It's planned as a short mileage day so I have the luxury of being able to wait out the weather.

I'm a guest at a WarmShowers house. They're converting the basement into space dedicated to use by wandering cyclists. It's wonderful, and my host is very outgoing and friendly. We enjoyed a couple beers and good dinner at the local brewpub last night; breakfast today will be at a bagel shop nearby.

Good ride yesterday and lots of it slightly downhill to boot, but I was still whacked by the time I got done.

Stay safe and well everyone and tell your dear ones you love them.
Good morning, all. Thanks for the coffee, Ray. The croissants are nice, but I was hoping for some synonym buns, like grammar used to make.

A nice, partly cloudy, 70 degrees start. High will be 81, with 30 MPH winds. This afternoon involves a graduation party for a grandson that just finished an electrician’s course at a local vocational school. Soon, he’ll be that guy that charges $200+ to replace a light switch.

Morning all and thanks for the coffee Ray.

-3C and sunny, headed to 10C.

Not ideal bike picking up weather but I'll be like the onion Shrek referenced and dress in layers. Hopefully no skiing home.

Leaving the house shortly for the hour+ drive to get the new beast. Running behind schedule, but that's the story of everything in my life except my premature birth.

Hope you all have an excellent day and I'll chat at you later most likely.


PS: Stu, I'll try and keep my germs over this way to keep little Peter safe in the future. As for the 10% that's almost hand sanitizer territory.

Golden wings for lunch on the ride home? Seems appropriate.

Good morning all, and thanks for the coffee and Pattyseries, Ray! Oh, and seeing as we're doing a mini grammar review this morning, I'll add my two cents' worth:

it's = contraction of "it is"
its = belonging to it
who's = contraction of "who is"
whose = belonging to whom
and last, but not least (this one drives this editor nuts...and so many people do it): there is no apostrophe in a plural!! "It's the company that offers the best benefits package to its employees" (not "its the company that offers the best benefits package to it's employee's").

Now, settle down, class, or you'll all get detention! And no croissants!

Right, where were we? Lovely day. A few clouds, but very bright, nonetheless. Rain this evening, though. The temperature is the best part - today's high will be 18°C/64°F! Wheeee. The birds seem to like it, they're chirping up a storm (and there's another one: "they're (they are)" vs "their (belonging to them)". Yeesh).

And on that note, I bid you all a wonderful day. Stay safe, go safely and happy trails to everyone on the road.


kinda summertime here, kitschy blue skies, >20°C...

So after two decent cups I stepped on my GF's rooftop, inspecting the (Eco-fascism-mandatory) DHW solar collector...
a good thing I didn't celebrate with any distillates last night... ;)


Those imbeciles didn't install an automatic bleeder... no wonder the crap starts gargling like a flushing toilet at times... :rolleyes:
Of course must such be a special type, featuring auto-close at high temps... € 122,- + P&P... plus the required T-fitting to attach it...
I will also have to check the grade of frost protection of the glycol charge with my refractometer...
The stuff is over 5 years old, likely overdue...

So, another project imminent... it just never stops...

the robo mower circles silently, some residents burning chunks of raw meat over open fires... don't ya just love the smell of spring... <barf> :biggrin:

have a great day everyone... :cool:
Morning all! 9C and rain. It will bounce between 9 and 10C all day.

It was a bit of a fractured sleep night between the post surgical pup and my walnut bladder. Going to head back to bed soon to see if I can grab another hour or so.

Then it will be off to Costco....on a weekend......shudder......

Safe travels Obo and enjoy the ride home on the new bike! Keith, I hope things dry up for you.

Hope everyone has a great day!
All this grammar funny business going on early of a morning. But it will certainly provide cover for any typos this time, heck, I may not even go back and correct them.

Thanks for the coffee Ray, I think I'll pass on the delectables in case @Mellow cruises by my way on his ride back west to Tejas. I promised him we'd meet for breakfast, if he had the time.

Last night I went with Roz to see the Black Jacket Symphony perform the Abbey Road album at the civic center's Concert Hall. I was originally to only be the driver for her and her friend Becky, but Becky's dog hit sick in the car several times on her drive up from Montgomery, so those two went back home for some dog aid. The dog got better.

BJS always puts on a great show, but we saw them do the White Album a year or two ago, so I wasn't all that interested. The only gripe I have about last night was their sound board operator kept everything turned up too loud. There was no nuance, and no dynamics (forte to piano), it was all at mezo-forte.

Some songs, like Yesterday, Because and Here Comes the Sun deserve to be heard in appropriate dynamic range, so that part was a bit of a letdown. Roz had a good time, and as a verified Beatles fan she sang every word to every song.

Everyone sitting near us had gray hair, white hair or no hair. We all were listening to Beatles music 50 and 60 years ago... and still to this day. What happens to Time, anyway? Old people have been wrestling with that question... since the beginning of Time.

Well, I see that some of y'all are busy already, so carry on with your days. Thanks for letting me drink coffee here, and blather for a while.
good morning all. thank you Ray for the coffee. 51F on the dog walk with clear skies and moon to enjoy. this time the moon did not out shine the stars. yesterday went well. did the gym went to lunch and then to a Dr. appointment that also went well. April is Parkinson awareness month and the gym is having an open house from 9:30 to 2pm with speakers and lunch. wife and I are going up around 10:30 or so. then back home to rescreen some of my SIL window screens. some where in there should be time for a short nap. the high should hit 75F. enjoy the day

stay safe
Good morning all!
Thanks for the start Ray!
I thank you for the grammar lessons this morning, however most lessons fall on deaf earsthese days!

Cool & wet morning here in Woodstock!
Considerable cloudiness, windy & mild with a couple of thunderstorms later on, with a high of 68.

I traveled up to Wellesley this morning and had breakfast with my pal Sean, always fun to catch up on things!
More of that later on this evening, as a group of us retirees are planning an evening of merrymaking and reliving old times from the sweatbox!
I hope to survive that mostly sober, so I can travel home at the end of said festivities!

I’m sure we’ll hear from @Obo later!
That machine is a beast!
Enjoy your Saturday!
Morning Ray & All, from another wet weather day, in Southern Utah!

Currently it is 39F, heading for 52F, with the winds already blowing from the NNE @ 12 to 14mph and later, from the N@12 to 23mph.

With Chris home yesterday, I didn't get a whole lot done, but I spent an hour on the 2004 to find out why it was leaking coolant. When I replaced all of the hoses on it back in like 2020, I guess I missed tightening one of the small hose clamps on the TEE going to the radiator. How it didn't just pop off, I don't know! :think1:


So I tighten it and we should be good now. I'll strip off the other side of the tupperware and start adding my FARKLEs.

Boiled eggs, bacon, toast & OJ. Peps to come later.

Anyone :bl13:, have a great day on the roads! :hat3:
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