Flat Ridge Road, VA

On the way home from Campstoc, my GPS took a "shortcut" through Flat Ridge Road a little bit west of Galax, VA, turning right off of Hwy 16 and ending up in Sugar Grove, VA. It has to be the most crooked road that I've ever seen in my life. Tighter turns than the Dragon, it included switchback, spiral curves, extreme elevation changes, ess curves, a couple of whoop-de-dos, and one Jesus Take the Wheel. Not bad pavement, considering it was in the middle of who knows where. I think it's 11 miles, but the directions say 35 minutes travel time. 11 miles, and I didn't meet a single vehicle!

If anyone travels through this area, ride this route and give me your opinion.

I live at the end of this road and ride it on days I just need a quick ride to clear my mind. I just got back from a ride
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